Sleeping and Passerby Heroine

Sleeping and Passerby Mistress Chapter 338

She still didn't recall what she said, perhaps because she didn't have much real feelings.

"I said, if you are self-salvation, use your life to redeem your sins, if you fall in love with me, then use your life to stay by my side," he kissed her gently, "tonight's moonlight It's so beautiful."


No promises are required.

"Then...what about Shiba and Eiri?"

Qian Yi asked tentatively.

"Just like Shiyu-senpai's father, Qianyi you."


"Are you sure to convince me, Shiba-senpai, and Ying Riri's parents?"

"...and many more!"

"Hey~ can't we even be able to pay for milk powder in the future?"

"Yes, did anyone tell you something?"

What Mr. Xianyi and Zhu Yin had hinted to themselves.

If you want to achieve this breakthrough in ethics and want to get this too extravagant love, you need to strengthen the greater the ability to become their shield.

"Who knows~"

She didn't answer directly, just hugged him tightly.

Answer, there are many times when you don’t need to use language.

So...what about Zhu Yin?

Chapter Sixty-Nine may be attacked

Ying Lili knows what it means to let Xiaohui and Qianyi go back home alone.

This is equivalent to telling them clearly: "You two go on your honeymoon."

What will happen in this process, a three-year-old child can imagine with his toes. It must be what Mom and Dad did when they locked the door at night. She could not not do it, and he could not bear it, because the woman was the one. Kato, no matter how many twists and turns, or even the ethically absurd things, she has never abandoned him and captured him.

To be fair, Ying Lili thinks that she cannot withdraw this decision, even if she is very dissatisfied with the behavior of the two of them going out for'honeymoon', this is equivalent to naked'showing affection' and publicly declaring'derailment'. It is impossible for any other woman to close one eye.

However, the other party is Xiaohui.

Is it his best friend, or a soulmate who guides him when he is feeling confused, will seriously understand his work, treat himself as an ordinary girl, is his only friend... Well, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu is an enemy!

While thinking about these irrelevant things, Ying Lili stared at the computer screen and painted. The room reverberated with the hum of the machine and the crisp keyboard tapping. The sound without any regularity can easily be annoying, let alone From time to time there is pocky chewy mixed with it.


Ying Lili sighed. She is now sitting cross-legged on a chair that is not familiar in black and white.

"Kaji Kaji."

There was the sound of eating, as if the volume was increased to reach her ears.



There was the sound of drinking something, the volume was obviously intentional!This woman...!

"Hey! I said how could you be so calmly here while coding words while having afternoon tea? Now I ask you to record some lazy afternoon tea show on fm!"

Ying Lili couldn't bear it.

"Ah, Sawamura, if I remember correctly, this should be my room. The chair you are stepping on is also mine, and the computer you use is mine. I didn’t even care about you. Before I installed the messy software on my computer, not only did you not leave, but you were still here to rebel?"

It was Shiyu who answered her, because there was only one desk in the room. After Ying Lili took over, Shiyu of the original owner could only sit on the bed, but no matter how delicate the place was, she was in every move. Can bring elegance and maturity, and this is what makes Yinglili crazy.

"...Well, isn't this, I just need to do some exercise after eating."

Ying Lili was a little hesitating, and her face flushed embarrassingly. Indeed, after dinner, she came over on her own face, and there was no reason for it. In fact, it was because the reason was too simple and naive to speak.

'I want to hear you complain with me, the same hatred.'

How can this type of words be spoken.

"Hehe, don't you say that I almost forgot it, Sawamura, aren't you the best at'anti-visitor'? Especially good at forcibly showing off the lower limit of being an 18-ban painter when others don't know it."

For example, install messy software on someone else's computer, and then start drawing 18 prohibited works.

"Hey!..." Lily, Ying Lili lacked air, "It doesn't need to be so excessive."

"To be honest, you--"

Shiyu was emotionally up, and the emotions that had accumulated in her heart were about to go out, but Ying Lili's grieved expression made her feel clear.

"Hey, two, uh, two women who stay and work at home under the name of work, uh, uh! Yes, what can I say."

Shi Yu hiccups suddenly.

"What happened to you suddenly."

Ying Lili looked at Shi Yu amusedly.

"What's so good, uh! Good, funny!"

Shi Yu pressed her chest, her expression very uncomfortable.


Ying Lili excitedly leaned to Shi Yu's side, her vigorous appearance looked like a puppy wagging its tail to express herself.


"Hey, are you uncomfortable?"

Shiyu rolled her eyes and resisted the urge to hiccup.

"Uncomfortable? It must be uncomfortable?"

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