Slime Girl

Chapter 101

- Shari -

The first thing I do is stuffing everything I'll need into the small bags we got as part of our equipment so that I leave everything I won't need during the next few days here.

This includes our dried provisions, which I hope won't decay in the meantime.

They were made to keep for a while, so they should still be edible when we get back.

The new bags can store everything I need like all my weaponry and even a change of clothes.

So I'm fine.

We naturally also take the coats we were provided to avoid any unnecessary incidents out on the street.

After I'm confident that I have prepared everything necessary we move out to meet up with the others for our first mission.

When I arrive, everyone is already ready.

The carriage Jaren got is really nothing special.

Just a thing probably used to transport goods.

Or troops in the case that riding isn't an option.

It still seems to be sturdy.

Nonetheless, I grow a bit worried when Liqu starts to climb on that thing.


The sound is worrisome, but it appears that she won't break right through it.

I still have no idea how weight distribution works for slimes.

Next, I as well try to sit comfortably down in the carriage.

At least it doesn't creak below me as much as it did for her.

The carriage is barely big enough to contain all members of our team.

Jaren takes the reins on the front seat and the rest of us stay in the open wagon.

Balion sits naturally close to Vela.

Galos is next to him, Elin and Niboku on the opposite side.

Especially Balion makes me worried since I haven't had good experiences with love-obsessed people.

Fortunately, the horses don't seem to notice who they are carrying this time.

Would've been bad if they freak out now.

Then we're moving out.

We drive along the road first to the small settlement which lies on the crossroad of the main route and the path to the count's estate.

We had this little incident in the tavern here.

After this, we head north.

To say it frankly, this is uncomfortable.

I am here at close quarters and feel absolutely tense about everyone here.

I know I'm not on the best terms with these people here and they probably fear we might eat them.

And due to my nervousness, my body weirdly shifts and changes its composition beneath the cloak.

That's not the best base for a relaxed journey.

Nonetheless, I should at least try to do something about the tense atmosphere.

"Soooooo. Everything alright?" (Shari)

"What exactly? The fact that we're sharing this carriage with monsters or that we're going to fight another one in an absolutely disadvantageous environment?" (Vela)

"I guess both are important topics to discuss, but let's start with the first. Are we fine? No sudden urge to slash the slimes with a weapon?" (Shari)

"This wouldn't be too bad." (Liqu)

"I've talked to them. Balion? Galos? You're not going to complain, right?" (Vela)

"Tsk. It's still a bloody joke." (Balion)

More of a "slimy" joke if you ask me.

"I can't believe we're in this situation." (Galos)

"Well, it was your boss' idea. I had no influence on the decision. What I can promise is that I want some positive response from the higher-ups and like this will do my best to succeed on this mission and have no intention to leave anyone behind. Is that enough?" (Shari)

"Sigh. I think we can't ask for much more." (Vela)

"I have a question: Isn't a swamp bad for you? You're already liquid." (Niboku)

"It makes things a bit difficult. But calm waters shouldn't be a problem. Right, Liqu?" (Shari)

"I like the swamp. It's wet so there's no loss in mass even over extended periods of time. As long you keep your slime together there is no problem. You might just be more prone to leave mass behind if you're careless. So it's important to always pay attention to this. It's even possible to use dissolving on the water to get something out of it." (Liqu)

"Please not while we're close enough to be affected." (Elin)

"Okay." (Liqu)

It's kinda sad that Liqu had to be reminded about that.

"We haven't talked for a while Elin. Is everything working out for you?" (Shari)

"I won't complain. The weaponry training here isn’t really for me. Too clean. I can see how learning to calmly aim and shoot might help against a beast that got properly suppressed by a vanguard, but in a street fight they wouldn't survive with just that. As I said before, the rest is basic knowledge one can read in every guidebook in the guild." (Elin)

"It's good that you meet the expectations. There could be worse jobs." (Shari)

"Don't forget that I have a goal. And you as well." (Elin)

This sounds far too ambiguous to the other people present.

"Not anymore. We've done our part." (Shari)

"Sure. For me you did more than enough. However, you are on their death list. They will hunt and try to kill you. Or worse, look into your background." (Elin)

Sadly she's right.

By now someone might have reported our involvement with the incident in Ekoras to the bosses of this organization.

Or at least have drawn a connection between our conflict, Cid's untimely death, and our sudden disappearance from the town.

We left more than enough hints back then.

I would have to completely re-establish my identity and couldn't use my hard acquired guild card anymore.

"What are you talking about?" (Galos)

"Ehm, about the enemy?" (Shari)

"Enemy?" (Balion)

"Are you stupid? We're basically at war with an unknown opponent! Any idea how many of our comrades died when the young master's carriage was raided?" (Vela)

"I can confidently say we aren't ’t on good terms with those people." (Shari)

"Fine. Whatever." (Balion)

He still doesn't seem to like us, but stays at least quiet.

That helps.

We pass the settlement and whenever someone of the passersby is looking in our direction I hide my head a bit deeper within my cloak.

We might have our masks and the count's word, but this might still turn into a major incident if we get exposed without any prior preparation.

"So, now about our mission." (Shari)

"We will drive to the scene of the last attack. From there we will see if we can follow the traces back to the creature's lair. It's said to be big so there should be something like a trail to follow. I'm just worried about the terrain. When it starts to swim we might get problems. And the Velja Lake is said to be particularly tricky." (Jaren)

"I always wondered how such a place can exist this close to the capital." (Balion)

"If it's close to the capital, why do we have to do this? Why can't those nobles simply pay some adventurers to subjugate this thing?" (Galos)

"Because most adventurers aren't able or wouldn't want to deal with the area. It's extremely difficult to traverse, one can barely set up a camp on the wet ground, and the monsters might ambush from below the surface. But not just that, any injury one sustains might fester in this muddy water. Aside from that, the fact that the Ekoras-route is affected is enough to claim it's the count's responsibility. Even if he barely charges the merchants for their wares." (Vela)

"Why doesn't he?" (Shari)

"The Kahan family was always on the honorable side. They take just as much as they need for the administration of the land and for recruitment of troops to ensure the road is safe. However, while he could change this, the count's position might worsen if he does. There are too many noble lurkers in the shadows who would just be too eager to accuse him of trying to make Ekoras destitute for his personal gain and that he finally might have turned against his majesty." (Jaren)

Politics sound terribly complicated.

All I want is for no one to be trying to kill me, yet if the count loses his position all my carefully planned efforts will crumble into dust.

Worse, I've revealed myself to too many people and this might backfire when word gets out.

However, it's not like I could've counted on never getting exposed in the future.

So it might be better if people who are used to me spread the news of my existence instead of terrified townspeople.

Also, I hope a little that the prejudice against slimes works not only against me, but also in my favor.

The count might be questioned if news gets out, but there's a chance that no one suspects a slime of scheming as we don't even have an actual brain to think with.

The journey proceeds smoothly.

According to Jaren, our first stop should be halfway between the count's estate and the capital.

Two times we see some patrols on the road, but they're either the count's men or royal subjects.

No one is trying to stop us in the carriage as we wear the count's emblem and like this clearly act in his name.

The former even greet Jaren with familiarity.

I don't know if they know about Liqu and me, if they were out for a longer time, but it would unnecessarily delay us to inform them, and I don't feel too much like causing drama.

Anyway, we eventually get to the place Jaren was driving to.

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