Slime Girl

Chapter 102

- Shari -

Well, this is a crime scene.

"This looks pretty bad." (Galos)

In front of me is a torn carriage.

Not like ours but a big one which at one point had a canvas and was built much higher to stock a greater number of goods.

At least I think it was since all that remains to attest this is the amount of wreckage strewn around in the vicinity.

Whatever did this had huge anger issues and the power to back it up.

It ripped right through the wood.

Uh, and the flesh if I look at what pitiful rests were left.

For human causalities: Nothing concrete, but the splattered blood is an indicator and...

Bah, is that a hand?

I don't want to know.

To summarize, whoever passed by here I can just hope there were no children with them.

As questionable it would be of a responsible adult to bring them to Ekoras.

"Didn't anyone feel inclined to clean up here?" (Shari)

"I can! Please let me do it!" (Liqu)

I can already be sure that Jaren will eventually lose all hope if he already has this look in his eyes.

"The general procedure is that the first official who learns about the incidents, through witnesses or on his own, relays it in a way that a report reaches the count. After this, an investigation unit is sent to determine what caused it and maybe follow its tracks. Only after the investigation is completed the wreck will be removed." (Jaren)

"This means you can't dissolve everything yet, Liqu!" (Shari)

"But it's already here! No one will care!" (Liqu)

"You heard him. Maybe on the way back." (Shari)

"But then it will be old! The more we wait the more it will decrease in quality!" (Liqu)

"Can we please first look what we've got here?" (Shari)

"Grlschbshlb. Fine." (Liqu)

Yes, that was the slime version of grumbling.

"Are you two done?" (Elin)

"Think so. Guess investigating this is your job now. Please, don't tell me you haven't had that lesson in class yet." (Shari)

"Oh, I can distinguish different claw patterns. But regarding our intel whatever we're up against is not part of the general curriculum." (Elin)

Liqu raises her arm at this.


Too high!

"Yes, questions?" (Elin)

"What is a curriculum?" (Liqu)

"A plan regarding how and when you will learn stuff as a part of a comprehensive education." (Elin)

She just accepts this.

Not even reacting in any way to Liqu's completely out-of-place question.

After this, she closely examines the streaks, wounds, footprints, and whatever other traces there are to find here.

"Okay, I'm done." (Elin)

Is this really something one can for certain be done with?

"Then speak! What could you gather?" (Vela)

"Could I first ask a question?" (Elin)

"What is it? Why are you stalling us?" (Vela)

"Just a simple thing. What is the usual prey this group handles?" (Elin)

Before Vela can say something rude Jaren answers for her.

"It depends. Direwolfs and Feliras are the most common to stray this far past Ekoras. Along with some other critters which would usually get subjugated by a C-rank party of adventurers. Together with other troops, we can even engage bigger creatures. The count prefers a safe approach against those. Last year an effort of six troops managed to bring down a Lykan." (Jaren)

"A Lykan? Aren't those on par with ragers?" (Shari)

"Slightly smaller but faster. To describe them, one would picture a very big direwolf that can stand on its hind legs, and leaps very far with the intention to rip you into shreds." (Jaren)

"Alright, got the gist of it. Now please tell me: Did you lot somehow severely offend someone?" (Elin)

"You little..." (Balion)

Balion wants to say something but Jaren once again cuts him off.

"Is it about the monster? Please explain it to us." (Jaren)

"Sure. I cannot say what it is, but what I could perceive is disturbing. The footprint's depth shows that this thing weighs at least half a ton and the clear claw patterns tell me that that's not fat. Some parts of the carriage got destroyed in other ways than with claws. The front seat was cleanly bitten off. All in all, I would say that this monster is far above your common targets. In size, strength, and surely the length and sharpness of its claws. That together with the fact that all of you were assigned to our little band of outcasts tells me that someone really doesn't like you lot." (Elin)

"Sigh. Could you please proceed?" (Jaren)

"Yes, sure. The big gash in the undergrowth over there tells me it went that way." (Elin)

"That's the direction of the lakes." (Jaren)

"Oh really? The place where we assumed it to hide is the place where we actually have to search now?" (Elin)

"Elin, I would advise against making enemies." (Shari)

"Yes, it just irks me that we were sent on something that would among adventurers be considered a suicide mission. The only positive point is that I would say that Liqu is still the bigger monster." (Elin)

"Am I?" (Liqu)

"You are!" (Everyone)

"That means we just have to follow the path it stroke down the wilderness and will eventually find and kill it. Doesn't sound too complicated." (Shari)

"The problem is, even if the surrounding area is not as densely overgrown as in the south, we won't be able to take the carriage with us." (Jaren)

"So what would you suggest? Shall we leave someone here to make sure everything is still there when we return?" (Shari)

"We can take the horses with us, but I would advise against leaving someone here to watch the things we left behind if that thing is really such a big threat." (Jaren)

Guess he's right.

I mean, I hope that Liqu can take this monster, whatever it is, but this won't just magic this thing away.

It will still put up a fight and we need every bit of manpower to suppress it while Liqu is going on about dissolving it.

Especially Balion and Galos who were the only ones I would consider leaving behind.

Balion's greatsword might be the only thing we have aside from dissolving which could hurt such a big creature and Galos' shield will be desperately needed if the creature decides to concentrate its attacks on us.

While the area still has some growth, the ground becomes more ebon.

And soon after this wet.

"Goddamnit! That's just a swamp here." (Galos)

I need to say that my own boots became heavier.

But only a little bit, as they were already drenched by default.

Maybe I should have left my clothes and such with the carriage but, without a guard, they might get stolen.

Also, who knows if we incidentally meet anyone out there?

At least I think I can forgo the mask and lift the hood to improve my vision.

"God, how shall anyone get used to this sight?" (Galos)

I liked him better when he was quieter.

"Galos, you're aware of the punishment for badmouthing a higher ranking officer?" (Jaren)

"This is all shit! You've heard the girl. We're all considered expendable! And that we have to deal with these things just proves it! Does anyone really expect us to listen to monsters?" (Galos)

"Honestly, I don't care if you follow my orders or Jaren's. Just know that you're already very low on my list regarding who I would prioritize to protect in case of an emergency." (Shari)

He grumbles at this and I don't feel any need to force a conversation.

We proceed through the shallow waters which become more and more difficult to pass.

"Elin, can you still follow the traces?" (Shari)

"There are still scrub marks on the ground. But if it gets deeper it's going to become a problem." (Elin)

"What are we even going to do when the water becomes too deep? How shall we fight in this environment?" (Galos)

"I guess it will be on us then?" (Shari)

I point at Liqu and me.

"This could be bad. Too much water isn't good" (Liqu)

Now it's bad to be in the water?

"Ahem, Liqu. Didn't you say it would be fine to walk through the water?" (Shari)

"Yes it is. There's no problem with being in the water. But we won't be able to move as quickly as usual." (Liqu)

"Then it's bad!" (Shari)

"Well, the control of the mixed slime is weaker and if we move fast it's prone to get left behind. Because of that I said you should properly concentrate." (Liqu)

It's bad to know that I'm somewhat weakened in this situation and it wasn't smart of Liqu to announce it to all the others, as special as this situation might be.

Yet they as well have to struggle with our circumstances.

Wet boots, uneven grounds, the inability to sit down, and increasingly soaked uniforms make it harder and harder to proceed.

"This situation is shit." (Galos)

"You mean the environment or the monster?" (Balion)

I hope they know to which being they are referring to with that word.

"At the moment I'm talking about this goddamn water. Niboku, can't you do anything about this?" (Galos)

Wait! Niboku?

At this moment I remember that a water mage is accompanying us.

It's astonishing how he managed to stay completely in the background, out of everyone's sight, at the far end.

"What are you expecting me to do? Drawing the water out of your boots? They would instantly be drenched again." (Niboku)

This should answer why he kept quiet.

So that no one is asking him for favors.

"Can you maybe gather the worst of the fluid from our clothes, which are above the water? I know you can do this." (Shari)

"That's quite an effort. It would take long and is rather difficult with so much moisture in the air." (Niboku)

Seems like everyone has to wait till it gets worse.

"Sorry, Galos. You have to endure." (Balion)

"How can such a place even exist this close to the town?" (Galos)

"In the past, there was no swamp here but the kingdom's most bountiful fields." (Vela)

"Here?" (Galos)

"How is this possible? What could cause such a change?" (Shari)

"Did you know that it's said that slimes originated from here?" (Vela)

"Really!?" (Shari)

"Oh, is that true? I didn't know about this!" (Liqu)

"Well, not exactly here, but close enough. It's said there was in the past a containment facility for them in the capital. No idea for what reason. Maybe waste disposal or something alike. Yet as it is with slimes, they dissolved right out of there and directly flooded the sewers which eventually lead to this place." (Vela)

"To the lakes?" (Shari)

"As I said, back then there were no lakes. Just think about it: Countless slimes. All flushed to the same place. All starved and completely detained from the outside world till this moment. It was a catastrophe. These things dissolved whatever they could and turned the entire area into... well, this." (Vela)

It's not like I was in any way involved in that incident!

And like this, I'm not responsible for your wet boots!

Yet changing his opinion about me should be quite impossible.

So we just move on.

Until Elin suddenly stops.

"Okay, that's it then." (Elin)

I look questioningly ahead, missing the monster we should encounter.

"Did you lose its track?" (Shari)

"In some way, yes. But the real issue is that in front of us the water starts to get deeper. So whatever we're hunting here, it can dive. And we can't." (Elin)

"Maybe you can delve down and look, Liqu?" (Shari)

"Ehm, sorry, no." (Liqu)

"What's wrong now you're afraid of water? Just looking shouldn't collapse your body." (Shari)

"That's not it. The problem is that our slime won't drown. It floats. Only if thoroughly compressed it might sink but this state is hard to maintain. Especially underwater." (Liqu)

So no slime fishing.

Too bad.

"Fortunately, we have a water mage with us who is perfectly suited for this task." (Jaren)


Until now he was rather useless.

"Ehm, not like I want to offend anyone, but how exactly could Niboku help?" (Shari)

"Sigh, I have some tricks up my sleeve." (Niboku)

"You mean spells, right? I've heard mages who can use more than one aren't too common." (Shari)

"This could be. You need to know, conjuring magic is like breathing in a certain pattern. It's incredibly difficult to change what you're commonly doing instinctively. Like fighting your own personality, a bit." (Niboku)

"I get it. It's difficult but for some reason, you accomplished this impressive feat." (Shari)

"You remember that I come from an island far in the west? One of the biggest influences there is our fishing tradition. You know, many mages don't bother with too many spells. However, there's one all water mages are required to learn there." (Niboku)

"Fine, you've got me. Which one is it?" (Shari)

He smirks at me.

"Just watch." (Niboku)

He puts both of his opened hands into the water.

Visibly he tenses up in concentration.

"Sonar!" (Niboku)

The very same moment a wave extends from his hands and spreads farther and farther outward.

"What was this spell about?" Shari

"This spell is used to detect fish as well as monsters in the waters. To tell the fishers where they should throw their nets so they can quickly catch it before anything targets them and to warn them about possible dangers." (Niboku)

"And? Did it work?" Shari)

"I am not sure. I've sensed something big but to differentiate between a creature and for example, a boulder is the tricky part." (Niboku)

"Ahem, the fact that that's an issue, has this anything to do with the reason why you had to leave your country?" (Shari)

"Tsk." (Niboku)

"If this is our target, how do we get it out there?" (Vela)

"Oh, oh! I know a good trick!" (Liqu)

"You?" (Vela)

Well, I'm willing to grant the predatory slime to have some expertise on that matter.

"Fine, then show us what you've got." (Shari)

At this moment Liqu throws her clothes down and jumps at one of the poor horses.

It shrieks up but can't escape.

In seconds she has completely enveloped it.


God, she's dissolving it!

Was she that hungry?


The other horse panics and rips itself away from Balion's grasp to escape from this walking death sentence.

I can now understand its aversions against me much better.

"What is this!?" (Vela)

Vela, Balion, and Galos ready their weapons.

Only Niboku who is ill-equipped and Jaren who can stay somewhat composed don't do so as well.

"Liqu, stop it!" (Shari)

The horse is already beyond saving but it won't look good if I just let her proceed.

Aside from the part that it's quite the gruesome sight.

She separates from the terribly mutilated body and shapes back.

"Already done!" (Liqu)

"Explanation! Now! And it should better be a good one!" (Shari)

"I tried to be helpful!" (Liqu)

No one's really buying this.

"By killing our horses?! What kind of mad impulse you've got there?!" (Shari)

"What we're looking for eats meat, right? This always worked when I needed a bit more sustenance. We gather suitable prey, dissolve the skin, pile it up and wait. Works great to lure them out." (Liqu)

She turned our only means of transportation into a bloody pulp for bait!?

This slime has its priorities all wrong.

At least most of those present aren't fine with this.

"Okay, now it already happened. So we should just go with it." (Shari)

"It might work. Predatory creatures are often territorial and blood might raise its interest. Either for prey or to drive out whatever creature killed in its territory. However, this was a bit much." (Jaren)

"I know. I will have an extensive talk with Liqu, later. I am rather sure none of you wants to take over this duty, right?" (Shari)

Apparently, no one is willing.

I am somewhat sorry for this animal which became a prime example of what dissolving can do to the body.

Then I remember something about dissolving.

"Wait, isn't slime digestion an unsavory smell?" (Shari)

"It's about the amount. Enough blood outweighs the aversion. I've experimented long on that matter to find the right composition." (Liqu)

Oh, little Liqu piling up flesh mountains for her research.

How sweet.

The blood flows in vast amounts into the water.

I guess Liqu has some experience at how to dissolve so it drains best.

"Guys, I don't want to disturb anyone, but the big thing is moving in our direction!" (Niboku)

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