Slime Girl

Chapter 104

- Shari -

Now that the worst is over we should take the time to reassemble after this fight.

"So guys, seems like Liqu is still fine. I'm rather sure that most of what was inside the leviath's body is gone but is there anything we have to take with us as proof?" (Shari)

The others are still rather stunned about what transpired here.

Elin is the first one to regain her composure but doesn't feel like talking.

Jaren is the first to speak.

"Ahem. Our word should be enough but maybe we should bring the head with us so that the nature of the creature can be researched." (Jaren)

I look at the corpse.

Even the head is already stupidly large.

"I can't carry it and Liqu shouldn't carry it. If you think it's necessary, find a way to transport this thing." (Shari)

"Yes, sir! You've heard the officer. Ranger! Disassemble the head. Cut it as small as possible. Balion, give Galos whatever you can and prepare some room for the head." (Jaren)

I am somewhat impressed with how proficient Jaren can control the soldiers and how well Elin listens to him.

She does a good job disassembling this monstrosity.

Even if her knife is a bit too small for this creature.

Liqu meanwhile is still half in shock.

Maybe I went a bit too far.

Emotionally she is still a child that just recently began to experience those feelings and like this is troubled to process them properly.

She never experienced the feeling of losing something because she never had anything, to begin with.

Nothing to treasure, no friends, no home.

Said like this it sounds rather sad.

However, as long this new experience isn't overwhelming her core I believe it's good if she thinks about her actions.

Since Elin takes a while she can take this time to do so before we have to get going.

Although she has good disassembling skills, the head she cuts off is huge.

And even if it's just a head, the creature looks still intimidating.

"How can such a creature even end up here?" (Balion)

"It's the usual story. A noble thought he might buy an exotic creature for himself, then he realizes the small thing he bought grows and stops being controllable, so he throws it down the sewer where it feeds of the critters and eventually ends up here. Which means that ultimately we have to deal with it." (Vela)

This is quite the cynical outlook.

But if it was really like this then I'm on her side.

Nobles are assholes.

"What do we do now?" (Shari)

"Since our last horse got lost there is no reason to return to the carriage. I would suggest we walk south, directly back to the estate. It might take two or three days considering the terrain." (Jaren)

Quite a number of glares go to Liqu at this.

Her rogue action from before earns her not the most positive response.

"Can't be helped then. We should leave soon. The ground is too wet here for a proper rest." (Shari)

Now I turn to Liqu to get her ready.

"Liqu, are you done? We have to go now." (Shari)

She's not reacting.

"Liqu!" (Shari)

"Ah! Yes. Sure..." (Liqu)

"Anything you have to do first? Are you full? Our provisions are dwindling and the way is long." (Shari)

"I should recover my mass, I think. Ehm, but you didn't have any." (Liqu)

Do I want to dissolve a giant fish, dragon creature in front of everyone?

"I have no intention to do so." (Shari)

"Then could I give some to you? It's important to be full." (Liqu)

I guess I have to.

I need as well energy for the journey and Liqu didn't eat any humans recently.

"Sigh, fine." (Shari)

I free my belly and we start our old game where Liqu's hand drifts inside me to pump me full.

It's nothing new so I'm already used to that sensation.

What I didn't expect was:


The same way my body is flooded with slime my mind gets drowned with this message.

I need to say that direct thought transfer is hard to ignore.

"Enough! Get your act together! You messed up, okay? You didn't communicate, acted rogue, and didn't think about others. Now learn from this and make it better next time!" (Shari)

At least, she seems to mark my words.

"If you're ready then come. We have to go." (Shari)

For a moment, she's still lost in thought.

Then she makes up her mind and addresses me again.

"You mean I should talk more with you, right?" (Liqu)

"If it's important, yes. Naturally not everything that passes your head. Or core." (Shari)

Hopefully, I dodged this.

I'm sure there'd be an abundance of irrelevant things.

But I shouldn't ignore her if she has really something to say.

Especially as she has more experience than me as a slime.

"There is maybe something I should mention."(Liqu)


Is there any possibility that it's something good?

"What is it?" (Shari)

"We were here because this one creature here was a problem, right?" Liqu)

"Yes?" (Shari)

"Ehm, this one was a female. And it was pregnant not long ago." (Liqu)

I don't even want to know how she could perceive this.

"What are you trying to say?" (Shari)

"She means that it could've laid eggs somewhere in the lake. If this is true we have a problem." (Vela)

This could mean that more of these things are in the water.

This is a problem!

"Niboku, can you again use sonar on the water? Please concentrate on the place the leviath was before." (Shari)

He goes to a deeper part and again the wave spreads.

"I... think there is something." (Niboku)


I'd like to know, now!

"There are eggs in the water! There! I'm sure." (Niboku)

Wonderful, now our demise is confirmed.

"How do we get there?" (Shari)

"I could go there." (Liqu)

"Didn't you say diving is a problem?" (Shari)

"I can't move well in this state and dissolving is weaker but eggs don't try to escape and the water is calm so it should work out." (Liqu)

"Then I'll accompany you. I feel better if I know what you're doing." (Shari)

"Ah, your obsession!" (Liqu)

Liqu compresses all her mass and steps into the water.

I try doing the same but have some problems.

First, this level of compression affords a level of control over the slime I am challenged to maintain.

Also, I lack Liqu's giant amounts so I end up looking much smaller than usual.

A bit like a child.

Yet the vibration of my body due to my strain looks off.

Nonetheless, I think I can follow her like this.

The movement underwater is a bit tricky but I manage to figure out a way to propel me forward with my appendages.

My vision is even down here absolutely fine.

I follow Liqu's green and her glowing core and arrive.

Damnit, there are at least dozens!

If those hatch I wouldn't want to live here anymore.

I touch Liqu and send a message.

This should be enough so I cut the connection.

Liqu signals that she understood and starts with the deed.

After that, I witness some kind of gruesome egg carnage.

And soon their contents mix with the water.

I get a little worried but fortunately, Liqu remembers to leave one intact.

With this one, we're heading back out.

"It looked worse than anticipated. If these things had hatched and managed to grow even the capital wouldn't be fine. Can someone take this egg?" (Shari)

In the end, Balion takes the egg.

Liqu opted as well but I don't trust her very much with carrying things that are akin to food.

Now it seems we can finally start to get on our way back.

I hope we'll reach it soon.

God knows we've earned a rest!

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