Slime Girl

Chapter 105

- Shari -

The way back was long and uncomfortable but without further incidents.

Just more swamp, some plains, and eventually a forest to traverse.

That didn't matter much to me as this body doesn't need comfort as much as a human’s.

Also, it was quite a pain to carry our trophy.

For the others that is.

One cannot trust Liqu to hold something organic for a longer period without devouring it and I lacked the control and strength to carry the head.

That said, the journey being uncomfortable might be an understatement.

Mostly because the horse which fled and never came back had a large part of our camping equipment on its back.

Also, I learned during this trip that traveling with a mage is troubling.

Because Niboku insisted on three daily hours of meditation to channel his magic.

And this got worse when we left the swamp and like this the water.

Instead, I am somewhat glad that we can finally return to the comparatively easier life at the estate.

Naturally, the entrance is guarded but Jaren steps forward and waves at the man before he can even say "Halt! Who goes there!".

I am a little grateful for this.

"You are back! We got worried when one of the horses came running without you!" (guard)

See? It wasn't so bad.

They got at least one of their horses back.

"It got a little rough out there. One horse died and we had to leave the carriage on the road. Seems like we have to send someone to reclaim it." (Jaren)

Then the rest of us follows behind.

"Wah- They! E-Ehm, ah, yes. Your team works with them. Right." (guard)

I have a name, you know?

"Bennon, be careful! You're still talking about a higher-ranked officer. If you would excuse us now, we need to make our report." (Jaren)

Thank you for this assist, Jaren.

I'm at the moment a bit too much on a tight spot to make a scene calling any of the soldiers out because of possible disrespect.

Then we proceed to the fortified military building.

As I said, it seems as if everything regarding the troops is administrated from this place.

Again, we receive stares and the general mumbling indicates common disbelieve that we haven’t eaten any team members on our way.

Jaren talks to someone to announce our presence and prepare whatever is necessary so we can make our report to the higher-ups.

It doesn't take too long and we're guided to a waiting room.

A short time later Peras and to my surprise also Dion show up.

"Dion? What are you doing here?" (Shari)

"Albeit this is a military affair the situation is special if truly an exotic monster was involved. The count wants this to be confirmed. I will instruct him after this. So please begin." (Dion)

I expect Jaren who appears to be a great leader and eloquent talker to tell them.

Yet after a far too long uncomfortable silence, he instead turns to me.

"Ahem. As the highest-ranking officer the report is your duty." (Jaren)

Fine, seems like I have no choice.

With a bit of unease I begin.

"Okay. As we were told to we went to the location of the latest attack. Elin did well as a tracker and we could follow the creature’s trail." (Shari)

This is demanded, right?

That I point out how well everyone performed.

"We left the carriage and took only the horses with us and ended up in this swamp. There Niboku used his magic to survey the water." (Shari)

"Could you please just get to the point? What about the monster?" (Peras)

"Ehm, yes. We found it, or it found us, and then the fight started. Was rather fierce I need to say. The height... I didn't directly take measurements but around three meters? More or less. Sharp claws. And the scales were almost impenetrable with our weapons." (Shari)

"So you would classify the creature as an A-rank?" (Dion)

Being at a loss I turn around.

"Ahem. Could I first know what an A-rank is?" (Shari)

Sorry, but I never really had much of a chance to learn this stuff.

While I'm aware that the creatures on the guild's blackboard had a letter next to them none were especially high.

At most C-rank since the quests were free for all.

Still, I get a disheartening number of facepalms and shaking heads at my completely justified question.

"A-rank monsters are usually the most terrifying beasts. Creatures even trained groups of adventurers cannot face. Most are magical in nature or simply extremely big. It usually warrants a greater effort taking them down. The only thing worse would be an S-rank. A mythical creature like maybe a true elemental, or even a dragon. " (Jaren)

"Oh no! No dragons! Not doing this! You can’t force me! Dragons are bad news!" (Liqu)

Everyone stares at Liqu who quivers now in a weird way on her entire surface.

Jaren is the first to attempt to re-establish a professional atmosphere.

"Ahem, while this was a troubling opponent I would tend to say it was an upper B-rank which applies for example to beasts like ragers and such." (Jaren)

Seems my world is far more terrifying than I thought until now if even a rager is just a B.

"Alright. You've heard him. B-rank, not A." (Shari)

"Yes, yes I heard Jaren." (Peras)

... doing my job, huh?

"The way you describe it, I guess you couldn't fight the monster the conventional way." (Dion)

The gazes travel to Liqu.

"It was a hard fight. Even Liqu had troubles to hold it in place. Yet she managed to dissolve it ultimately. We also brought its head with us. For confirmation and research, you know." (Shari)

At this, Balion presents the head out of our bag.

They calmly analyze the creature.

"Impressive teeth. Might cause grievous wounds." (Peras)

"Yes, but that wasn't the main issue." (Shari)

"And what was?" (Peras)

Now I pull the egg out of the bag.

"It was fertile." (Shari)

"It laid an egg?" (Dion)

"Where we found it there were dozens more. These could have spread in the whole area." (Shari)

"This is troubling. I have to inform the lord about this development. Please excuse me." (Dion)

With this, Dion leaves.

"So you're saying this lizard creature was able to even give the monster next to you a hard time?" (Peras)

I don't know if he's insulting Liqu but she doesn't seem to mind the term.

"Dissolving isn't working instantly. The scales made it especially difficult to get through and we still need to be careful about our cores while handling the opponent. So, this monster with its sharp claws and thick skin was a bad fit. Also, as the others can confirm, it showed basic intelligence. Not too much but it tried for example to ignore the vanguard and attack the ones it disliked the most." (Shari)

"I understand. Thank you, such information might help in the future to devise strategies against this kind of monster and like this save lives." (Peras)

"Do you have anything else to add?" (Peras)

"Ehm, nothing in particular. You Jaren?" (Shari)

"Actually, yes! If the creature laid eggs this means we still might have to deal with a second one. In this case we should further investigate the situation." (Joran)

Damn! Why didn't I consider this?

That thing certainly didn't get pregnant on its own.

Or could it?

Not like I’m an expert on monster physiology.

Even my own body is a mystery to me.

"That's a good conclusion. However, the reports we received lead me to believe that only one creature attacked the travelers on the road. Neither was there ever more than one present nor would there be more than one attack at once. As things present themselves, I'm ought to believe that the reason the creature left its habitat was that it needed more sustenance than usual for the eggs. The other creature might still exist, but the count isn't responsible for the Velja-lake, to begin with, and as long the road isn't targeted it's not our problem. So there's no need to send more of our men. However, this incident raises some concerning questions. But none of them have to be your concern." (Peras)

"If you say so, captain." (Jaren)

"Fine, you are dismissed. You can take a rest and go wash up before putting on fresh uniforms. All of you look as if that's desperately needed." (Peras)

Looking at myself, I need to admit that they got rather battered up during our excursion to the swamp.

As this talk went rather well, I decide to conclude it and leave before the situation might turn worse again.

I almost made it through the door.

With Liqu naturally close next to me.

"One more thing. You came back without the carriage. What happened to the other horse? You didn’t mention it in your report and the one that came back still won't let anyone touch it." (Peras)

I held some hope that I could omit that part.

"Ehm, Liqu ate that one, the other fled." (Shari)

After mumbling this I take Liqu, push her out of the room, and quickly follow behind.

"Sigh, this much had to be expected." (Peras)

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