Slime Girl

Chapter 106

- Shari -

"And what do we do now?" (Liqu)

"The same as before. We finished what they wanted from us and now we can spend our time leisurely. Maybe ordering some food. Before you're going to eat more horses." (Shari)

"I already apologized!" (Liqu)

"And I'm pretty sure you didn't mean it. If you got the chance would show up you would directly devour another one, am I right?" (Shari)

"Maybe just a tiny bit? It's just not quite the same if the prey isn't struggling." (Liqu)

Uhh, I should always remind myself that she's a pure predator.

We travel back to our accommodations.

I'm looking for Elara to bring us food but also a new set of clothes.

My uniform got totally drenched and started to clump with the slime.

So it's not really fun to wear it anymore.

Since I don't find her directly I instead ask the next maid I find.

This one is strangely apprehensive of me but I guess she's going to fulfill my order in time.

Fear is a good motivator.

And the fear of a slime devouring the whole estate if it won't get fed should be pretty motivating.

So it doesn't take long till Elara comes with our requested items.

"You came back! And both of you are completely fine!" (Elara)

"Sure. You know, it's not like we could end all battered up. For slimes a fight is more of an all or nothing question." (Shari)

I say this while "slipping" into my freshly brought uniform.

On one side it's no issue that I change clothes without even washing myself.

I don't need to worry about stuff like grime, sweat, or such which would sully them.

On the other, there is just this one other body fluid that I have to consider.

The one which makes up all of my body.

So while I really don't envy the one who has to clean my old sets of clothing at this state it is for a short while comfortable to wear something new.

Until it starts to leak out the outer borders that is.

But now back to the one who personally has to deal with that issue.

"Ah, yes. How stupid of me." (Elara)

"You seem to be now more comfortable around us." (Shari)

I say this while taking one of the small cut pieces of flesh, which was a personal request, to test her out a little.

"You're unusual and you were a little scary at first. But I know now that you won't harm me. So it's no problem. Also, my position became much better here. All the other maids are afraid now that they would have to attend you if I decide to quit." (Elara)

Nice that things work out for her.

Yet I can't listen too attentively as the sensation of being finally provided new sustenance is as always distracting.

In addition, I should have taken my time to lie down without clothes for a moment.

Having new ones might be soothing for my mind but I'm still straining my body, or rather it's the processing my core does.

It's rather hard to ignore the wish to just puddle down on the ground indulging in that feeling of release after being finally back from that mission.

As distressing as this image is.

So while it's the middle of the day and I'm not directly tired I still end up doing nothing.

Not even shoving Liqu out of my room as this can become quite exhausting.

Instead just a little bit of relaxing.

"You two, the count wishes to see you." (Dion)

I really should stop making plans.

Liqu didn't really bother with putting on the new clothes, which doesn't mean that she's wearing her old ones.

To make her a bit presentable I put her into the most basic shirt and pair of pants I find before following Dion to the count.

"Ah, there you are." (Radon)

"Yes, my lord. I hope we performed satisfactorily." (Shari)

"I'll admit that I was a little worried about your first assignment but the testimonies of your teams are mostly positive. Aside from one slip up regarding a horse." (Radon)

"Ah, yes. I am going to make sure that won't repeat. Right, Liqu? You're not going again to dissolve our own horses. That poor thing." (Shari)

I get at least a nod.

Probably because I've told her more than once that she shall not speak during this kind of talk.


"I hope so. I can only consider you as useable if there's a degree of control. Otherwise all your strength would simply be too risky to use as an asset." (Radon)

Or in other words:

Do your goddamn job!

"I know things went a little crude but ultimately the mission was a success, right?" (Shari)

"You're aware that the horse will be subtracted from your payment?" (Dion)

At least this confirms that I get paid.

Still, horses aren't too common so they are expensive.

"We had to use it as bait. Otherwise it would've stayed out of reach." (Shari)

"I am sure there were other solutions." (Dion)

I can't deny that it was mostly Liqu acting rash.

Hunting in the swamp might have been difficult but we could for example have used fish or such.

At least it's not really arguable that the provided horses shouldn't get eaten.

So I nod.

"Ahem, regarding the mission, will we have to head out again? There was talk that maybe another of those creatures might be there." (Shari)

"The monster isn't the issue. The issue is that a monster that isn't native to this region suddenly showed up where it shouldn't. There's no way it passed through the barred waterways of Ekoras. Not only that, but a pregnant one. This leaves the option that someone placed it there intentionally." (Radon)

"You're saying someone was releasing caught monsters to attack the road?" (Shari)

"I guess to annoy me. This matter will be further investigated. But for now, there are no tasks for you. You can consider your mission as concluded." (Radon)

That's quite relieving to hear.

It means we did a decent job and he has nothing else to demand from us.

"Now that that's settled I have another point to add on the list." (Radon)

I really have to stop being optimistic.

"Yes, count?" (Shari)

"Come in!" (Radon)

After this, a maid enters the room.

I recognize her as the one we quite plenty scared back then in the princess' room.

At least this would explain the death glare she directs at us.

"This is Lorena her highness' maid. I suppose you know each other already." (Radon)

Our first meeting wasn't on the best terms, I would like to add.

The woman comes closer but naturally keeps her distance.

Instead of facing in her direction Liqu "faces" in her direction, by sucking it in and making it reshape on the backside of her head.

Yes, she can also do an instant direction change if she isn't bothered by the clothes.

However, this doesn't really raise her favorability with this person who is already creeped out as it is.

"Could I please know why you called me? And what "they" are doing here?" (Lorena)

"You should learn to know each other. After all, you will meet more frequently from now on." (Radon)

She makes a very astonished expression at this comment.

"What is that supposed to mean?" (Lorena)

"It won't do to continuously lock the princess inside her room. Her emotional wellbeing could take harm. Her father will want my head if I mentally cripple her. We can agree on this, right?" (Radon)

"This might be. But if she leaves the manor she will be too much of a target. While I am sure your soldiers are devoted the risk becomes greater the more people are involved. Like this, it won't be possible to protect her from all the threats." (Lorena)

"This applies to normal guards." (Radon)

"Explain yourself!" (Lorena)

"I intend to make Liqu her personal guard." (Radon)

"What!?" (Lorena/Shari)

"Wh-what about me?" (Shari)

"You will be more than occupied. I am still not satisfied with your current abilities and you show concerning lacks regarding your leadership skills. Especially concerning one certain individual. Your training has to be intensified. Also, I want her to be occupied while she's not on a mission." (Radon)

You just assigned this very individual to the third most important person of the country.

"This is a joke, right? You can't possibly mean to subject the princess to these, these... These slimes!" (Lorena)

I believe she simply couldn't come up with a better insult.

But the word is already as negatively connotated as it could be.

"Is this really a good idea? I mean Liqu is... Liqu!" (Shari)

"Yes, yes. I am I!" (Liqu)

"You said it's safe that she won't harm the child, didn't you?" (Radon)

"Yes. At least on this I can trust her. She's no liar. I believe her if she says she won't. She has no reason to and knows that this would be the most terrible thing she could do." (Shari)

"Then I don't see a problem. If a threat would show itself there would be no safer place than with her. At least none of my soldiers could overcome her during the praxis." (Radon)

This might be true.

But Liqu and childcare?

I'm deeply concerned.

At least I should ascertain the situation.

"Liqu?" (Shari)

"Yes?" (Liqu)

"Did you understand anything we just said?" (Shari)

"Just that I shall protect something." (Liqu)

"You're going to guard this little girl. Do you remember her? This means you have to stay by her side during the day." (Shari)

"But what's with you?" (Liqu)

"I have other stuff to do. We'll meet up when it gets night." (Shari)

"No, no, no! I can't be separated from you!" (Liqu)

"Liqu, I trust you on this. You need to do this properly. We will meet up in the evening. If this shall ever work out with us you need at times to let go a little. Grant us some time for ourselves. Especially me." (Shari)

"Grrmblshblrrb!" (Liqu)

Slime grumbling.

But no retort.

This should be enough.

"Liqu, please. If you do it properly... one short linking at the evening. Just to convey that the day went fine. Nothing excessive!" (Shari)

Immediately she rushes to the count.

So fast that some slime drops sprinkle his face, and the rest of him.


"I'll do it!" (Liqu)

"Seems like you can exert some control. To a degree." (Radon)

He says while wiping his face.

"This is madness! His majesty will hear about this!" (Lorena)

"I am just applying my very best soldiers. There's no reason to complain about this." (Radon)

"You're applying monsters! I almost believe you want her death!" (Lorena)

"That's enough! Mind your words before you state such accusations! This is my realm and the duty to protect her was given to me! So I decide!" (Radon)

There was force in his voice.

Enough that no one here wants to reproach.

"If that was all, I think all of you can leave now. It should be right to inform her highness about the changes regarding her daily schedule. Her new guard should be present for this occasion. For the rest, the day was long and I'm sure you would appreciate some rest." (Radon)

"If possible I would want to head up too to make sure that everything runs smoothly." (Shari)

And that Liqu alone with that maid and much more concerning with the princess won't make a mess.

"If you wish. You are excused." (Radon)

I can't leave this room fast enough.

I always feel oppressed in there.

Now we'll visit that princess again.

Let's see how this will turn out.


Lorena guides us up.

Or rather, she walks in front of us while emitting an aura that essentially says: "Turn around and vanish out of my sight!"

I'd almost like to do so but this chance to gain some influence on the probable future ruler of this country is too great of a chance.

It starts to get late, so she might already be in her bed.

I notice how many rows of guards one has to pass when taking the official way to the third floor and wonder how many of them know who they are guarding here.

While we close in on the already known room this head maid gradually becomes more hesitant to really lead us there.

Finally, at the door, she turns to us with a cold gaze.

"If anything happens to her..." (Lorena)

I know she is serious here.

She probably has not the power to follow up on any threats but it's clear that she would give her life if it could just take one of us with her if we harm that child.

Should I compliment her for being caring or mad because she's a racist?

Anyway, the door opens up.

Since I was a little tense I somehow noticed with my body some kind of vibrations coming from behind the door.

Then the door opens and I quickly scan the interior.

I find that our princess lies in the bed.

Yet the fact that some parts of the sheet are still collapsing downwards tells me what the vibrations were about.

The maid certainly knows as well and is the first to enter.

"Your highness." (Lorena)

"Oh, Lorena! You're here? I already went to bed, see?" (Anvenia)

"Yes. Obviously. I am aware how... much you care for your sleep. I came here to inform you about a change regarding your daily schedule, starting tomorrow." (Lorena)

"M-more private tutoring?" (Anvenia)

"No, even if the heavens know you need it. From tomorrow on you will take regular strolls through the outer perimeter to increase your stamina." (Lorena)

"What!? Really? But didn't you say I couldn't? That it's not safe?" (Anvenia)

"Yes, the security is not sufficiently guaranteed. Because of this I have sadly also to inform you that a new... guard was assigned to you." (Lorena)

"A new guard?" (Anvenia)

"And it seems you already know that individual." (Lorena)

With this, she finally gives way so that we can enter as well.

I let Liqu step forward to avoid any misunderstandings about who of us is assigned to her.

But even from my position behind her, I can still see how the girl's eyes grow bigger than I deemed possible.

"Liqu!!!" (Anvenia)

"Hello, little one." (Liqu)

She jumps out of the bed and rushes at Liqu until the head maid blocks her off.

Might be better because otherwise, she may have directly jumped into Liqu.

Which is a nightmare for anyone who has to clean those clothes.

"Your highness! What is the meaning of this behavior? Mind your manners! (Lorena)

I think I should instruct Liqu about something.

"Don't slime her body too much. She has to stay as unblemished as possible." (Shari)

I should protect her dignity.

After this, the girl, quite forced, calms down.

Then she positions herself, slowly approaches Liqu, and makes a small curtsey.

"I am very glad to meet you again, Lady Liqu." (Anvenia)

There is movement from her eye to the side to check the maid for confirmation if this was alright.

"Ah, you! I still Iike you!" (Liqu)

At this, she raises an arm and pats the girl's head.

And leaves a massive amount of slime there.

So much for her dignity.

"Your highness!" (Lorena)

"Yes?" (Anvenia)

Just a confused gaze at her while the slime drips down her face.

Frantic the maid pulls out a handkerchief and wipes whatever she can away from there.

"Urgh, that hurts." (Anvenia)

"You can't let this happen! It's dirty!" (Lorena)

"I am not dirty. I'm a slime!" (Liqu)

"Exactly!" (Lorena)

I guess it's pointless to argue how she sees the slime of slimes.

I personally didn't like it either but had to adjust my perception of the stuff I consist of to prevent madness.

Still, the princess doesn't seem to mind.

If anything it appears that she gets along rather well with Liqu.

Might be because there's not too much of an age gap between them.

At least I can be sure that she's never going to harm her.

I made clear to her what this would mean for our relationship.

Also, she seems to be a little infatuated with the girl.

"As this was all, we will take our leave, your highness." (Lorena)

"Oh, so soon?" (Anvenia)

"I wish a good night's sleep to you, your highness. God knows you need it." (Lorena)

I guess she wants to cut it short.

I have no problem with that as I really start too long now for my tub.

"Works out, right? Liqu is not malicious so you don't need to worry." (Shari)

"I decide what I worry about." (Lorena)

With this, she leaves.

Heading back down with Liqu, past all the guards, we are soon back in our room.

Or mine which Liqu far too naturally entered with me.

Yet I should take this chance to clarify what I expect of her regarding her new assignment.

"That we understand us: The girl's safety is the top priority. Even if there's a threat you will guard her and not me. I can protect myself, she can't! I don't want to hear that you abandoned her when she needed you the most." (Shari)

"But if you're in danger?!" (Liqu)

"Just listen to me here. I don't want to die either. It's not this likely that my core will get damaged. If something happens I'm going to play it safe, hide, and wait until you've solved everything, okay? You don't have to worry. Just make sure the girl is safe before you leave her." (Shari)

"If you say so. But please, don't do anything reckless!" (Liqu)

"Sure... If you would now please leave my room?" (Shari)

"Do I have to?" (Liqu)

I try to tell her with my expression: Yes!

It takes a while for her to understand but I got much better at outlining facial features due to practice with the mirror in this room.

With this, I hopefully cleared up any issues regarding my handling of this slime.

She should now do a proper job as a guard.

That secures our position at the count's place and like this my livelihood.

And I wouldn't want anything to happen to that girl.

After all, she is really cute.

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