Slime Girl

Chapter 107

- Shari -

I wake up in my tub as usual.

I honestly came to like that thing.

As if I don't have to worry about anything while I just let go and all the strain I put on me vanishes.

It's different from becoming a blob, as this just makes me overly self-conscious.

Being in my tub is more like sinking into a deep lake while becoming one with it.

No abomination, nothing creepy, just deep calmness.

Yet everything good has come to an end.

So I stand up.

Or rather, I rise as a pillar of slime while assembling all of my limbs and shaping my head till I have a body I can work with.

Today I finally get my Liqu-free day.

While I don't really hate this slime, no one can argue that she's a bit too much at times.

To be precise, she is so clingy that I had to practically shove her out when this servant came to fetch her for her job.

However, I should get ready as well since I have an assignment today.

My first lesson as an officer in training.

Let's be honest, until now my title was just for show.

After those last days, spent in the wilderness, it feels almost refreshing to stroll through the garden of the estate.

I walk slowly and deliberately taking a detour to the herbal garden.

I only know half of these plants but even so, it's a magnificent place to be.

Not only are they valuable but some have very special effects.

All I would have to do is to reach out with my slime hand.

I mean, I can't help it if stuff sticks to it, right?

Ah, but that might leave a bad impression.

Instead, I walk to the military buildings.

As always the soldiers running their laps glance at me when I pass by.

But it decreased in a way that everyone does it individually instead of the usual big uproar I cause.

I move on and spot something surprising.

Peras is out on the field, next to Lidan, the count's son.

"Hold that sword steady! And don't lose your focus! I've already seen you blink two times while I came at you. This is only acceptable if you plan to die!" (Peras)

"Y-yes." (Lidan)

"Show more vigor! Or do you want to get caught again by the enemy? Do you have any idea how much that troubled everyone." (Peras)

"N-no. I'm sorry." (Lidan)

"No you aren't, not yet. I will toughen you up until you won't be a burden anymore." (Peras)

I always had my own thoughts about how adults should pass their knowledge to a younger generation.

The "battering-up-until-they-can-no-longer-stand"-method was for me always a subpar way to do this.

Especially when a 1,75 man tries to teach how to behave in an equal fight to a 1,20 boy.

How shall he learn from this?

Well, it only concerns me so far as they became aware of my presence and now look both in my direction.

"Oh, hello. Ahem, good day, sir!" (Shari)

"You're here for the lessons, right?" (Peras)

"Yes, sir." (Shari)

And I really hope my treatment will be better than the one this kid receives.

"Kaleb is waiting inside for you. When you're done come back here. You're in need of more training." (Peras)

Seems as if I won't get completely out of physical measures.

Good that I don't feel pain.

I do as I was told and find Kaleb in the entrance hall.

"Good morning, officer." (Shari)

"Finally you arrived. We should start soon or this will only drag." (Kaleb)

He gestures me to follow and I do so.

Walking through some floors we reach what looks like a conference room.

I am gestured to take place and sit down.

Kaleb circles the table, procures a number of books from a nearby shelf, and puts the whole pulk on the table before sitting down.

"This is basically the educational material we have to work through. From diplomacy to setting up a tent, everything is important for a leader and can be a matter of life and death for your subordinates." (Kaleb)

"And you're going to teach me all that?" (Shari)

"The basics. We don't have endless time and you will still go on your missions." (Kaleb)

"Okay, then what are we starting with?" (Shari)

"General tactics of our squads. It's important that you know how your team works in an emergency so you can adapt your strategies. The rest you can leave to Joran and Vela for now." (Kaleb)

With this, he starts to convey the information to me.

He even uses a chalkboard when I'm having a hard time visualizing the formations.

It's quite hard for me, as with my core I can't learn stuff as fast as a human would but have to ingrain the information thoroughly.

This proceeds for around two hours.

"And this finishes our unit about the common pincer attack against larger beasts. Please try to remember until next time." (Kaleb)

"Yes, sir." (Shari)

This was rather hard on me.

Apparently the same heat I feel while using high-speed processing comes up when I forcefully try to ingrain knowledge over a longer period of time.

"Any questions left?" (Kaleb)

If I would say yes the splitters of the explosion of my core might hit him.

However, there is another thing I had in mind.

"Could I have one of these books for further studies?" (Shari)

"You can read?" (Kaleb)

"Absolutely. And I think this might be beneficial for our lessons." (Shari)

He seems a bit hesitant.

"I don't know. These are high-priced luxuries. They can't be damaged. And you... ahem." (Kaleb)

"I promise to be very careful." (Shari)


"Just one." (Shari)

"Argh, I will ask the captain. Which one was it?" (Kaleb)

"Thank you very much for your effort. This one." (Shari)

I point at the one about negotiating.

You know, psychology, influencing the other party, make them accept you as their leader.

After all, Liqu's mental fortitude is the one underdeveloped point I can use against her to stay in control.

"Fine. You can leave now, come back tomorrow at the same time." (Kaleb)

Since Peras tasked me to do so, I am going to the exercise field in front of the building.

I again gather attention but this time I am actually approached by some soldiers.

"If this isn't the abomination our lord fancies recently." (impending trouble)

It's a rare occasion that people aren't intimidated by me.

Yet in this case, they don't seem to have the best intentions.

"Alec. Maybe we should just leave?" (voice of reason)

"What are you afraid of? As long they are here they cannot go against the lord." (apparently Alec)

"Excuse me, do I know you?" (Shari)

"You're really asking? That other freak attacked me! And it enjoyed doing so!" (Alec)

God, what did Liqu now do while I wasn't there to watch her?

Can't I leave her for even a moment alone?

However, aside from some scratches and a roughed-up uniform, he seems to be fine.

Yet this might also be due to the visit of a healer to mend the damage.

"Liqu did? I'm sorry to hear that." (Shari)

"Oh, she's sorry! Well that changes everything." (Alec)

"Look, this isn't necessary. I try as well to keep her in check. That aside, should you really talk to me like that?" (Shari)

I mean, I'm an officer and as far I know soldiers should respect those.

"I talk to you as I fucking seem fit!" (Alec)

He says this while repeatedly poking my chest.

I would compliment him for his lack of reservation.

Yet it feels quite rude.

I start to understand what might've driven Liqu to attack him.

"Could you please stop that?" (Shari)

"Is the monster sensitive there? What if I do this?!" (Alec)

Did this asshole just grab my breast?

That little flat area I formed there to keep appearances.

"Eugh! This is certainly lacking... I would say... firmness." (Alec)

"You!..." (Shari)

"Oh, she's angry. What are you now going to do?" (Alec)

I would want to use my acid on his face, lacking any more effective means to show my anger.

Yet this wouldn't help my standing in the army.

Suddenly a hand clamps down from the side on the wrist of the guy who still teases me by poking my chest.

"I believe that's enough. The count wouldn't like to see this kind of behavior." (?)

Do I know this guy?

"Zeon!? Let go! This has nothing to do with you!" (Alec)


Wait, wasn't this the lightning swordsman Liqu has beaten up back then?

"I would wish so but your actions make all of us look bad." (Zeon)

"Goddamnit! Let go of my hand!" (Alec)

"First you should formally apologize to the higher ranking officer you just offended. Otherwise I cannot overlook this. Our force's discipline might be questioned." (Zeon)

"You're talking about discipline?! Let fucking go of my hand!" (Alec)


Alec hits Zeon in the face but that guy won't even budge.

Not to speak of letting go of the hand.

"You made two mistakes. The first one was this act of insubordination, and the second..." (Zeon)

I see him smirk.

"You chose to fight a lightning user who has still physical contact." (Zeon)


At least Alec's jerking cramps on the ground indicate so.


He's still at it.

"Uh, thank you, I guess." (Shari)

"Don't bother. Stuff like this shouldn't happen in the first place." (Zeon)

"Still. It's not a given that someone would act on my behalf." (Shari)

I know a slime who devised a crazy abduction plan for that reason.

"You know, magic users aren't that common. Especially those who wield destructive elements often get these looks. Maybe I can because of this see that you're holding back. Otherwise, we would have had many more deaths by now." (Zeon)

"Well, thank you. It's appreciated. Ehm, does that hurt?" (Shari)

He was hit full-force in the face and there's a painful-looking throbbing below his eye.

"Nah, having to deal with constant discharges from one's body is much more painful than such a half-hearted punch." (Zeon)

"What?" (Shari)

"A lightning mage feels each spell himself. Don't know if you can understand this experience but even normal humans sometimes suddenly feel a piercing sting when touching another. There's a small discharge. Mine are naturally a little more intense." (Zeon)

"That sounds painful." (Shari)

"Not if you get used to this. For me, it's more like a feeling of accomplishment." (Zeon)

"If you say so." (Shari)

"However, you shouldn't let a soldier act up like this. That's weakening the order." (Zeon)

"I sadly cannot do that much. My position isn't allowing me to just attack people. I still believe that my rank is a mere honor title." (Shari)

"Your standing with the soldiers might be particular. Yet this makes it even more important to make them respect you." (Zeon)

"Excuse me? What is going on here?" (Peras)

Suddenly Peras shows up with an expression that is obviously inquiring why a soldier lies there twitching on the ground while we talk as if there's nothing about it.

Might be a little bit complicated to explain this.

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