Slime Girl

Chapter 109

- Liqu -

Sigh, I'm always a bit downtrodden when I'm separated from my Shari.

Especially difficult for me to accept is Shari's request not to come to her help should something happen, but instead to concentrate on the girl.

I know Shari isn't as weak anymore as most humans are but this doesn't mean she's safe.

Naturally, I want to ensure her safety.

Even if this girl's death would bother me a little, as it would mean losing someone who was unusually nice to me, Shari is the most important.

I am really conflicted if I can allow such a risk, even if it helps to make her like me more.

However, since there is no emergency right now I don't have to decide right away on that matter.

Also, I've promised her and promises are very important to my Shari, so I have no other choice.

And then there's my reward in the end.

So, the first thing I have to do now is to get to the upper levels and meet up with that girl.

Shari made me wear those clothes again.

Even more than usual, with the full attire the other humans usually wear.

I feel constrained.

Nonetheless, I have to go to that girl's room.

At least I thought so but am suddenly blocked off by a woman.

"You! I can't believe that this truly happens. Don't think I would allow that you do as you please. You're not allowed to come close to her highness." (Lorena)

Honestly, I'm not paying too much attention to what she says.

It's not my first speech about how evil I am.

Adventurers do this all the time to rally each other when they're up against me.

In general, I let them finish before dissolving them as it seems to be very important for these people.

So it's not too much to ask of me to wait until she's done.

Just then she opens the door.

And I enter.

"Liqu!" (Anvenia)

The girl, clearly anticipative of my arrival, jumps up and comes running at me.

Since I don't get often a chance to do this and my Shari isn't here to scold me, I hug her.

"Waahhh!" (Lorena)

What? I just pushed her a little into me.

The girl has no issues with this.

Aside from being startled because "someone" here had to scream.

Well, she might be now a little drenched so I should release her.

"Uhh, is that getting out again?" (Anvenia)

"Drying and then cleaning should work." (Liqu)

The liquid should like this vapor and only a neglectable amount of hard contents remain.

Those can be easily removed.

"What are you doing!" (Lorena)

This woman sounds now clearly agitated.

Maybe I should have paid more attention to what she wanted when she held her speech.

"Your highness! Look at you! How could you let this happen? What would your father say?" (Lorena)

"Daddy isn't even here! He just sent me away and never came to get me. He doesn't even send me letters!" (Anvenia)

"This, this isn't... A-at least please let me clean you up and change your clothes. You can't let anyone see you in this state." (Lorena)

That sounds bothersome.

I can relate that someone wouldn't want to wear clothes.

And she even has to wear those specific ones.

No one would get me into this cumbersome thing.

I don't know what to do while they're at it, so I seat myself into a corner.

It takes a while since also the replacement dress is cumbersome.

Totally impractical.

One can't even move in that thing.

Yet after a while, they're finished and the girl comes again to me.

"Liqu. I am so happy that you're here!" (Anvenia)

Even if I repeat myself, I need to say that this is a novel experience.

It's uncommon that someone is happy about my presence.

Even Shari isn't showing it so open.

However, she as well is shows often a positive response when I come.

She clearly loses tension then as one can perceive at her inner consistency.

"Yes, yes. I was told to protect you. Shari said so too." (Liqu)

"Oh, this one. Anyways, could you show me the dragon again?" (Anvenia)

"Uh, I don't like dragons." (Liqu)

"Please, for me." (Anvenia)

"What is that supposed to mean?" (Lorena)

"Just look! This is really awesome!" (Anvenia)

I concentrate on the image.

Since I already did it once and memorized everything the repetition comes easy.

But I make it a bit bigger for a greater visual effect.

And it certainly has one.

They're clearly impressed by my performance.

And for a grand finale, I let it again spew fire/slime.

For a moment everything is colored in a  green mist that should be almost impossible to look through before it spreads around the whole room.

"Clap, clap, calp"

"That was great!" (Anvenia)

After that, for some reason, I get scolded by that woman and they again change that girl's attire.

Might take a while until I get out of this room.

After that girl got dressed in a third attire it finally seems as if things are going to proceed.

The girl again comes running to me.

"Uhm, Lorena says I cannot touch you anymore. But I hope we can still have fun together." (Anvenia)

"Mhm, I like fun. But no touching? What is left then?" (Liqu)

"Uh, I don't know." (Anvenia)

"Your highness. You received the permission to stroll the gardens as long you're accompanied by... that... individual." (Lorena)

"Really?! I can go out?! How far?" (Anvenia)

"You are still required to stay on the estate's grounds. And while the soldiers are trustworthy to a degree, direct contact with them is strictly forbidden." (Lorena)

"Oh. But still. Finally out here!" (Anvenia)

"Your highness, mind your manners." (Lorena)

"And I?" (Liqu)

"How is it possible that you don't know this? You have to make sure that no one approaches her highness." (Lorena)

"Ah, so I have to dissolve everyone who comes close." (Liqu)

"Wha-... No! You're supposed to make sure that no one can harm her highness." (Lorena)

"Easy enough. She's small, so it's not difficult to shield her." (Liqu)

"Uhh, well. If you can do that." (Lorena)

"No problem." (Liqu)

After this, we go out.

The girl is visibly excited.

While she seems to be familiar with the third floor, she becomes curious as soon we reach the second.

And there are already other humans.

"Who is this girl?"

"Do you know her?"

"Nevermind the girl, look who's behind her!"


"Is she safe?"

"Are you gonna intervene if she's not?"


Just some random mumbling from some of those humans.

Nothing that raises my attention.

Also, they always become quiet as soon I look at them, which is kinda irritating.

Instead, the girl is straight heading outside.

If I understood right she wasn't able to go there in a long time.

I can barely fathom that.

I mean, I had a hard time dealing with having no one to talk to.

But not even being able to change locations?

That's tough.

It's the same big field as usual.

I kinda like grass as my color allows me to hide by squeezing myself down.

The girl likes it too.

But different from her initial elation at my presence, she now walks rather calmly on it.

"Why so restrained? I thought you would be happy?" (Liqu)

"Uh, proper ladies don't run." (Anvenia)

"This sounds silly. If you want to do something, why don't do it?" (Liqu)

"Because she has the responsibility to act according to her status." (Lorena)

"What is status? What is it good for?" (Liqu)

Can I dissolve it?

I can dissolve almost anything.

And the few things I can't I can circumvent by dissolving.

"Urgh. What did the count just think?" (Lorena)

No idea.

But if I do a good job my Shari will be pleased.

And then I can link with her.

I'm so excited about this prospect.

This one time I had with her after killing Chris was the best experience I ever had.

Just to imagine that I could feel again like this.

Not only does it mean that we are close.

But far more it's like gaining pure insight.

New viewpoints, concepts.

Basically, it's like having access to a new life.

The one my Shari granted me.

And I will make use of it.

"Liqu, is something wrong? You're spacing out." (Anvenia)

"How does she know?" (Lorena)

"Huh, really?" (Liqu)

I guess she's right. For a moment I lost all awareness.

That's really dangerous, so I should make sure it doesn't repeat.

"Why don't we tour the garden, your highness?" (Lorena)

They went in the direction where I noticed all kinds of different plants neatly put in an aligned way next to each other.

I am rather used to seeing plants as this is literally what a forest consists of.

Some are better than others, as they contain some energy.

I just now realize that this must be due to magical effects.

Those weren't too interesting for me as I dissolved them either way.

Yet I get the feeling that Shari would be angry at me if I do that here.

The girl on the other side is totally enjoying this.

She seems to put an effort to restrain herself from jumping directly into the greenery.

Maybe again this "ladies-don't-do-this"-nonsense.

Nonetheless, she seems to be happy.

I apparently have to stick close.

This is not a too difficult task for a slime but this no-touching order is raising the difficulty.

My solution is to simply sit down while she looks at the more colorful plants.

Not as exciting as my most recent days but if I think about the flesh I will receive today just for doing this it should be worth it.

It's still far more entertaining than waiting for days on a tree for something to pass by.

That was always an issue when I was far less proficient at hunting.

Here I just have to wait and will eventually get as much flesh as I require.

And this while I'm together with my Shari!

This must be how it feels to be in paradise.

And all I have to do is to protect this little girl while she's playing with the plants.

Wait, this plant!

Immediately I rush forward, pulling all my mass in the girl's direction.

The woman stares at me for a split second before trying to get in my way but is easily shoved to the side.

My goal is the girl.

She as well noticed my approach but even if she fears my sudden advance there's no way to get away anymore.

I reach out and cover her right arm from behind, down from her elbow.

That child had it already embedded completely inside that yellow bush.

"Wh-Wha-..." (Anvenia)

"What are you doing there?!" (Lorena)

"What my Shari wants me to." (Liqu)

My Shari said: "Protect the girl."

However, I'm a bit too late.

"Liqu, that feels weird." (Anvenia)

"Let go of her highness! This instant!" (Lorena)

"No can do." (Liqu)

"You will release her you... you monster!" (Lorena)

Humans really like to state the obvious, huh?

I know what I am.

However, it's uncommon how she claws at me, trying to rip me away from the arm.

Which I obviously still have a firm grasp on.

Also, it's so pointless to try removing an active slime's matter

"Leave her be! Let go! Separate!" (Lorena)

"Lorena, stop this!!!" (Anvenia)

"Y-your highness." (Lorena)

"Liqu, why can't you let go? Is there a reason?" (Anvenia)

"Yes. That bush is not good." (Liqu)

"Not good?" (Anvenia)

"The bush? Why should the count leave something like this in the open?" (Lorena)

What would I know?

It's not like I have a greater understanding of humans than them.

"No idea. But yes. I know that one. It has a bad effect on living things." (Liqu)

Directly all color leaves the red face of the woman.

Which is quite a funny contrast.

"I-is it poisonous? Is her highness in danger?" (Lorena)

This woman is extremely focused on the girl, as it seems.

"Danger? No, don't think so. But it will cause a hell of a rash." (Liqu)

I still remember vividly how I once saw some larger mammal accidentally diving directly into one of these.

The effect was rather nasty.

It wriggled for an extensive period of time in such agony on the ground that it didn't even notice when I sneaked closer and started to dissolve.

At least not at first.

"Now that you say it, my hand starts to feel itchy." (Anvenia)

"You reacted like this because of an itch?" (Lorena)

"A really bad itch!" (Liqu)

Now they stare rather blankly at me.

"E-ehm, what exactly are you doing with my arm? It starts to feel really weird. Not painful, but strange. And, and I think whatever you're doing spreads quite deep inside. That's not the plant but you, right?" (Anvenia)

I have to protect this girl.

That means in the first place to make sure she won't die.

However, my Shari said unharmed.

As far as I know, physical inconvenience is considered as harm.

This means I cannot leave it at that.

So as soon I grabbed her I started pulling the poison out by guiding my slime into her pores and dissolving everything that isn't part of her.

The results I can easily pull out again.

"Just sucking the bad plant-stuff out there. If it's dissolved it won't itch." (Liqu)

"Y-you're dissolving her arm?" (Lorena)

Careful, you look as if you're fainting any moment.

Had quite a number of those cases inside me.

I know the early symptoms.

"Just the plant part. I'm good at differentiating. Even if it's usually the other way round and I'm rather going for the flesh. Weird to concentrate on the opposite. So please don't bother me, or I might accidentally switch." (Liqu)

The woman is apparently now at a loss for words.

Might be better as what I'm doing here is still very small detail work and requires thorough concentration.

Wouldn't be good to make me forget that I don't want the flesh.

"Uh, Liqu. Now it starts to feel bad. Ouch!" (Anvenia)

"Bear with it." (Liqu)

"Stop it! You cannot do that to her!" (Lorena)

Am I not doing it already?

"When I'm done I'll stop." (Liqu)

I guess I can understand her, even if I have only theoretical knowledge of the human sense of pain.

I have basically to scrape her pores out and cleanse the outer skin levels.

This affords a very penetrative procedure.

And this means she has to endure the pain which comes from doing so.

Not that I intend to let go and give her a choice on that matter.

I will proceed until I'm sure that nothing remains inside.

Still, I shouldn't get distracted or I might make a mistake.

"Stop right there, you fiend! Let that girl go!" (Alec)

"Huh?" (Liqu)

And there comes a distraction.

Several humans with drawn swords of different sizes.

I can gauge the strength of humans to a degree.

One needs this ability while being against adventurers.

These are on the upper levels.

"I'm busy. Go away." (Liqu)

Almost done.

If they would just leave me be for a moment.

"Damned monster! Leave that girl to us!" (Alec)

I perceive anger flaring up within that noisy one.

And some darker things.

His soul flickers like a mix of fire and smoke.

But instead of attacking, he takes position with the other fighters.

Good for me.

"So, done. Don't play again with colorful plants. They are so for a reason." (Liqu)

Often because they contain magic and like this have all kinds of effects on those who're not slimes.

Mostly not good ones as any kind of change is usually negative for a working human body.

I pat the girl on the head and smile at her.

She was rather cooperative, even if she didn't like it.

Better than Shari back then.

Awh, such fond memories.

"Stop ignoring us!!!" (Alec)

Right, there was something.

First I have to get rid of the clothes.


He comes close and any moment the attack will start.

Suddenly the woman runs at me, grabs the girl with surprising strength, and runs off.

Not that I'm angry about this.

I may not be able to protect her while she's gone but it would be cumbersome to fight those soldiers and at the same time ensure that nothing happens to her due to their attacks.

Now this problem is gone.

"Rias, Kine! Get after that girl! Take care of her!" (Alec)

The two farthest on each side start to walk in the direction the girl left to.

Oh no! I may not be doing it now, but that's still my job!

Quickly I reach with two tendrils to their backs and pull them back to me.

"Don't underestimate us! We may have lost on our own, but we are the elite! And now we will face you together!" (Alec)

"Are you angry because I've won against you?" (Liqu)

This look proves me right.

The other four behind don't even look too keen to fight.

Especially those I grabbed

Maybe I can make this short.

"We're going to get you done!" (Alec)

"Uhu, but to do this you would have to win." (Liqu)

"We will win!" (Alec)

I start with a fast extension towards him.

If I get hold of this noisy one I doubt the others are going to continue.

The noisy ones are always those the others concentrate on.

Yet this one is rather fast and dodges my arm while also managing to strike at it.

Huh? I've lost energy!

His sword! It's covered with a coating of these terrible stones.

Just a tiny bit on the outer layer but enough to annoy me.

The others already surrounded me and prepare a simultaneous attack.

Which I counter by rotating my arms and some extra appendages I added on the fly in a flurry around me.

That's enough to make them back off.

Still, they use these weapons to lash out at these appendages and take with each strike small amounts of my energy.

All of them are rather skilled and I feel pressured to get take them out without killing them.

"Now we'll get you!" (Alec)

"You're noisy. I'll end this now, fine?" (Liqu)


"Huh..." (Alec)

At this moment, the ground directly below his position gives in and erupts.

Out of the earth emerges a tendril of slime which quickly attaches to his leg.

Took some time until he stood still, but now he stayed long enough at one place that the slime I sent into the ground could reach him.

That's the problem with a formation, your opponent knows your allocated space.

I pull his leg down, so he loses mobility.

As I couldn't guide too much mass through the hastily created tunnel I now follow up with more on the direct way.

With his leg stuck he shouldn't be able to escape in time.

"Wha-" (Alec)

He tries striking at it, but as I'm almost always well-sustained nowadays this bit of coating can't do much against my energy levels.

Got him!

I pull him close to me before the others have a chance to free him.

"Stop this!" (Alec)

"Release him!" (soldier)

"You want him back? Here." (Liqu)

With a bit of force, I lash out with my slime.

Yet there's still a body attached to it.

This one flies as well in the direction of the other soldiers.

Yet somehow they don't seem very willing to catch that man.

Instead, he crashes head-first into the ground.

I held back quite a bit, so he should've survived it.

Also, he screams when I start to swing him once more at the others.

So he should be alright if he can still be so loud.

My tactic works out since now the others stopped to strike with these bothersome swords at the appendage I attack them with.

Like this, I manage to keep them at bay.

"That's enough!" (Peras)

Suddenly I hear a shout.

It's this man who already fought twice with my Shari.

I was told that he's important here.

At least the others stop fighting.

Maybe I should as well.

"Let him down!" (Peras)

That went to me.

"He attacked me." (Liqu)

"Doesn't matter. Do so. Now!" (Peras)

I play with the thought to do something not nice to him.

Yet I remember how my Shari got scolded the last time for my actions.

So maybe I should do so.

It's not like I couldn't crush him anyways.

And then dissolve anyone who gets in my way.


"Fine. Who we've got here? Alec! Should have known it. Barely recognized you in that state." (Peras)

"Argh, captain. This thing attacked us. We tried to fight it but it was too strong." (Alec)

"Next time if you claim something like this make sure that the girls who called me didn't already tell me what actually happened." (Peras)

Now he looks really pale.

There must be something to the power of that man if it can cause this reaction.

"You others! Back on your posts! There'll be consequences! Just wait for it! And you, Alec. You have apparently too much energy. So we should put it to work. Get to the healer and have your bruises healed! After that, come to the training field. Got something for you. And before I forget it, I'll cut half of your pay for this month and double time for your training sessions. Let's see if we can get that rebellious behavior out of you." (Peras)

After that, he approaches me.

"Something like this shouldn't happen. I'm taking the blame for that. However, next time call someone instead of solving the situation.... in this manner." (Peras)

He looks around.

Maybe I overdid it a little.

Most of the plants in my close vicinity didn't survive my wild attacks.

Not to speak about all the slime I've scattered on them.

Yet the latter should be good for the plants in the long run.

"Why are you here?" (Liqu)

It's a little strange that the important one came so quickly.

The fight only took minutes.

"I was suddenly called out because two young ladies screamed that my soldiers were acting rogue." (Peras)

"They... said that?" (Liqu)

"Yes. They vouched for you. It's a shame how my soldiers acted. To make this clear, I don't tolerate such behavior." (Peras)

That was more directed at me than those others.

Yet it's a strange development.

These humans both vouched for me.

And this is absolutely atypical.

I could maybe understand that girl.

She has a positive attitude towards me.

But the other woman was not a single time nice to me.

And she was clearly in charge.

So why do they think now that I was in the right?

Usually, humans say in such a situation that I'm the bad one because I'm a monster.

Well, they come back now, so I can just ask them.

"Why am I not bad?" (Liqu)

"Ehh?" (Lorena)

"They attacked you! They are the baddies!" (Anvenia)

"I'm always in the wrong if something like this happens. That's what humans say." (Liqu)

"I... I don't know about this. But even an imbecile could see that you didn't provoke them. My personal thoughts on the subject aside, attacking her highness' guard means disrespecting her. This cannot be tolerated!" (Lorena)

This must again be this strange concept of "power" Shari told me about.

If it can even make happen that a slime is treated better than a human then maybe I should gather some of this.

"Oh, and my arm feels perfect. Even better than before. Thank you for that!" (Anvenia)

"Yes... That as well. But I would prefer it if such things would be left to the healers if it ever repeats." (Lorena)

I thoroughly cleaned out her pores so there's nothing harmful left in there.

"Your highness. I believe this was enough excitement for today. If you would now head back to your lodgings." (Lorena)

I see her frown but ultimately she complies.

So we go back to her room.

After we arrive, I still have to shape my body into various forms but ultimately she's satisfied.

"Your highness. I think your guard has to leave now you. It was a long day and you still have to work on your lessons." (Lorena)

Another frown and yet another nod.

She really gives off contradicting signals.

But before I leave she comes to me.

"I... I wanted to thank you. Today was more exciting than ever before. And that's all thanks to you. Thank you so much. You don't know how happy you made me!" (Anvenia)

Today I was also thanked many more times than... ever in my whole existence.

An unusual day.

I can't wait to get back to my Shari.

However, on the way down my thoughts are on that girl.

I guess I like her. There was never someone who was so unreserved nice to me.

Also, her soul makes a comforting impression.

Not the slightest hint of malice is to be found there.

Because of that, it concerns me that she has to do things she obviously doesn't like to do.

Sometimes I think that girl would be happier as a slime.

However, I cannot do that.

She's simply too small.

Long before a proper core would have formed in her body her insides would start to dissolve.

To prevent a reaction I have to provide the core energetic mass as an alternative.

Yet there's not enough space in her stomach.

It would burst long before I've stored a sufficient amount in there.

The only solution might be to establish a continuous exchange of newly provided slime to replace the spent matter.

But that doesn't seem to be applicable.

Too much could go wrong as already a single application is very stressful on a human's body, as I've realized with my Shari.

It could even happen, that I'm not able to pull enough of the old slime out, and the dissolving reaction sets in.

Also, in total, I wouldn't have the leeway.

So I cannot transform her.


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