Slime Girl

Chapter 110

- Shari -

This concludes Liqu's recollection.

I'm going to ignore that disturbing last part as it doesn't matter at the moment.

Also, it explains why this Alec acted his hatred out on me as he did.

He got misused and as a club thoroughly screwed up by her.

What interests me would be how she made that dragon vapor her slime.

It was interesting and gives me an idea for an application.

I've even got something like an instruction about how to do it since this sharing of minds is extremely detailed.

Why does it have to be so convenient and at the same time so extremely intrusive to do it?

Whenever I link with Liqu it feels... like a couple thing.

I know she might not see it this way as she doesn't even think in human standards.

But it's so awfully close and intense that for hours I can't think about anything else but Liqu.

Still, I've realized that we have a rather bad standing.

I will have to change that.

Instead of trying to convince those who are hostile, it might be better to work on the relationships I've already established.

Maybe then some more positive rumors about us might spread.

So I decide on something.

"Liqu, from tomorrow on we're going to train with our team. I want you to go easy on them. We have to gain some goodwill." (Shari)

"Goodwill?" (Liqu)

"Show them that it's possible, and more importantly safe, to work with us. Like this our relationships with the humans will eventually improve and fewer people want us dead." (Shari)

"Oh. Okay!" (Liqu)

Seems like I've settled this.

However, I need a rest.

So I have eventually to tug myself into my tub knowing that in my standby mode I might dream of Liqu after all this information intake.

The next days passed by calmly.

I finally got lessons regarding how to lead people.

Until now Joran did most of the job so well that I ask myself why he wasn't already promoted to my position.

I mean he is young but not too young.


Could be.

Anyways Kaleb showed me the ropes on it.

Also, Jaren managed together with Vela to convince the other team members that we start training together.

It's mostly Liqu against everyone else.

She can pressure our vanguard, occupy the second line, and alternate her attacks to be less predictable at the same time.

Meanwhile, I train by fighting against multiple of her tentacles by cutting them off.

I've realized that my dexterity is underdeveloped and I have to work hard on my skills.

That pays off, as the difficulty is quite high and truly requires extreme levels of awareness and speed to be fast enough to keep up.

It's needless to say that Liqu on her side is extremely motivated to touch me.

Even more, as it happens in some way with my consent in this scenario.

However, I think my own apprehension also drives me to get better at dodging and deflecting her.

This is also necessary.

Especially as these bouts, which Peras forces me to participate in, get harder and harder by the day.

Not to say that I am constantly pressured to prove my worth.

Liqu got a bit more comfortable in this environment and my argument that always being together could make me grow tired of her and like this decrease my affection worked out to gain me some free time.

She's almost always together with the princess while I am having my lessons.

So I learned stuff like reading the environment, how to instruct others to do things, like setting up a camp, tactics, and strategizing.

In the latter, I was really good.

The other topics... not so much.

Don't judge me.

It's all the fault of that damned core.

I can barely concentrate on the taught stuff before I forget the recent lesson.

The drier the information I have to learn the harder it is to press into that stone.

And believe me how to set up a camp in theory and maintaining the logistics of a military troop is dry.

"So this concludes our lesson about different forms of fortifications in regard to available time, environment, and situational threats. Any questions?" (Kaleb)

To be honest, there was one I had for a while.

Even if it's not directly related to the topic.

"Why is this building so weirdly built? There are no windows on the ground level and the walls are extremely thick." (Shari)

"You don't know yet? This should be basic knowledge." (Kaleb)

"Whatever is so obvious, no one bothered to tell me." (Shari)

"Fine, then it's on me. This building is an emergency shelter for all our personnel. In case of an attack, everyone is instructed to escape to this place. The servants and officials shall seek shelter while the soldiers protect them. Only after we assembled there a coordinated reaction will occur, in case the soldiers weren't able to simply deal with the threat by themselves." (Kaleb)

I see.

This place is still quite close to the Evergrove.

If a strong monster shows up that the soldiers can't deal with directly, it's best to get all the servants out of the line and strike with all they have.

This way causalities can be kept low and orders according to a plan that keeps the respective situation in mind be given.

"Was that now all for today?" (Shari)

"Yes, but Captain Peras wants to see you." (Kaleb)

"Oh no, again? He makes me everyday fight his elite soldiers. And those are really tough." (Shari)

Until now I could kinda keep up.

But I always grow nervous when they hit me full force with their enhanced strength.

I even switched to a reinforced leather west.

This one is actually standard but restricts mine and Liqu's movements too much to use them all the time.

Since the training weapons are blunt and I have my slime hull around my core there is no need to worry.

But there was that one incident when one of the soldiers slashed with the tip through the fabric of the uniform and came dangerously close to my core.

Something that Liqu can never find out.

So some additional protection is recommended.

"That you can keep up shows that it works. Some of them use enhancement techniques." (Kaleb)

"Some? All of them! Wasn't this supposed to be a rare ability?" (Shari)

"It is. Captain Peras assembles his absolute elite for this." (Kaleb)

"Really? I started to get the impression that this is totally common here." (Shari)

"Then you didn't pay attention. Or why you think you fared so well during that special practice event." (Kaleb)

"Sure, you got me there. But where were all these guys back then?" (Shari)

"You fought two. The first ones. All the others were handled by your friend." (Kaleb)

Well, now I start to see Liqu in a different much more terrifying light.

It looked so easy how she swept the ground with those people.

At least the few times I had the leeway to look.

Yet this was mostly during the end when I got used to this.

"Now you should get going. The captain is waiting." (Kaleb)

Like all the other days I head over to the training ground and I find Peras there, who usually supervises my spars.

He seems to be in a good mood.

"Good day, Captain." (Shari)

"Good that you made it. I actually looked forward to this." (Peras)

He did?

I managed particularly well in the last bouts.

Even with my restricted movements I progressively got better at dodging and deflecting their strikes and at the same time was able to retaliate.

But is this a reason?

"Ahem, glad that you're pleased, Sir." (Shari)

"Take today's fight as a test. It will be a little bit more difficult than usual." (Peras)

A test? For what?

"So, who's my opponent?" (Shari)

"Ah, yes. Here." (Peras)

With this, my opponent steps forward.

"Z-Zeon?" (Shari)

"Seems like today we're against each other today." (Zeon)

"I don't think I need to mention that the usage of all personal abilities is allowed." (Peras)

I'm going to get zapped!

Liqu made it very clear that this isn't enjoyable with the kind of body I have.

Well, normal bodies would be bothered as well, but it's said that slimes are particularly weak to it.

I force a smile.

It would be cramped if this would be possible for liquid slime.

Both of us take our respective equipment.

I on my side, a leather vest, and the usual two short swords.

Since this training is about my movements in human form I have to make do with what a human could handle.

And humans are restricted in their number of limbs.

However, I know who is my opponent and so I equip one more as a reserve.

Zeon on the other hand uses a single sword of medium size.

"Naturally, no deadly attacks are permitted. We will see who fares better in this fight. Take positions!" (Peras)

I have no choice but to do this and try to remember everything I know from Liqu's fight against him.

There was something about guiding the current.

Yet I don't really know what that entails.

It's not like I ever got struck by lightning.

Zeon shows an almost unnatural calmth while he prepares.

His expression is serene and the way he goes into a stance is almost meditative.

"Begin!" (Peras)

At this command, he swipes with his right arm, which holds the weapon, to the side.


The energy is clearly visible.

At least for me.

It runs from his whole body, into his hand, and from there to the weapon.

These sparks worry me deeply.

I decide to use my usual opening and attack him with an extending arm from the distance.

It shall just keep him at bay so he cannot advance on me.

Naturally, he can block that one.



I've lost my arm!

The moment our weapons touched each other I lost all connection to my arm.

Is this... lightning?

How the heck could Liqu fight this?!

Not to speak of enduring a direct hit?

It's scary.

Now I understand why he's rumored to be the count's best soldier.

I wouldn't know how anyone could counter this.

As soon one crosses blades with him they lose.

That's almost unfair.

I quickly grab the other sword and try to deflect without touching him.

While giving my all to avoid his sword I try to think this through.

What did I feel when he got me?

I believe something passed through me.

But even with highspeed processing, it happened too fast for anything concrete.

Yet, whatever I felt there, it has to be the energy of the attack.

Still, how shall I guide this?

Since none of my attacks connects he proceeds to advance on me.

As soon he hits my main body I'm done for.

I take something similar to a deep breath and spew as much dispersed slime out as I can.

I know how to do that from that one linking.

But different from Liqu I know that this ability cannot only depict a very realistic dragon but also be used to take the opponent's vision.

It's not just about the slime which gets in the eyes and blinds the enemy, but it's also in general an impenetrable fog one cannot see through from the outside.

The only beings that can see are those creatures who consist of that stuff and have a sense linked to the slime.

I know exactly where he is.

So I swipe with both my swords at his legs.

However, he stands firm, and seconds later his weapon comes down.

I can pull back one arm but he grazes the other one at the tip.

I lose for a moment the connection and my sword slips away.

However, I already pulled it back, so even without my support it drifts back in my direction and I can at least recover it.

On the other side, this took too long and my slime fog is already gone.

To be honest, while he's an impressive opponent, his swordsmanship is just good but not overwhelming.

If not for these shocks he would have no chance.

But they're there so I have to deal with them.

Yet in a long confrontation, he will without a doubt eventually get me.

And I cannot use impact as Liqu did since it's no safe technique in my inept slime hands and I'm banned from using deadly techniques.

But I need to do something as he is already far too close.

This time I attack him from both sides.

He can just block one with his sword.

The moment he moves to concentrate on one of them I let go of the weapon before the metal contacts to avoid the shock.

The shock propels the blade away, but the jab to his other side should still hurt quite a bit.

But it doesn't stop him to advance on me.

So I use my last resort and slash at him with all my power.

And once more let go of the weapon before I get shocked.

As long his annoying weapon isn't in the way I can tackle him.

While the only hard part about me is my equipment the force alone is enough to get him down on the ground.

Nonetheless, even if he's lying on his back he can reposition his sword to move it in my direction.

I know it's gonna be the end of the fight if that thing gets inside me and releases its numbing current.

Yet all I can do to prevent this is to put more mass between him and his arm.

Naturally, I don't simply shove some slime there, but also increase the concentration on the side he's about to reach.

I also have a layer of clothing so I can only hope for the best.

When it touches I curse inwardly for my lack of foresight.

The energy almost reaches my core.

Every little part of mine the left side becomes numb and I am very sure that only the clothes keep my shape together.

But I notice that most of the energy is passing where I concentrated the slime.

And it goes... downwards!

The energy for some reason wants to go down to the ground!

I can use this knowledge to prevent it from wreaking havoc inside me.

But on the other side, I cannot really control my slime in the struck area, which complicates things.

Suddenly Zeon grabs with his free hand the arm I pin him down with.


This is unbearable!

Absolutely no control!

Damnit, I forgot that he can apply these shocks with his hands too.

I have almost no part of my body left to work with.

So I have to make do with what I have.

And that I pull away.

Just half my body obeys my wish but that's still enough to pull my core and the vest out of Zeon's reach.

Yet a large part of my body remains stuck there.

I simply couldn't move it.

To my dismay, I notice that my trousers didn't obey my wish.

Also, I'm barely left with any mass to shape my body.

That what forms back is...

a child.

Zeon somehow manages to stand back up in this puddle of slime and albeit he's huffing a bit he seems to be fine.

Then he looks at me.

"Ehm, maybe we should leave it at that?" (Zeon)

"Tsk, I'm not done yet!" (Shari)

Okay, this would have sounded much more convincing if for some reason my voice hadn't turned into a nine-year-old's.

Yet I can only do so much in frequency with my vocal cords being half as long as usual.

"I don't know how you see any chance to win now." (Zeon)

"Oh, how about this!" (Shari)

What he forgot to consider is his position.

He stands in the middle of a puddle consisting of my remains.

And there's still this snail's trail I left on my retreat.

This is enough to establish a connection.

In a blink, the slime below him erupts upwards and grabs him.

I make sure that it comes from more than all sides.

So even if he shocks one tendril I can easily reapply it while the others hold firm.

Also, I spread the connection as close as possible to the ground.

The current should like this be guided to the earth before it can cause any damage to my control.

As a mage, he will eventually run out of power, no matter how good he is.

I on the other side, have more than enough energy.

I just lack control.

I see and feel him struggle inside my mass.

Not only some tendrils but the pure weight of all the mass is dragging him down.

There is nothing he can do now.

"Release!" (Zeon)

I rather feel than see the energy bursting out of him.

In a ridiculous quick explosion, all my control is gone and the slime splatters to the sides.

I'm stunned that he can emit this energy anywhere around his body.

Even if it's only for a moment.

At this moment Zeon turns into a stance he bends both his knees in my direction.

"Lightning enhancement!" (Zeon)

I guess it's only possible to see this with my special vision.

In Zeon's legs, this lightning energy sparks up.

Promptly his knees yank up and catapult him in my direction.

In a blink, he's crossing the distance between us.

I defend the oncoming strike by shoving all the rest of the slime I have still at my disposal in its way.

It works even if the struck part gets numb.

But suddenly he pushes his other hand into my body.

He shoves it directly through the head opening of my vest, reaching further inside.

I cannot feel anything at this point.

All the energy not only takes my control but makes me blind, completely overwhelming my usual awareness.

I just now become aware of how much I relied on this sense and how bad it feels to lose it.

I feel completely disconnected from everything.

Then I notice some kind of movement.

The disconnection doesn't stop and suddenly I feel absolutely bare.

I need a moment to realize what happened.

Wh-what do I do now?

I have nothing left!

My whole body is gone.

I... I can't do anything!

He even is touching me directly.

I feel so... bare.

What if this causes a scratch?

Would this mean a permanent damage?

I, I am scared.

He can do everything he wants with me.

If he chooses to keep me away from slime I won't recover.

I will just stay forever this stone.

This is hell!

Suddenly I feel like I'm falling.

A moment later I hit something.

Is this...


Yes, it is!

I can feel it, control it, move it!

How wonderful!

As fast as I can I reshape my body with the mental image of myself.

Already midway I start to gain awareness of my surroundings.

A moment later I realize that I'm far too elated about consisting of slime.

That I need it to exist is one thing but I really, really don't want to start to take a liking to this stuff.

I notice that I'm still a little small as all I had to work with was the small puddle of my leftovers.

I spread my arm to the next accumulation strewn around the field and suck it in so I can start to shape a more mature body.

Just when this is done I can leave survival mode and again act in a normal way.

Did this core's instinct again take over?


"Damn!" (Shari)

"Wow. What a recovery." (Zeon)

"Huh. What happened?" (Shari)

"Guess I won. Didn't you hear the captain?" (Zeon)

"Oh sorry, but someone ripped my very self out of my body. I'm rather hard of hearing when I lack everything!" (Shari)

"Oh, might be better this way." (Zeon)

I ask myself what that's supposed to mean, but when I watch in the round I see some of the men avert their gaze.

Guess those proposed to crush me while I'm helpless.

Then I lock my artificial eyes on Peras.

"You've lost. Nothing to say about this. Gather yourself and fetch a new uniform. After that I'm expecting you in my office." (Peras)

Am I seriously about to get scolded for losing?

While Peras heads inside Zeon speaks up.

"You gave me a hard fight. I'm totally exhausted. If we would now go for another round you might even win." (Zeon)

"Mhm, great." (Shari)

"Oh, don't be like this. You don't even seem to be injured." (Zeon)

"That was... unpleasant. As if someone takes all your limbs from you and points a blade at your neck. I honestly thought for a moment I'm about to get crushed how it's usually done with slimes." (Shari)

It truly was.

I don't want to admit it but this much panic should have triggered my dissolving reaction.

However, I couldn't.

I simply had no control over myself.

And this lack of my most fundamental defense was what felt worst.

I was totally at his mercy.

For a moment Zeon's gaze drifts to those who before looked guiltily away.

"I wouldn't do such a thing. This was a duel under set conditions. Aiming for your life against the agreed terms would be dishonorable." (Zeon)

"Guess I have to thank you." (Shari)

"No need to show gratitude for something that's supposed to be standard." (Zeon)

I guess he isn't necessarily a bad guy.

I personally can relate quite well to someone who follows a code of honor.

Also, it was a fair fight.

So it's not as if I could condemn him.

As bad he beat me up.

Then Zeon smirks.

"Also, I'm not killing kids. Given your appearance at the end it would have felt wrong." (Zeon)

Forget everything I just said.

He's annoying.

But one thing is for sure:

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