Slime Girl

Chapter 121

- Shari -

Great, now I have to deal with Liqu while trying to figure out the situation.

First, I should check if everything went well.

"Good. You made it here. Did you get the girl?" (Shari)

"Yes, absolutely no problem. She's here and healthy!" (Liqu)

Suddenly, Radon and Dion come, probably alarmed by this scream.

"Something I cannot say about most of my men." (Radon)

And well, both of them are well-slimed.

"I get it that you came with Liqu?" (Shari)

"It was a hard piece of work to convince her that you would eventually follow and this place has to stay secured until then." (Dion)

"I was so worried. But you had my escape tunnels. I mean, that's what they were for, right?" (Liqu)

"Ah yes. The tunnels..." (Shari)

Then Radon speaks again.

"Your reaction time was a little too slow." (Radon)

"Sorry, the assassins were a tiny bit distracting." (Shari)

"My son and a maid just came, claiming that you saved them. Is that right?" (Radon)

"Found them on the way." (Shari)

"Seems like I'm once again in your debt. However, forgive me if the circumstances don't allow for a timely recompensation." (Radon)

"Yes, sure. But what exactly are the circumstances?" (Shari)

"Do you have any idea what happens here?" (Dion)

"Only that some kind of killer troop was sent here. But that's all." (Shari)

"It's not just some assassins. The whole courtyard is under fire. Peras is leading the defense and I'm confident in his abilities but an attack on such a large scale is worrisome." (Radon)

"And now? Should we head into the fray?" (Shari)

"No. It seems we could drive them back for now. But in the open they still have the advantage with their crossbows." (Kaleb)

"Kaleb?" (Shari)

He looks bloody and worn out.

"Yes. It's not nice out there. They may be no match for our men in direct combat, but their cowardly tactics allow them to pressure us." (Kaleb)

"How is Peras?" (Radon)

"Slightly injured but mostly fine. He is gathering the remaining troops to assemble them here." (Kaleb)

"And I?" (Shari)

"Both of you should stay here. Liqu is needed to protect our headquarters. And if something happens to you we're all dead anyway." (Radon)

Damn, he's right.

Liqu isn't even trying to deny it.

"Fine." (Shari)

We wait for some time until Peras returns, severely bleeding from a presumably very fierce fight.

"Sir. I temporarily drew back from the battlefield. While we could force them away from the courtyard they use the cover of the surrounding trees to shoot at us." (Peras)

My top priority should be now to confirm how my own team is since I bear the responsibility for their lives.

"What is with my team?" (Shari)

"How should I know? The first thing they did was a surprise attack. Of all our men, only half made it out there. These pests fight dirty." (Peras)

I look around to see if I recognize any faces.

Then I notice Elin. Battle-weary, but not as affected as most others.

"There you are. Already wondered where they're leaving our secret weapon." (Elin)

"I've heard it was bad. Can you tell me something about the situation?" (Shari)

Promptly, her face becomes sullen.

"Let me give you some advice. Don't talk to her." (Elin)

She points at Vela.

Her look makes me worry.

"Vela?" (Shari)

"Don't even ask! Galos is dead, and Jaren might soon follow!" (Vela)

Sadly Galos's death isn't really affecting me.

I barely knew him and there's nothing I can do about this.

Yet Jaren was always rather supportive.

"How could that happen?" (Shari)

"They came in the dark. Took position at the windows and fired on everyone they could target. I have no idea how they got past the watchmen, but they did. The women's quarters aren't as easily accessible and naturally covered against gawkers, so we weren't as affected." (Elin)

"I-I thought the soldiers were able to fight back?" (Shari)

"Yes, after the first panic. We're still better, could gather our forces, and force them back, but some just didn't make it! This is simply how it is!" (Vela)

After this, everyone tries to somehow bring order into the chaos.

I myself try not to get in anyone's way while doing so and make sure the same applies to Liqu.

Till suddenly...


What is this?

A long reverberating sound.

So loud that I would want to hold my ears if I had them.

But believe me, feeling the vibration all over your body isn't the slightest bit better.

Immediately a feeling overcomes me and I rush to the window.

And spot an army.

The whole courtyard is filled with hundreds of soldiers.

"Count Kahan! Surrender and bring out the girl. Then we may show mercy to your men!" (?)

I look to the man in question. His expression can be quite clearly translated as "Shit!".

If he hands over that girl, many might live but the repercussions he will face for failing to protect the king's daughter will be devastating.

He may as well directly strip his title by himself.

I look at Dion to see if he knows anything.

"This is ridiculous! How can such a force be assembled and led here?" (Shari)

"These aren't ordinary mercenaries. Rather the private armies of one or several lords." (Dion)

"What kind of noble can bring such an army here without anyone getting curious?" (Shari)

"One who has friends who make sure no one's going to ask such questions." (Dion)

"But... What now?" (Shari)

"We have lost. All that's left for us to do is to prepare our last stand here and buy time to evacuate as many as possible. If we go out there it's only a question of time till they overwhelm us with these bolts. Here they at least won't have that advantage." (Dion)

"Isn't this a terrible plan? Who's supposed to fight now that most are dead or injured?" (Shari)

Sounds to me as if we're planning for our defeat.

"There's a secret path in this building, leading some distance away from the estate. As long as we remain here, we can hold them off as they cannot take full advantage of their crossbows." (Dion)

"Still, are we giving up?"  (Shari)

"The situation is dire. Especially since they're conveniently well-equipped to deal with you two. Well, I don't suppose your friend could do something even at such a disadvantage?" (Radon)

"Those crossbows are bad. The shots are drilling inside me and I cannot really block them off. I can defend against some of them if I swirl my mass fast enough, but I can't do that while moving. But they also have those vexed stones. Too many of them at once and it's over. And there are just so many out there..." (Liqu)

Sure, I cannot expect her to risk her life against an army.

And Radon has even less influence over her.

"We cannot waste our only advantage like this. But she could hold the enemy off, by killing anyone who dares to step inside this building." (Radon)

"We need to get the servants out of line before more of them die. This might grant us enough time for most people to escape and spread in the forest. This might cover her highness' escape. I will trust in your abilities to keep her safe till she arrives back in the capital." (Radon)

"What about the injured? And they could have scouts in the area. Many will die!" (Peras)

"Peras, I do not make this decision lightly! It's simply the only way." (Radon)

"In the first place, we need to get out of here. What if they set this building on fire as well?" (Shari)

"That won't be possible. They won't be able to set this place on fire as they did to the mansion. The outer layers are pure stone. As long as we can hold the doors we should be safe. However, who knows what else they have in store." (Peras)

"Count Kahan! Your time is running out! " (?)


What now?

We could go with the count's plan, but then the injured, including Jaren will die.

Is there truly no other way?

No way out?

What would it take to get rid of so many enemies?

Something like a storm or calamity forcing all of them to retreat and seek shelter?

A calamity...

A calamity!

My sight settles on Liqu.

"You said you could destroy a town on your own! What about that? You said you had a technique!" (Shari)

"I, I do." (Liqu)

"And why won't you use it?" (Shari)

"I'm weakened right now. Lost much mass by bringing everyone here. However, even if I would be full, I need much more mass and energy than usual." (Liqu)

"But you could do it?" (Shari)

"Y-yes. But I need more energetic mass." (Liqu)

"What is this about? May I remind you that we're under attack?" (Radon)

"Liqu could maybe take care of the enemy forces, but she needs more energy. Which means she has to dissolve enough flesh of living beings." (Shari)

"And how? We don't have many provisions here and the people we brought along are still alive!" (Peras)

"Peras, nobody suggested doing this." (Dion)

"This wouldn't help much. I cannot maintain the state I need to reach to activate the technique. We can't safely prepare in here. And you shouldn't be close to me once it starts." (Liqu)

"So either we ask for volunteers and feed them to her close to the battlefield or find a way for Liqu to kill enough enemies to fill her up." (Shari)

"The first is out of question. But maybe she could somehow attack them?" (Radon)

"Okay Liqu, what exactly do you need?" (Shari)

"For starters, I need to be full. But then I also need enough sustenance to reach something like critical mass to get over the edge. Maybe three humans. Four would be better. And they shouldn't focus on me while I'm at it." (Liqu)

"Is this acceptable, my lord" (Shari)

"We cannot waste our only chance at this. Peras, get Liqu all the food we have. Once she's finished we'll start the operation. The soldiers will perform a frontal attack to draw the enemy's attention. As soon as they focus on us, Liqu can start her sneak attack. Let's hope this will suffice." (Radon)

Then he looks at the soldiers gathered in this building.

"Everyone, prepare to head out! We'll show them what it means to have us as their opponents!" (Radon)


"Ehm. Also, once I get started, everybody should very quickly run very far away. " (Liqu)

That kinda killed the mood.

"We could hide in the underground passage at that time." (Dion)

"Mhm, that sounds about right. But we need to prepare for a smooth retreat." (Radon)

It seems everybody is content with our plan.

They open the armory and fetch the heavy armor and great shields to protect them against the bolts.

Vela is going to join the archers on the second floor and I have no idea where Elin went.

Shortly before it starts, Radon speaks to me.

"Never thought I would rely this much on a slime." (Radon)

"I doubt there was ever anyone who was in a remotely similar situation. But now we have to deal with it." (Shari)

"Guess you're right. It's time to take some risks!" (Radon)

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