Slime Girl

Chapter 122

- Shari -

It's about to begin.

Liqu left the building some time ago through the drainage.

If she were to leave through the window the enemy could've easily spotted her.

We wait some time till we can be sure she is in position.

There's a little bit of worry among the ranks about what the enemy might do in the meantime, but Peras is right.

The headquarters is built like a fortress and a difficult target to attack.

Then it begins.

Without warning, our soldiers storm out of the building, the first line carrying the biggest and thickest shields we could find, some makeshift ones, or even unhinged doors.

Everyone else simply has to find a way to survive the bolts.

It doesn't matter if the wielders are even remotely good at fighting like this.

Our goal isn't to fight effectively, but to draw attention.

At the same time, those who have even the slightest bit of experience in archery shoot a volley of arrows from the upper floors of the building.

Everything for the sake of making them focus on us, on the building.

I find Balion next to me, apparently healed up.

Now with a giant shield and a side weapon instead of his usual sword.

Like this, we all rush forward and shout in unison:


Seems like we were noticed.

The soldiers scream, shout, and throw stuff all to make sure no one can notice anything else but the commotion in the center.

There's some initial surprise at such a bold move from our side.

It must have come quite unexpected that we would challenge them out in the open where they have such an advantage.



The bolts strike us hard.

Some even pierce through the metal shields, directly into the arms of the soldiers.

Nonetheless, our line holds.

After we survive the first onslaught, we clash with the enemy.

Naturally, I've got myself a spare uniform, especially a chestplate to protect my core, and chose two smaller swords to attack the enemy more efficiently.

It doesn't matter if they see my unusual fighting style.

If our plan works out, no one's going to live to tell the tale.

And even if someone survives, it certainly won't be the main thing to report.

Also, it's a good way to draw attention.

It's gonna be hard to make sure we're not getting too caught up.

If anything, we have to make sure we remain able to retreat.

Yet most of the others must feel a burning hatred for those killers.

I just hope the prospect of their imminent death is enough to rein them in.

The moments in battle drag uncomfortably long.

Especially as I don't know how well it works on that slime's end.

Liqu is green and can like this hide within the grass.

However, she needs our help to get going.

To catch some people she can use as sustenance, as power to turn against them.


A second volley of bolts hits our ranks.

Fortunately, they don't have enough voidstone to use it at such a scale.

Still, many of us die.

Even Balion got again one stuck in his side, but he just ignores it.

They didn't even care for their comrades who were engaged with us and got caught up in the fire as well.

From the side, I see how Kaleb is pierced with four bolts and sinks down.

If Liqu's attack won't happen soon we're going to get mercilessly snuffed out in two or three more waves like this.

If I play dead they might have a hard time finding me.

I could even dig myself into the ground and subsist for weeks on the bit of energy I receive from converting the earth.

This might be unpleasant, but a safe way out for me.

Why am I even doing all this?

Because of honor, comradery, revenge, patriotism?

The latter certainly not.

I'm not sure, but for some reason, I want to win.

I want to prove myself.

Build a future for me.

All these thoughts rush through my head while I'm at the same time high-speed processing to dodge any bolts flying in my direction.

I already feel this worrisome heat flaring up inside me.

And then it happens.


"What is this?"

"No, no. No!"


"Get away there!"


All the noise of battle turns into something else.

I try to find the source.

At first, the chaos of the battlefield makes it hard to spot anything at all, but when I finally gain sight I have to ask myself how I couldn't notice it.

Yes, I often said that this slime is one, but just now this one single time it holds true meaning.

This view is simple, unspeakable terror.

Liqu can be big, overwhelming.

A giant mass of destruction that just forces its way.

But not like this.

This is devastation on a whole other level, a force to behold.

This formless horror she became is just inducing primal fear.

Liqu grew as big as the headquarters.

Her giant tendrils swipe the courtyard and suck those to the center who get caught up in them.

Yet she also moves so fast that nobody who tries to flee had ever a chance to outrun her.

Which is no surprise at this size.

And with every single person she catches, her total mass grows more and more.

"Retreat!" (Radon)

It seems Radon got out of his stupor.

Liqu said we should run when she gets started.

I can fully understand that Liqu has problems differentiating between friend and foe from her perspective so high above us.

I can barely understand her condition.

Is she even capable of sentient thoughts at this point?

I somehow doubt it, seeing how she's squashing people like insects.

All we can hope for is that we won't get caught up in this after we made it into the building.

Or rather the cellar!

Maybe even that escape tunnel?

Well, at least the others have to worry about getting caught.

I am probably fine since I cannot get dissolved.

It becomes clear now why she said she would need this mass to be safe.

All the bolts shot at her are not even making it halfway to her core.

Her core is in the center, shining in a bright but dark violet.

However, it looks different.

Not round as usual but with several spikes to the side.

Delicate crystals wind in every direction.

It looks... fragile.

Is she fine?

Liqu grows more and more and takes the fleeing ones out first.

There were so many and I do not doubt that some could scatter away.

But it's just this.

A handful, no more as effectively she annihilates them all.

I grow distressed at the thought of how this would have turned out in Ekoras.

Finally, I make it back inside.

The few enemies who tried to hide inside the building as well could get subdued.

Naturally, I helped, as far as I was capable of after this experience.

I guess nobody here will ever forget this.

Probably keeping a deep-seated trauma.

And never again go against Liqu.

Then it grows silent outside.


- Liqu -

I have to get into position.

Fortunately, this tunnel leads not too far away.

I could have just dug me close to the scene but wouldn't perfectly know where I'd get out and if I would be seen.

I hide inside a bush, from where I can see the building and the soldiers around it.

It's kinda funny how few people care if there's some liquid in the bush.

They are alert, but their attention is focused on the building.

If I'd sneak up to them now it could work out, yet it would be extremely risky.

No, it's better if I wait as it was the plan.

My Shari should be safe till I'm going to get started.

She promised me.

So I need to do this in the way that promises the most success.


I wait a short moment till I can be sure no one is looking at me.

Naturally, I try to spot my Shari.

I see her lashing out and start to become worried since she's so exposed.

But the other part is worried about what she's going to see.

She never says it openly, but I know that some remnants of her human mindset still tell her that killing humans is bad.

And I will kill humans.


This technique is something I discovered by accident, while I followed my curiosity.

And the only application is to dissolve as much as I can in a short time.

I won't be able to keep this up for long or my mind will literally melt.

I just hope it will work out.

Determined to get started and wishing to end any threat to my Shari, I move to the scene.

As flat as I can possibly be, I glide over the lawn, hoping that no one will be able to notice the difference between me and the grass.

They should be occupied, but it needs just one to see my core and realize that there is also the rest of me.

However, my worries are unfounded.

I can get to the feet of the first one I chose as my prey before I'm perceived.

I let my slime dash upwards around him, as always careful to prevent any screaming.

I can't risk drawing attention.

Simultaneously, I already gather enough mass to kill the next one.

The battle from the building keeps everyone distracted so I can completely dissolve them without drawing attention.

Like this, I repeat two more times.

While I'm at the fourth, the first soldiers notice that something happened and turn in my direction, stunned at the sight of their comrades' dissolving bodies inside me.

As I said before, this is to my advantage since the fear makes them fail to spot my core.

Yet there's too much noise for them to effectively direct the general attention towards me.

So I'm over the fifth one before anyone can do something about it.


With freshly formed tendrils, I grab some of those who started screaming, starting to dissolve the moment it reaches them.

I feel how my mass increases with any passing moment as I dissolve five bodies at the same time.

There's no time to savor the sensation because I need to hurry.

Finally, the dreaded moment is here.

The moment when I can no longer effectively control all the slime I've generated.

The moment when my core cannot handle operating all this matter anymore.

The moment when I have to change just that.

I feel how the same matter my core consists of gets applied to the outer layer.

The same kind I would refine to create my kin.

Just, this isn't for another being.

This grows as a foreign attachment from my core.

Urgh, yes.

This feeling.

In the best case, it's just distressing.

In the worst, it feels plain wrong.

My very being gets these forced additions.

They are no part of mine.

No materialization of my own self.

They just serve one purpose:

To control more slime.

This is the sole purpose of these things.

A means to expand my control by adding more matter to the part of me that processes all my actions.

I conceived this ability long ago when I realized that my core grew.

Naturally, I was very interested in this occurrence.

How the center of my very being began to change.

I wanted to replicate this.

Figure out how it works.

See if I could grow more than I already did.

Become better than I already was.


More complete.

So the first idea was the one that came most naturally to me.

That I need more!

If I dissolve things I gain slime and this makes me stronger.

So if I would want a bigger core I'd need to somehow add more to it.

And this is what I did.

Just because my core grows, this doesn't mean I'm becoming a better being.

This kind of growth is unnatural.

It simply lacks the inner order that formed my current shape.

All my experiences, knowledge, feelings, thoughts, and goals are the essence that makes up my very self.

This perfectly round whole, that is my core.

Yet different from my core those attachments are only temporary.

They don't form the way they should but expand quickly and violently.

They are mere additions, not connected as they should be.

But even if they are no true part of mine the way they're now linked to me is dangerous.

After all, it's my core and anything that happens to it is a threat to my very existence.

However, in times like these, even if there's a risk it is my best choice.

A way to surpass my current capabilities and do more than I can.

And thus, I grow.

I swallow the next body, and take the slime I gain to form a thicker and denser defensive layer around my core.

At the same time, I form tendrils to fetch me more of the needed sustenance.

I don't have to care anymore if it's too much.

If I reach a new limit I will just grow my core a bit more.

This likewise means that I need more prey to sustain this growth and the individual ones become more and more insignificant.

They're shooting those bothersome stones at me, but at my size, they're just no threat anymore and almost immediately dissolved.

What a puny little attempt.

Now all that is important is that I dissolve more.

I spread on the ground, grabbing for their feet, while I over and over swallow more humans.

The gain is pure ecstasy.

So much mass.

So much strength.

So much life!

And all of this just for me!

I need more!

Come to me!


Become a part of me so that I can feel like more!

I cannot hold on to myself.

And I don't want to!

This is so great!





This isn't right.

I don't want to be alone.

This had a reason.

I wanted to help someone.

My Shari!

Yes, that was it.

Is there even anyone left?

I don't think so.

At least I cannot spot anyone else.

Does this mean I can stop now?


My core feels weird and abruptly I'm no longer able to control the slime.

It's simple.

This was just too much for me.

My core knows deep inside that this state shouldn't be and wants to end it.

Otherwise, I would succumb to all this wrong ineffective processing.

So I experience a forced shutdown.

Slowly all the slime I built up around me sinks down.

I notice how the attachments fall from my core like dead leaves from a tree.

I don't know if parts of my core separate with them, but even if they do, hopefully, I will be able to mend any scratches this causes.

But now I can't think anymore.

Now I feel exhausted.

Now I want to rest.


- Shari -

As soon as I'm sure that everything settled down I rush out.

Carefully, I explore my surroundings to make sure that no enemies remain to cause harm.

Yet it doesn't seem so.

I don't even have to worry about badly injured ones who might do something desperate.

Nobody's going to hide between the corpses.

Because there are none.

If I ever had to imagine a slime apocalypse, this is it.

Even in the better spots, the slime reaches up to my ankle.

I feel how energetic mass draws inside my legs and try my best to keep it from settling there, knowing what it consists of.

However, I have no leeway to be grossed out at the moment.

Because I cannot find her.

"Liqu!!!" (Shari)

She's nowhere to be seen.

I mean, everything is green here, so it's difficult to spot that slime, but still, she should stand somewhere.

Other men leave the headquarters.

Most are in a similar state of shock and disbelief at this sight.

"Liqu! Has anyone seen her?" (Shari)

I see Radon, Dion, Peras.

Not very enthusiastic but at least they're starting to look around.

Also, some soldiers begin to search.

Yet most are too creeped out to even touch the slime, not to speak of almost bathing in it.

With growing panic, I search on and on, still unable to find the slightest trace of her.

Suddenly someone shouts.


Where the man stands I cannot see Liqu, but more and more people gather there.

I quickly cross the distance.

And see her core.

Or what's left of it?

Several pieces of core material lie strewn around in a huge blob of slime.

I draw closer, deep in despair of this sudden reality.

Then I stop in my tracks.

From the round piece in the middle comes a glow.

A faint violet glow!


I touch it, hoping to get a response.

Her thoughts come slow and hanging.

"What should we do?"

"Is this really that creature?"

"This small stone?"

"M-maybe we should smash it?"

"You can't be serious."

"She's weakened right now."

I draw my dagger to use it against anyone who wants to follow up on that idea.

Suddenly Peras shouts.

"I’ll pretend I didn't hear that! No one's going to raise their hands against an officer!! Right, milord?!" (Peras)

"Yes. I hope no one here is so dishonorable to attack someone who saved our lives." (Radon)

I look at the people.

In their faces, I see fear, anxiety, awe, and worry.

Summed up a very problematic mix.

I don't know how to deal with this.

Someone could try to do something extreme.

At least Liqu's little apocalyptic show might incline some of them to believe that they might have to do something extreme.

I look at that core lying in the pit.

Small ripples spread through the slime but nothing concrete.

It seems like she cannot move in the slightest.

Not even forming into a blob.

I cannot leave her like this.

And so I make a decision.

"Hah!" (Shari)

I make the motion of a deep breather since I need some mental preparation.

Then I again reach out and grab Liqu's core.

And place it in my chest.

A wave of confusion and disbelief hits me hard.

Accompanied by a slight tint of hope.

And joy.


I form a small hull around her core to keep it safe from anything I carry around.

After all, I already have a wide variety of sharp metal goods stored inside me.

Then I turn to the assembled group.

"I'd say this concludes it. If you would excuse me now, I need a rest. Any problems with that?" (Shari)

"No. You showed great effort today and deserve a break." (Radon)

"Thanks. Now if that was all, show me the next bathroom. I want to lay down." (Shari)

Radon gestures to someone who leads me back into the headquarters.

Slowly I follow behind.

A warm feeling of gladness spreads from her core through my whole body.

Probably because the part I didn't say was...

I like you too and I'm glad that you're alive.

And I really need a rest now!

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