Slime Girl

Chapter 132

- Shari -

After this, we conduct a small on-site burial for Dion.

Liqu helped by dissolving a small hole into the ground.

With this done we start to gather ourselves.

The main issue right now is that during the chaos of the battle our horses ran off.

Those assholes chose the exact moment to attack when we were reigning them in for our departure.

There was no way we could hold them through this rain of arrows.

This renders the carriage useless.

However, right now I'm in my very own predicament.

Alec got me good.

His strikes, but to much greater effect the voidstone coating, really took a toll on me.

Each time he cut my limbs I lost all the mass they consisted of.

This leads to my current condition, which as the only positive side effect made Dion die with a smile.

I have not the slightest bit of mass left to form a real body.

Since I'm obviously not going to use a blob form I had to make concessions.

Which leads to this situation.

"She looks cute, right?" (Zeon)

"Your comment hints at far too many disturbing dispositions at once." (Vela)

"My Shari is always the most beautiful!" (Liqu)

"I, I agree." (Anvenia)

"And how is she going to do anything in this state?" (Lorena)

Yep, this is the terrible truth I need to face.

Since I lacked any mass to sustain an operational body I had to redivert everything.

This means that I've got extremely downsized.

Or in other words:

I'm a small kid.

Or rather a slime with the frame of a kid.

To make matters worse I can't form too large vocal cords, which makes me speak with the according voice.

"Okay, you all had your laugh. While I fear that mentioning this will only make it worse, I have to remind everyone here that I'm currently the highest-ranking officer here and like this in fact your boss!" (Shari)

"Pffft!" (Zeon)

Great, I've lost every last bit of authority.

Even Vela avoids looking at me and covers her mouth while speaking.

"So, I think someone needs to ask this question. Do we still want to continue this journey?" (Vela)

"As I see it, we can't afford to return. Now we have a chance to reach our goal while they believe their ambush was a success. However, if we waste it, the enemy can prepare anew and make this road untraversable. I'd vote for traveling further to the capital. What is your opinion, officer?" (Zeon)

I'm also for proceeding to the capital, where I will be able to buy a greater amount of food to restore myself.

"Zeon is right. I gave Dion my word to bring the princess back home. Giving up now would feel wrong. Anyway, we are closer to our destination than the other way round. This is still the best way." (Shari)

"Really? I mean not that I'm per se against it but our odds aren't good at the moment. Or rather, I doubt that we'd survive another attack like this." (Elin)

"Really? And that coming from someone who barely got a scratch? What did you even do during the fight? I didn't see you." (Shari)

"Excuse me?! I was a little occupied with dodging arrows flying at the carriage and stabbing everyone who tried climbing inside! I may not have thrown myself into the fray but if I may remind you, I'm your scout, not your fighter. And I don't have to listen to that from a toddler!" (Elin)

Seems like she's pretty upset about this comment.

Maybe I went too far.

"Sorry. I'm just a bit riled up. But anyways, we need to move forward. This might be our only chance to break through the enemy lines and I doubt they prepared for the annihilation of their troops. I believe we left them behind us now." (Shari)

Elin doesn't retort and with this, it's decided.

We keep going, as we don't have much of a choice.

But suddenly Liqu falls down.

"Liqu!?!" (Shari)

"Shaaariiii." (Liqu)

She's still moving, yet on the verge of turning into a blob.

Her features lost quite a lot of consistency.

"What is with you?" (Shari)

She needs some time.

Apparently to rearrange her throat, while the rest of her gets worse.

"Iiit... was aaa biiit toooo eeearly. Iii was just sooo worriiied abouuut youu, but Iii stiilll can't move welll. I neeed a liittle resst. Thenn I thiiink I can walk." (Liqu)


This isn't good.

I knew she hadn't completely recovered yet.

Whatever she did back then at the estate took a massive toll on her processing ability.

She told me at the start of this journey, that she expects to regain most of her abilities before we reach the capital.

She was already so far that she could walk on her own at a very basic level, which was a tiny bit off-putting to hear.

The main reason why she stayed should be obvious.

However, how she eradicated those soldiers took too much of her.

"Liqu!" (Anvenia)

And this princess has really a penchant for her.

"Officer, there's an issue I think we have to solve." (Zeon)

"Yes, I know. Liqu will in a short time take care of the corpses. I just wanted to wait till the princess is gone for that to happen." (Shari)

"No, the issue is about replenishing you." (Zeon)

"Replenishing myself? Sorry, I don't think that's possible. The voidstone cost me quite a lot of energetic mass. We would need quite the feast to replace it." (Shari)

"Can't you... just refill yourself?" (Vela)

Reservedly she points at the battlefield as if trying to say that there's enough flesh for my needs without wanting to speak it out.

"Ahem, I'm on a strict no-humans diet. And since there's not much else strewn around here I don't see a way. So the only way would be to consume all our provisions. And I feel like this would earn me some disapproval from the rest of you." (Shari)

"Without the horses, we'll need quite some time to make it to the capital. So we need our supplies." (Zeon)

"Sorry, there's no way." (Shari)

"I know it is quite a lot to expect, but I don't think we have much of a choice." (Zeon)

"Choice? What choice? I said I can't... Oh no! You can't be serious!" (Shari)

"Officer, we need your full strength. Without Liqu there are only the three of us who can fight. But my arm got injured and as we lack a healer I know this will only get worse and sap my strength. However, with this body, you won't be able to be much of a help." (Zeon)

"Are you seriously proposing that I commit cannibalism because it's convenient?" (Shari)

"You, and your dissolving disorder." (Liqu)

"Shut up, Liqu!!!" (Shari)

"Technically it wouldn't be cannibalism." (Elin)

Now Elin too?

"I was a human! I cannot eat them! They were sapient beings." (Shari)

"So are orcs and goblins. Still, I know of adventurers who consume them. This wouldn't be too different." (Elin)

"Are you aware what that means for me? How extremely aware I am of every last bit I take in?" (Shari)

"Still, if the enemy returns, do you expect Vela and Elin to defend all of us on their own?" (Zeon)

"You can't expect this from me!" (Shari)

"No... We can't... But we need you nonetheless. We don't have much of a choice but to ask." (Zeon)

"I, I could dissolve them and pass the rich matter on to you." (Liqu)

"And where would be the difference? It's not changing how wrong this is." (Shari)

"You just said that it's an issue how you are aware of the process. Her proposal would mitigate this." (Vela)

Okay, we are in quite a bad position.

We're lacking ways to defend ourselves and this would help.

I understand it.

And I hate it.

"Lorena... Please bring the princess away from here. This battlefield is no sight for a child. And what is about to happen even less. Zeon, guard them, in case there are any stray soldiers in the vicinity." (Shari)

"Yes, milady." (Zeon)

They move away, so I proceed.

"Vela, Elin, start packing our stuff. Only the most necessary. We need to walk the rest of the way." (Shari)

They only nod before silently moving to the carriage and starting to go through our things.

Accessing which of these items might still become handy.

"Liqu... begin. Dissolve as many of those who fell here as you need. But... try keeping their heads intact. Then you come to me." (Shari)

We need to cover up what transpired here.

Our camp was a bit away from the road but I'll have to ask Liqu again to dissolve all the corpses and hope no one will see all the slime before it's evaporated.

Liqu fidgets awkwardly, avoiding eye contact.

"Ehm, you know..." (Liqu)

"What is it now?" (Shari)

"I... I am spent. I went over my limits and now can't concentrate. Dissolving entails quite a bit of processing capability. I can still do so, but not very fast. It will take quite long." (Liqu)

"Sigh. Just get started." (Shari)

She does.

Naturally, it's a gruesome sight.

Even more so, because she takes her time.

While many of the corpses were already quite mutilated from her earlier attack now she proceeds and this doesn't better their looks.

However, she didn't lie.

She's excruciatingly slow.

Taking one corpse at a time, Liqu requires several minutes for the flesh.

The bones need much longer.

"Change of plans, Liqu. Only the flesh. We'll dig a grave for them." (Shari)

Earth shouldn't be the slightest bit faster, but at least I can actively work on this as well.

Also, it makes me feel less guilty if we can spare at least some of the bodies.

They were humans and at least deserve a burial.

The issue is, with how slow Liqu proceeds we'll need quite some time till I have any resources to work with.

But the worst is that there would be a simple solution to this problem.

And the only reason I don't pursue it is my personal distaste.

I slowly walk forward.

Each of my steps is clumsy and slow.

Not only because I still only have a child's stubby limbs to work with, but even worse is that I know what comes now.

I place my hands on one of the worst-looking bodies and start.


It's necessary.

We can't afford to stay any longer than necessary at this place, in case a second wave comes for us.

But more convincing is another reason.

I am not a hypocrite.

I perfectly know that there's no difference between letting Liqu refill me and doing it myself.

The first option is only more dishonest because I avoid confronting what I'm doing and just reap the benefits.

This just makes it worse.

Ignoring my flooding slime tears, ironically, drastically increased by the very slime I create, I dissolve the flesh of a corpse.

I won't grant anyone the sight of me having a complete sobbing breakdown in this little girl form, but nonetheless, the process is one of the most terrible I was ever aware of.

As many times as I might tell myself that the dead don't care anymore, that I don't find pleasure in doing this, that I'm at my core no man-eating monster.

The truth is, that I already killed.

And I already long ago ate other humans when Liqu refilled me the first time.

This bridge is already crossed and I can't say anything in my defense.

Only that I act purely out of necessity.

Yet this won't help my conscience.

It's the same justification any other monster has.

The one positive point is that Liqu looks at me and understands.

Understands that I don't want to talk right now.

So I proceed to dissolve with my hands, watching with intense disgust how the flesh disintegrates under my touch until I have enough to form my body back to normal.

I only want to get this over with.

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