Slime Girl

Chapter 133

- Shari -

Fortunately, after dissolving, together with Liqu's refilling, I now have enough energy to rather quickly melt some shallow holes into the ground.

Just big enough so we can collapse them on the bodies we place inside.

It's not much, but those graves are probably more than they would have granted us.

When everything is set up, everyone, aside from the princess, helps to fill them.

I made it very clear that I won't accept any excuses after what I went through.

A slime with teary eyes can be pretty intimidating.

Finally, we're done and can get going.

I push us to move on.

Still in fear of an attack, but also to get some distance from this place, where my thoughts just turn too dark.

I choose a forest path, to avoid any further ambushes.

I'm fairly sure that they don't expect us here or at least can't predict us as well as on the road.

So rather than lying in wait, there's only a small chance that they find our camp and somehow follow behind.

So we should be safe.

Unfortunately, Zeon's arm and Liqu's still weakened state slow us down.

While I am, funnily enough, able to carry the little princess without issues for long distances, against the maid's protests, the big man would be a little too much.

Not to speak of the impossibility of carrying a slime.

All we can do is take more frequent breaks.

So we have to camp once more before we reach our destination.

The first one going to sleep is naturally the princess, with the maid looking over her.

This leaves me, Liqu, Zeon, and Vela around our campfire.

The mood isn't too great.

"So... today was quite shitty, right?" (Zeon)

As bad as that was, I can't really blame him for trying to break the ice.

"Really? Which part? That we got discovered? That our own comrade turned out to be a traitor? That our boss and probably only chance to pass by all the checkpoints to enter the palace got killed in action? Or that our leader had to indulge in cannibalism?! I ask you, which part of that was shitty?!" (Vela)

Well, Vela obviously can.

"Well, it's a mixed bag." (Elin)

"A mixed bag?! Oh yes, a mixed bag full of shit!" (Vela)

"Could you please tone it down? The princess needs to sleep!" (Lorena)

At this, Vela looks guiltily in the direction where a troubled little girl tries to get to sleep, even if she probably just recently got traumatized.

"But it's great that my Shari could overcome her dissolving disorder." (Liqu)

"Liqu, I'm rather sure Shari sees that differently. So you should consider her feelings and not... Well, celebrate it." (Zeon)

I appreciate this.

For maybe the first time ever I'm not alone in my efforts to educate Liqu.

Jacob's half-hearted attempts from back then don't really count in my opinion.

"You know, I'd be rather glad if none of you will ever again talk about what I did there. At least, as far as I’m concerned, you're all a part of this as much as I am, and it's the one big, dark secret we'll take with us into our graves." (Shari)

"Why am I responsible? You're the leader and made the decision." (Elin)

"Because you as well pressured me into doing something I absolutely didn't want to do. Even if we'd be in a tight spot now if I hadn't." (Shari)

"It was a necessary tactical decision. We couldn't allow that to slow us down, or worse go unprepared into the next fight." (Vela)

"Not like your mini-form wasn't cute. But I'm sure it didn't have much to offer to keep us afloat." (Elin)

"She was cute!" (Liqu)

"God, please. Another topic!" (Shari)

"Vela was right about one thing. While I support the decision to continue, without Dion it will become almost impossible to pass the controls to the capital, and even more the palace. He was the one with the connections. We... not so much." (Zeon)

"Is it so difficult to enter the capital?" (Shari)

"It will certainly be difficult to keep a low profile." (Vela)

"I don't really understand. We have the princess. Don't they want her?" (Liqu)

"Yes. And many others as well. Who do you think just attacked us?" (Vela)

It's a bit difficult.

We haven't yet figured out who exactly is responsible for what is going wrong in this country.

The most popular theories right now are a budding coup supported by Koreso, a criminal takeover from a greater part of the nobility, or something in between.

"Well, the estate was just under siege by a great army. And Alec confessed he was working with them. So we can be rather sure it's the same enemy." (Shari)

"Sure, but that's not all there is to it." (Vela)

"And what more is there to it?" (Shari)

"What Vela is trying to say, is that it's difficult to operate in another one's kingdom. Rakis is still officially under the king's control. Rather than a great organized force, it's more likely that our enemy uses several independent groups to operate. The great attack was probably something special. Some kind of mercenary effort they planned long in advance. But those who attacked us today had completely different gear and combat tactics. If you'd ask me I'd say they were some noble's private force in disguise." (Zeon)

"Okay, we know that our enemy might partly consist of nobles and their forces. How does that help us." (Shari)

"It doesn't. Only that we know the capital is compromised, and if we officially announce who we are it might turn out poorly. In the worst case, they will lead us to an isolated room and try to silence us." (Vela)

So instead of a welcoming party, we'd get pointed spears.

Not like I'm not used to this.

"But we're strong! I'm sure I will soon be better and then we can kill them all!" (Liqu)

"Yes, sure. And after this, we take on the whole city because they defend themselves against a sudden monster attack. As if that will make anyone listen to us. Are you seriously this stupid?" (Vela)

Now Liqu looks a little sullen.

"She has not much experience in this regard, but she's trying. So this means we can't just go the official way. And passing the gates won't be too easy." (Shari)

"It will certainly be a gamble. While access is not really restricted for the populace those guards might question your appearance. Not to speak of our peculiar group arrangement." (Vela)

"Well, Liqu and I, we are adventurers. Maybe we can state we are on an escort mission for a small girl to visit her family. This should suffice to enter." (Shari)

"Wait! I can just enter?" (Liqu)

"Yes, Liqu. With your adventurer card and a bit of disguise they'll believe you're a human. So you have an identification and there's no reason to prevent you." (Shari)

"Yay! I know this place! Since the first time I saw those walls I wanted to go in there. But I know my limits and had to abstain." (Liqu)

"Yes, it's wonderful that the calamity can enter the capital without issues. But what about us?" (Vela)

"Can't you enter separately? I mean, it can't be too hard to tell them you came on your own if you state a good enough reason." (Shari)

"You make this sound far too easy. My bow might work, but Zeon's longsword isn't exactly a typical peasant's weapon." (Vela)

"It will work out!" (Liqu)

That Liqu is so confident isn't exactly helping all the others.

"We should rest now. Tomorrow we'll still have to walk for the greatest part of the day. Who's gonna take the first watch?" (Zeon)

"I can take most of the night. Maybe the last three hours someone else, but I don't need real sleep. Or are you still too scared of me?" (Shari)

"No, no. It's fine. I kinda know what to expect from you. And her." (Vela)

She glances at Liqu, who is still weakened.

I don't know if she'd even manage to really help in case of an ambush, but she needs every bit of rest she can get to repair herself.

"I have no problem leaving the watch to someone with all-around vision. Goodnight then." (Zeon)

Like this everyone goes to sleep and unusually the night passes without incidents.

The next day we pack early and get on our way.

As planned, we apparently were able to evade any forces sent against us.

After two more days of traveling, the forest lifts, and great plains take their place.

Large fields till the horizon, cultivated by the peasants.

Most of them exist for the sole purpose of feeding the place we're currently heading to.

And then they come into view.

The great white walls of the capital city.

Supposedly standing there since ancient days.

Mum and dad once told me about them, but seeing them for real is completely something else.

I can only see a few buildings poking out behind them, but those structures have to be gigantic if they can reach past those ridiculously high obstructions.

Not to speak of the barely fathomable wide space they surround.

The walls stretch so far there's no comparison to Ekoras.

I can absolutely understand what Liqu meant.

This must have been a most tempting secret for her.

Okay, now we just need to figure out how to get in there.

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