Slime Girl

Chapter 134

- Shari -

Before we approach the gates there's first an abundance of preparations to conduct.

Foremost that Liqu and I need to apply our powder.

If we have this on, even if we have to take down our masks it won't look too suspicious.

It's not like they can demand us to show more than our bare "skin".

Still a bit unusual but we have our guild cards to make up for this.

After all, adventurers are quite the weird bunch, risking their lives on a daily basis to make some money from fighting monsters.

For a full coating, I still need someone to help me.

As no one else was, for some reason, willing to help me on that matter I have to again rely on Liqu.

Well, Anvenia was a bit interested but got harshly pulled away by Lorena.

I'm sure it's just because she's too young for make-up.

We are a bit more generous with the amount as we have to fool the guards at the gates.

Like this, I let Liqu also cover parts that might get exposed during a more thorough check-up, like the neck, lower arms, and so on.

After this, I assist Liqu.

As always, she has quite a positive reaction to my efforts, to put it mildly.

When we're done, we put on our masks.

Directly after I did so, Zeon approaches me.

"Yes?" (Shari)

"You know, we should split before going there. At least avoid arriving as a large group. Smaller groups will draw less attention." (Zeon)

"I know, you mentioned this yesterday." (Shari)

"For that reason, I would like to ask you to hold on to my sword. Vela was right that it might raise questions if I show up with this kind of weapon. So it might be better to hide this." (Zeon)

I look at the longsword, which is surely not a normal thing to have for common people.

"How would I hide something this big?" (Shari)

"Well, I hoped you could just swallow it. Yet if possible without damaging the metal." (Zeon)

"Swallow? Oh, damn." (Shari)

I'm supposed to store this thing in my body!?

Shit, I can see his point.

"Urgh, fine. Glrblsh." (Shari)

I take my mask off.

Since I'm clothed I decide my mouth might be the best way to insert it.

I'm a bit concerned about the powder.

So I stretch my mouth most inhumanely and ram that weapon down my throat.

Naturally, I brought my core out of the way in advance.

I actually have to fiddle a bit to fit this thing inside storing the tip partly in my leg and throat while making sure that I manage to maintain my vocal cords.

I might have to walk a bit stiffly now, but a slime's body is malleable enough.

Still, this whole ordeal is far too foreign for my taste.

And the stares from the others don't help.

Especially not those I receive from the little girl.

However, now it's time to approach the gates.

Liqu, Elin, and I approach as a team, together with Anvenia and Lorena posing as our clients.

It gets rather late before we finally reach the walls.

"Stop! Who goes there?!" (Guard)

Okay, now I'm officially convinced that this is either an insider joke between all the guardsmen in the world or a conspiracy that forces them to say this.

Still, the situation is a bit tense as now at least four visible guards are scrutinizing Liqu and me with suspecting glares, which probably come from the common prejudices against masked people.

"Ehm, we are adventurers. Ah, here! Our cards!" (Shari)

I stored the cards I had in advance so I can take them out leisurely.

"Hm, adventurers? What are you bunch doing here so far away from your backwater town? There's not much work for you lot in these safe lands. At least not if you don't have relations." (guard)

That was a not-so-hidden advice to not stay here.

Guess it's common policy to avoid having rough folk like adventurers here in town.

Especially if there's truly not too much work.

You wouldn't want to have combat-experienced people becoming criminals.

"We're escorting these two ladies to the capital. You know, it wouldn't be safe for them on their own on the street and since we're as well women, this directly relieves some of their concerns. After this job, we'll just spend some leisure days on our savings." (Shari)

Lorena has to give it her all not to scoff at my comment claiming that they'd feel safer in the company of us monsters.

"Fine, give me the cards for identification." (guard)

He takes the cards from me and looks over them.

However, coming from his expression, he seems to find something wrong with it.

"Core dwellers. What kind of name is this?" (guard)

I knew we should've thought a bit more about it.

If only to avoid situations like this.

"Uh, it's supposed to be a pun towards the slime subjugation quests. You get it?" (Shari)

That answer doesn't seem to satisfy him.

"Shouldn't you take your livelihood more seriously?" (guard)

"Sorry. It's just that this occupation can already be grim enough. A bit of humor helps to stand it." (Shari)

I'm not sure if he's completely convinced, but he's not pursuing the issue any further.

Instead, he pulls out a device and draws it over my card.

It's some weird stone, covered in runes.

"Now please your hand." (guard)

"Ehm, what is this about?" (Shari)

Given my peculiar identity, I'm a bit wary about control measures which I have no idea about.

"God, what kind of backwater shithole is Ekoras these days? Don't they even bother explaining this to new adventurers in your guild? This runestone is checking the imprint of your magic which your cards were imbued with during their creation and compares them to the wielder. Each individual's magic configuration is unique and like this, there's no chance for someone to impersonate you." (guard)

Wow, there was this much behind becoming adventurers?

Then this orb didn't just measure us, but directly copied our results?

Should this concern me?

The measurements weren't necessarily common.

"But my magical energy is a bit unusual. I was told so in the guild. Is this an issue?" (Shari)

I still remember the outrage back then.

"If it's still yours then no. Now please, we don't have all day here." (guard)

I extend my hand as any hesitation would just make me look more suspicious.

I don't feel a thing when he wipes this device over it.

However, he looks content with the result.

"Everything's as it should be. You can pass." (guard)

After this, he repeats the procedure with Liqu.

I am very concerned, but I cannot show it.

But contrary to my expectations it proceeds smoothly.

The last one to verify her identity is Elin, who has just to repeat what we did before.

Apparently, as we are all officially part of the same team it's not very complicated to verify our identities.

Now he's eyeing those two we escort and...

My dearest little princess, it was absolutely unnecessary from your side to make a curtsy here.

"We-we're just here to visit relatives." (Lorena)

In some way, this isn't even a lie.

If you leave out all the conspiracies, power struggles, and bloodshed it's just about a girl visiting her father.

The man who does the processing looks at them dubiously before he nods.

"Okay, please pay the fee. By fifty copper per person this amounts to one silver. Adventurers are exempt." (guard)

"Is something the matter? I didn't know it's so difficult to enter the capital." (Shari)

"Well, as a principle we don't allow beggars to enter. The fee makes sure of that. And especially if the persons in question come out of nowhere with nothing on them we need to verify their reasons for coming. Aside from that, we recently got an order to pay special attention to any personnel coming from the south. I guess I don't need to tell you about the issues concerning people from Ekoras. No offense." (guard)

Well, if I would live in Ekoras I certainly would be offended if someone suspects every last one of its citizens to be criminals.

"However, in this case, I'm sure there's no issue. If you would pay the fee please." (guard)

Lorena rummages in her outfit before making an embarrassed face.

I only need a moment to understand that she has no money in her disguise outfit.

And I'm not even sure if she had some in her maid uniform.

I prevent myself from sighing before expertly taking out one silver from my bag with the thick glove without bending it so much that it would look suspicious.

"Oh, did you forget? You gave us the money so it would be safe during the journey. Take it please." (Shari)

Lorena stares for a moment in disbelief before taking the money and handing it to the guard.

I certainly will ask her to refund this to me later.

I mean, it can't be that employees have to pay for doing their job.

With this, the formalities are concluded and we can enter the town.

I'm especially glad that I didn't have to lift my mask.

We make it some steps in, and two people arrive behind us, approaching the gate.

"Ah, hello. Me and my wife, we are here because I need a healer. A very unlucky accident with a kitchen knife." (Zeon)

He has one arm around her shoulder and speaks so casually that only the absurdity of the situation can remind me that he's lying.

And I might've been the only one who saw the jab Vela gave him below their travel cloaks, which he takes without flinching.

That's quite a feat, considering he still has this injured arm on the other side.

To prevent that we look in any way affiliated with them, our group moves away.

But from what I see everything goes smoothly.

Like this, we truly made it into the capital.

As certainly the first slimes which came through the front gate.

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