Slime Girl

Chapter 67

- Shari -

If someone would have told me a month ago that I would ever get an invitation into a lord's mansion...

God, even yesterday this idea was ridiculous!

And now I am in a room that holds more riches than I ever would've had the chance to attain in my life before this mess started.

Heck, it might be worth more than my whole village!

I should try to calm down.

The fact that I no longer have a heart that could race is actually helpful in keeping calm.

Just now I became aware that sometimes bodily functions can accelerate a mental condition.

And as a slime, I am not "really" alive, so my physical excitement is about as great as a corpse’s.

This might be the only thing that allows me to keep it together in this tense atmosphere.

Meanwhile, this stupid slime can’t read the atmosphere.

We were made to wait here and after some time our host comes.

Or rather the man who has not decided to kill us yet.

With him are the same guys we saw before.

However, there are also two soldiers following him into the room.

Quite an oppressive sight, how they all build a common front.

"I am sorry for keeping you waiting, yet as you might have assumed I had some personal matters to attend." (Radon)

It's understandable that he would want to look for his son first.

But what did this boy tell him already?

First I should confirm why my side is still missing someone.

"Where's Elin?" (Shari)

"Your comrade is well taken care of, yet not here, obviously. Anything else that is troubling you?" (Dion)

"I'd have wanted to keep this talk more private." (Shari)

"You don't really believe I would have lowered my guard completely? There is a difference between bold and foolish!" (Radon)

"I understand. But people talk and like this soon the whole estate will know. Can you at least trust these persons to stay calm in case something unexpected happens?" (Shari)

"I can be certain that these men are confident enough in their abilities to react appropriately." (Radon)

Not reassuring!

"If you say so." (Shari)

It still shows that I am not concerned about the threat they pose.

In the end, they wouldn't even know where they should hit me.

"Now I am curious. What could supposed adventurers want from me other than the money you lot all too eager risk your lives for?" (Radon)

"In fact making sure that we can keep this very one. Or in short, protection!" (Shari)

"Protection you say? In what way?" (Radon)

"In any way your status would allow you to. While I have no criminal record, I am sure milord knows that we didn't find your son wandering around. We made troubling enemies. The kind with connections to concerningly high positions of power, who might claim anything to bring you down and will do so." (Shari)

"And this concerns me for what reason?" (Radon)

"For one it would simply be a disgrace if someone who did you a service died because of that action. Others might question supporting you if this is the end they find. And that isn’t something you can afford since I’m rather sure you’re facing powerful foes." (Shari)

The aide to his left nods as if he would approve my argumentation, while the head soldier looks instead as if he would want to slay us this instant.

Great prospects!


"While I understand this, it is not as if your participation to my advantage is a well-known matter, as you yourself made sure not to be seen with my child. Like this, leaving you to these foes might actually work out well for me. Or do you have a better offer to add?" (Radon)

"How about pledging our allegiance to you? While we certainly lack in other aspects, I can say that we are highly capable individuals who came to share the same enemy with you and like this will be loyal. Even more so as we rely on your backing to not get arrested." (Shari)

"And what makes you believe that I have use for you?" (Radon)

"Maybe simply the fact that your men couldn't do what we did. Or the certainty that none of your soldiers could win a fight against us. At least, not against her." (Shari)

I point at Liqu.

Oh god, stupid slime!

Stop the waving!

"This is quite a claim and it seems captain Peras would love to prove you wrong. On the other side, how come my son said that you are true monsters?" (Radon)

Now it starts to get interesting.

"Did you listen to him in detail?" (Shari)

His look isn’t really discernible, yet it says something like "proceed".

"Well, it might be that he has seen how we killed his guard. While not planned, it certainly was no pleasant sight." (Shari)

"And now you think that I’d take someone like this under my wing?" (Radon)

"At least there would be a third reason." (Shari)

"Intriguing. Do tell!" (Radon)

"While it would be an unacceptable problem if the guard would be sent to apprehend us, our enemies follow a grave miscalculation in antagonizing us." (Shari)

"Which would be?" (Dion)

"Apart from the part where we would be against the whole town and have no way to clear that situation up, they do believe that we would lose that conflict. The truth is, that this would just be a huge drawback for us, which I would want to avoid." (Shari)

"You sound unusual confident for someone asking for help. However, all you spouted until now are mere words without any backing. And this while you're asking me for my help." (Radon)

"And like I said, we would lend you this strength for you to confirm, while all we want in return is just the backing to avoid any conflicts with the authorities, for whatever reason there might be." (Shari)

"Whatever reason?" (Dion)

"Naturally not provoked, but rather for things one can't control like prejudice, hostility, and fear!" (Shari)

"Again very ominous, like all you brought up until now. And with that I don't see why I should show any trust and come to an agreement with you." (Radon)

"If you wish I can give you something substantial my lord, yet I worry what might happen the moment I do." (Shari)

"Whatever happens, no one leaves my side!" (Radon)

After saying that he looks at me.

"Do you need anything else?" (Radon)

My chance!

"No, I don't! This is certainly enough. Yet while I am sure that there are many assumptions on your side, leading to all kinds of ideas, the truth is that sometimes..." (Shari)

And with this, I take off my mask.

"Things are just not what you would expect!" (Shari)

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