Slime Girl

Chapter 68

- Shari -

Removing this mask is always a thing.

For one, my sight immediately sharpens as I can see with my whole "face".

As creepy as this is.

For the other, it is rather nasty to have always goo strands sticking from my face to the mask, when I had this thing on for some time.

I simply don't want to see this!

My approach might have been wrong, but I doubt I would get many more opportunities to save the son of a count who should owe me a favor for doing so.

Therefore, this was a huge chance to finally get some support to avoid getting targeted by the authorities.

Someone who could give us legal status is a convenient ally.

"What, what is with your skin?" (Dion)

Seriously? Do I have to point it out?

"Is it so difficult to understand? I'm a slime, as you can clearly see! The dripping might have been a hint." (Shari)

I really hate this, but denying simply won't work and might just derail the conversation.

Also, I have no intention to inform everyone here about my private circumstances, yet.

"And Liqu, whatever you're thinking, stop it now!" (Shari)

I know for certain that right now she's going: "Yes, she said it! Yes!"

"M-monsters!" (Peras)

He grabs his weapon and does a heavy step forward.

"Very well. I would have rather voted for a less biased term, like "sentient amorphous lifeform", but if you insist on antagonizing us..." (Shari)

Before that man is close enough to attack his lord can sign him to stay at his place.

Naturally, everyone is quite put off.

Especially the soldiers who might have to fight us, but also the aide lost his calm.

However, this lord is something else.

I have never seen someone staying this serene when we revealed ourselves.

Well, there was Tamarah, but that mad scientist was certainly not calm.

"Certainly, "unexpected" was the right term. My son claimed something like this, but seeing the real deal is something else." (Radon)

"I would like to point out that I don't eat people and Liqu... Well, she does. I made her promise to not hunt them, yet this is a savage world. By the way, you can reveal yourself, Liqu. Only the mask! Don't go naked! We ought to show some manners." (Shari)

With this Liqu removes her mask as well.

She obviously enjoys it to have her head free and also puts her gloves away.

"Hello, my name is Liqu! Nice to meet you!" (Liqu)

This slime has really no ability to read a situation.

And by god, take your hand back!!!

This Peras guy looks like he wants to chop it off.

"Could I ask you not to resort to violence?" (Shari)

It would be a drawback if Liqu would now go on a killing spree.

"Stay back or I will slay you fiends!" (Peras)

Does he have a cousin called Chris?



"Peras! Stop your antics!" (Radon)

"Milord! How could we allow the presence of these creatures?" (Peras)

"You start to fall out of my favor!" (Shari)

"Favor?! You will regret playing your tricks on us!" (Peras)

"Peras!!! (Radon)

After this, he goes quiet.

He seems at least to be loyal.

"I agree that you performed here quite an outrageous revelation. Yet why should I agree to this alliance? Your background is concerning at best." (Radon)

"You are obviously targeted. And while I don't know all your soldiers, I am rather sure that none of them is absolutely invulnerable. I might not be this confident in my own fighting abilities, yet I can assure you that Liqu is by far the greatest power in this realm by now. As long there are no dragons, am I right?" (Shari)

"Do you always have to mention them? They are really bad news." (Liqu)

I have to ask her someday what the hell transpired with a real dragon.

"And how should we trust you that you won't attack us as soon you find an opening?" (Dion)

"Why should we do this?" (Shari)

"Well, you..." (Dion)

"Now don't say because we're monsters. That's a prejudice! If we're treated fairly there won't be a reason to do anything. We are reasonable as you can see." (Shari)

"And what are you considering as a fair treatment?" (Radon)

"Despite the part where we won't get attacked in plain sight? If we shall act for you, we would need flesh to keep us going. None of human origin, naturally! Also, a payment like anyone who's working for you receives would be appropriate. We're not slaves!" (Shari)

"And in addition, you want my backing?" (Radon)

"Isn't that somehow a given? We couldn't work properly if we directly get into a conflict just by showing up. You just saw it. People tend to attack us when we are in front of them. While I don't wish for bloodshed, what choice do we have if they are this stubborn? In the end, it should be in your favor to avoid the town's destruction, my lord." (Shari)

"I am not very sure about this. At the moment, the mentioned opposition has considerable power in Ekoras and grows troublesomely bold. The marquis is no longer in control. Like this, a clean end and starting anew might be for the best." (Radon)

This man has some very dangerous ideas.

This spells trouble!

"Milord! Why..." (Dion)

"Why do I tell them? It's not like they have any use for this information. It might even be beneficial if word spreads. Also, I am actually interested in this alliance. Or shall we say pact?" (Radon)

"Call it as you wish. In exchange for your backing, we help to fight your enemies. And when this all is over you will ensure that we aren't targeted from any official side and can live as we want! This shouldn't be too much for obtaining a power none of your enemies can oppose." (Shari)

This is exactly what I want.

If I can just get this agreement through nothing will be in the way of my calm retirement, without being troubled by hostile people trying to subjugate me.

"No one can oppose? This sounds a little farfetched." (Radon)

"It isn't. For example right now Liqu could grow to her full size and like this might fill the whole room. And I don't think I need to elaborate what it means to be inside a slime." (Shari)

At this, the people with weapons here become understandably but worrisomely agitated.

Yet the lord again raises his arm to signal them not to act recklessly.

"Huh, the whole room? Like this my soldiers won't be of any use." (Radon)

Honestly, it was more of a bluff, as this would mean that I would as well end up inside Liqu.

A nightmarish thought!

"As I said, we can be helpful. However, I want to clarify, we won't destroy the town or slaughter civilians. We are no murderers and I don't feel obliged to kill innocent people!" (Shari)

"No murderer it says. And why is there a rumor about a slime mimicking humans, that kills guildsmen?" (Peras)

"I already in detail explained the problems two slimes are confronted with in society. It's simply really hard to tell someone who has chosen the profession to kill you, that you are a "good" slime. And then you have a mess!" (Shari)

A dirty slime mess that is.

"There... is something I don't quite understand." (Dion)

What might he be on about?

"Yes?" (Shari)

"Aside from your exceptionally unusual behavior, regarding your backgrounds, you appear by far too professional! I simply cannot understand how you can know this much about our society. There was no incident, no slip-up until now that would've exposed you. How can you be so proficient in covering your identity?" (Dion)

Duh, the perceptive ones are always troublesome.

"I don't think my private circumstances are meaningful for our agreement. But if it is a condition which will safely lead to an agreement I agree to share them." (Shari)

"No need! I don't really care. As things look, I'm tempted to accept. However, I have a condition!" (Radon)

"Which would be?" (Shari)

"I want you to prove your abilities to me." (Radon)

What is he going on about here?

"Prove?" (Shari)

"You claimed to have "power no one can oppose". It should be just right to demonstrate to me what I am actually bargaining for here, isn't it?" (Radon)

Everyone in this room looks as dumbfounded as me.

Yet most of them rather due to the fact that he is seriously going to accept my offer.

"If you wish so, my lord. I have no problems delivering any proof that you want. However, how shall this happen? Directly here might cause a panic I need to say." (Shari)

"Then in half an hour on the yard behind the estate!" (Radon)

"Alright! But would it be possible to see my teammate?" (Shari)

"The one who came before? Sure. You will be brought there. But I would suggest you reattach these masks again. To prevent incidents." (Radon)

"You've heard it Liqu. Everything back on!" (Shari)

"Aww! But it was so nice." (Liqu)

"No backtalk." (Shari)

"Yes, yes." (Liqu)

I am absolutely aware of how closely this man is watching us right now.

While my relationship with Liqu is not really confidential, it disturbs me a little to assume that this man already looked through everything there is to know.

And if not that, his ominous smile is reason enough to be concerned.

I don't really hear it, but the count gave some orders to the men and after this, the captain and the two soldiers move.

From the gestures, I assume they will be the ones to bring us to our destination.

So I comply.

While this captain gives me an unsettling "Chris"-feel, those two soldiers are more on the pitiful side.

I mean, for supposedly having the order to watch us, they shake quite a lot and walk at an ever-increasing distance behind us.

Can't blame them for not being too eager to catch up to us.

Yet this captain might be a problem.

I would assume there is a chance that he just attacks us to do what he thinks is right.

Something I'd call a "Chris move".

The other possibility is that he is loyal enough to his lord that he won't act without permission.

Hoping for the latter, I just stay alert while he leads us.

We walk to the upper floor and are brought to a room.

We move in and...

"Heck! Finally! How much longer did you intend to keep me waiting?" (Elin)


The sweet voice of a fairy.

A dark fairy with serious anger issues!

"Hi, Elin. How've you been?" (Shari)

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