Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 11 I found you

In a tavern in a border town, many people were drinking wine with wooden barrel cups.

"Have you heard? A middle-level monster appeared in the forest north of our town!" The human dwarf blacksmith was chatting drunkenly.

"Warcraft? No way! I still believe you when you say that low-level warcraft appear in the center of the forest north of the city. But the magic power of that forest is not rich, how can there be middle-level warcraft?" A person at the wine table waved his hand. .

"Really, I didn't lie to you. I heard that the monster easily killed the fourth-level cave python! Even the cave python shed tears of frustration when it died."

"I still don't believe it! The magic concentration of that forest is not high, and it is not suitable for the development and survival of monsters at all!"

"Forget it if you don't believe me! Anyway, I heard that a golden adventurer has already come to that town, and there are more than one!" The dwarf blacksmith raised his short hand and shouted, "Waiter! Another beer!"

The graceful human waiter came over with a bottle of wine and put it on the table with a smile.

"Xiao Na, do you believe the rumors about the monster in the town recently?" the dwarf blacksmith asked the waiter.

"Well, Xiaona doesn't know about this, but Xiaona heard that the monster is actually kind-hearted and looks very cute." The waiter known as Xiaona smiled slightly and left with the wooden plate.

"Hahaha, you are cute and kind-hearted. Look, even Xiaona is laughing at you. I told you it's because those adventurers are so suspicious. Do you really believe that middle-class monsters will appear in our remote town? .”

Just when he was laughing at the dwarf blacksmith, the door of the tavern suddenly opened, and seven or eight adventurers walked into the tavern. They looked extremely miserable, and none of them had weapons in their hands. The female adventurers among them were okay, and the male adventurers were okay. There is only one pair of pants left at home

"Damn Warcraft! How dare you humiliate us like this! Three golden adventurers from the Garda Empire have already arrived in our town! Let's see how arrogant that Warcraft can be!" One of the tall male adventurers and his companions Sitting on the seat next to the blacksmith, he lowered his hand on the table and roared, which was just heard by the blacksmith's table.

"Okay, captain, don't say any more." A female adventurer's face turned red.

For a moment, the blacksmith's expression lit up, and he raised an eyebrow at the colleague who had just mocked him. He looked very proud. The other blacksmith was very angry when he saw his proud look. However, what shocked him even more yes! Could it be that a middle-level Warcraft really appeared?

"But, I heard that the three gold-level adventurers came to the town yesterday. Why is there no news yet?" Another adventurer wearing pants said.

In the center of the forest in the north of the city, there is a small wooden house built facing a stream that blends harmoniously into the forest. Outside the small wooden house, there is a small garden with various unknown flowers planted in the garden.

In the wooden house, the green slime was sleeping comfortably on the wooden bed. Under the bed were various weapons and armors, all of which were captured from adventurers.

Since Bessie and the others returned to town to tell their stories about their encounters, adventurers have broken into the forest north of the city one after another. At first, only bronze-level adventurers came in groups to inquire about the situation. When they were all stopped by Fantawild After being scared away, silver-level adventurers came to the forest north of the city one after another.

Fangte would always roar like a monster at night, and then transform into different monsters. Sometimes on a whim, he would fight adventurers with his original appearance.

Every time Fangte beat them all to the ground, he collected his trophies. Except for women, the clothes of the male adventurers were all taken off by Fangte. This was of course not because Fangte had a terrible hobby of collecting men's clothes, but because he wanted to collect them. By increasing the hatred of those adventurers, there might be a new achievement.

Sure enough, just one month later, Fangte won the titles of "Junior BOSS" and "Adventurer Enemy". Now Fangte's physical enhancement level has reached level 6.

And just yesterday, three gold-level adventurers joined forces and came to the forest in the north of the city to challenge him. Originally, Fangte was quite serious at first. After all, an ordinary gold-level adventurer is equivalent to a fourth-level Warcraft. , but what I didn’t expect was! Fang Te defeated them in three strikes, five divided by two, then stripped off their clothes and threw them out of the forest.

"Li Lin, please prepare yourself. Wait for the last group of adventurers to arrive, and then we will leave here."

Fangte said seriously after thinking with his arms crossed.

The magic power of this town is thin, and all kinds of living minerals and magic minerals are very rare. It is too remote, so the human empire has no intention of annexing it. The same goes for the two nearby towns. A gold-level adventure The family is already regarded as the top fighting force in this area, and their number is pitiful.

All in all, in game terms, this area is the Novice Village.

And if you calculate your strength based on the level of Warcraft, then you are considered a sixth-level Warcraft, and a platinum-level adventurer among adventurers. It's time to leave the Novice Village.

and! Fantawild has always had a dream, that is to dominate the entire world! If possible, it would be even better to find his mother and sister. Of course, Fangte also knows that the difficulty is a bit high.

"Really? Are you finally leaving? Where are you going next, Fante?"

Lilin happily held Fangte in her arms, her delicate face looking very happy.

"I haven't decided yet, but Li Lin, are you really not planning to go home?"

When he was in the Goya tribe, Fangte asked Lilin to leave, but Lilin didn't know she had taken the wrong medicine, so she didn't leave. Fangte didn't force her and asked her to tell him about the world. Slowly, Fangte Te found that her knowledge was really good. Although she could not be called profound, she could definitely be regarded as a lady who had received elite education since she was a child.

And she had always been secretive about her family background, and Fangte didn't force him to ask.

But things are different now. Fangte plans to truly enter this world! She is likely to encounter various situations in the future, and may even compete with a dragon for hegemony, so regardless of her family background, Fangte plans to send her back.


Li Lin lowered her head, poking her index fingers together, her fair face very tangled.

"actually, I!"

Just when Lilin mustered up the courage to say something, Lilin was shocked! A glowing rune appeared on her wrist.

"I finally found you! Princess!"

At this moment, the old man with a white beard stepped into this border town with a staff.

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