Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 10 Tears of humiliation...

Chapter 10 Tears of humiliation.

What is the most annoying thing for a person is to be criticized by a teammate who is 0-10-0 while playing games! He was scolded as a pig by a talking pig!

And now, the fourth-level monster in front of Fangte was despised by a mere slime! Oh my God! Where should I put my dignity as a fourth-level monster? ! How will you hang out if you meet your companions in the future? And if the female snake found out about it in the future, wouldn’t he be single for the rest of his life? How can I pass on my ancestral chromosomes?

The cave python hissed angrily at the roof of the cave! It became angry and raised its tail! Shoot hard at Fangte!

The soft to hard feeling coming from the tail made the cave python feel happy. It thought it was the slime that was smashed by itself and then slapped its tail directly to the ground!

But what I didn’t expect was! When it removes its tail! This spring-green slime was actually unharmed, standing in front of him with his hands (little tentacles) on his waist (he was pulling himself up)! A provocative look on his face.

Fangte's mean eyes seemed to say: "Small~ Come again~~"

But in fact, Fang Te looks as stable as an old dog on the outside, but actually he is panicking on the inside.

Although he had tested the hardness of his "hardening" skills with beasts such as the Saber-toothed Tiger in the Forest of Vada, he was facing a fourth-level monster after all. That tail swing was many times more powerful than the Saber-toothed Tiger's full blow. , but fortunately, I am still so strong!

The cave python, which failed to succeed in the attack, opened its mouth angrily and pounced towards Fangte with its sharp fangs!

Fang Te pushed Li Lin away from his back, and a spring formed from underneath. He compressed and released it, narrowly avoiding the cave python's attack and leaping into the air.

Before the cave python could turn around, Fang Te's tentacle turned into a machete and hardened it with his skills. The machete looked like Man Wu Second in League of Legends! Then he struck the snake's head with a knife!

Between the lightning and flint, there is no fancy magic, just a simple knife. If one knife can't solve the problem, then use two knifes.

The cave python and a slime were wrestling together. If someone saw it, they would definitely think that they were dreaming. After fifty cuts, the cave python's head fell to the ground, and the snake's body twitched several times, and then Just died

This cave python never expected that a slime could be so hard! And he can bend, stretch, and jump! What I didn’t even expect was! I am a fourth-level monster! In the end, he was killed by a slime.

At the end, before dying, the cave python silently shed two lines of heartbreaking tears.

Fang Te turned his back to Li Lin and held the knife in his hand. The snake's head was behind Fang Te. The bright red snake blood splashed all over Fang Te. He felt that he had the demeanor of "a master never looks at the dead", but when Li Lin looked at Come on, Fantawild is just like a mixed red and green jelly.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the crusade against the fourth-level monster - Cave Python. He was awarded the title of 'Low-level monster crusader' and the host was rewarded with the 'earth-breaking shovel'! It has been placed in the host's void pocket. The host is requested to continue his efforts."

At this moment, Fang Te's "brow" twitched. If Li Lin hadn't been here, he would have cursed him!

"Holy shit! Soil-breaking shovel?! TMD! Who can tell me which shovel can't dig soil?! Do you want me to use this shovel to fight against others?"

Fangte was a little internally injured because he had accomplished such a feat of killing a monster when he was just a fledgling, but only got a shovel. However, after returning his anger, Fangte quickly broke open the cave python's body, and together with Li Lin, Qi Ya and others were killed. They were pulled out one by one.

Bessie and others passed out in the snake's belly, but fortunately their lives were not in danger.

"Fangte, what should we do now? How can we explain why we brought them back?" Lilin's dress was stained with snake blood, and she was too timid to look at the snake's head.

Fangte touched his chin. This was indeed a difficult problem. After all, Lilin was the only one left after they were unconscious, and Lilin was just a young priest who only knew how to use the Holy Light. Do they want them to believe that a junior priest killed one? A fourth-level monster? Don't make trouble.

Just when Fangte's cute big eyes were swinging back and forth between the cave python, Qiya and the others, Fangte had an idea! He smiled evilly and said:

"Who said we were going to take them back?"

When Li Lin heard this, she quickly protected the unconscious ones behind her, turned her head and closed her eyes tightly and said resolutely:

"Fantasy can't do it! They have no enmity or enmity against us. We must not be able to kill and silence them, otherwise we will suffer the wrath of Pusius (the god of human faith, who created the human species)."

"Who said I killed people and silenced them?"

Fangte rolled his eyes at Lilin, and then smiled even more evilly. Lilin shivered after seeing it. Even the slime's cute appearance could not conceal Fangte's sinister nature.

The cave below is extremely humid, and the moist air is filled with a strong smell of blood. A faintly tear-stained snake head and body are reconnected, but there are traces of bites between the head and body. Two men and one woman He lay back in the snake's belly again, and the snake's belly that had been cut by Fang Te had been stitched together by Lilin using the Holy Light Technique.

Qiya slowly opened her eyes. After making sure that she was neither in heaven nor dreaming but still in the snake's belly, she cut open the snake's belly with a knife and crawled out. She also pulled the other two people out of the snake's belly and wake.

The three people who were surviving the disaster didn't react for a moment when they saw the dead cave python! Then they discovered that Li Lin and her pet were missing.

Several people shouted Lilin's name and searched everywhere, and finally saw fragments of the dress under a stone wall not far away. The fragments of the dress were stained with bright red blood.

"Hooo!" A terrifying cry sounded from the place where they came.

The dead cave python, the bite marks on the body, the bloody rags of clothes, roaring like a monster.

Everything ties the whole thing together! Got a fact that could no longer be obvious.

When they were swallowed by the cave python, a more powerful monster appeared! Not only was the cave python bitten to death, but Li Lin and his pets were also killed.

Qiya's eyes were red. Although she didn't want to believe the naked fact, the monster's screams were getting closer and closer, and they became more and more terrifying. Everyone had no choice but to run out of the cave with the pieces of Lilin's clothes!

The three of them returned to the town after the disaster and told the Adventurers Association the whole situation and the high-level monster that killed the cave python and its companions.

At this time, in a small village not far from this border town, an old man with a white beard held a staff and asked the villagers on the roadside:

"Hello, may I ask, have you ever seen a beautiful girl with such a tall height and a small face?"

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