Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 9 Cave Python and Adventurer

Screams of exclamation echoed in the dark cave. At first, everyone fell vertically, but soon touched the cave wall, and then curved down to the end like a slide.

Because Fangte turned into cushions to cushion Qiya and Lilin, the two of them only suffered minor injuries. However, the two male adventurers were not so lucky. Their buttocks were probably bruised by the fall, which was enough. He was cured by pear dripping with Priest City's "Holy Light Technique" for half an hour.

"This is where?"

Bessie's staff floated several fireballs around it, illuminating the surrounding area. Look at the ground! All bones!

Among them are saber-toothed tigers, two-headed lions, and a few human white skulls!

Qiya held the dagger across her chest, and Fangte returned to Lilin's arms. Lilin hugged Fangte tightly in fear, revealing a pair of big watery eyes and looking around.

There are two roads, one is the way you came from, and the other is walking forward along this underground cave. There is no need to think about the former. After all, they can't fly, so they can only go forward.

Step by step, the temperature of the cave is getting lower and lower, and the smell of blood is getting stronger and stronger! Everyone's heartbeats were getting faster and faster. Everyone moved forward. They didn't know how long they had walked, but what was certain was that if this road led to the forest in the north of the city, judging from the current situation, everyone had already reached the forest in the north of the city. Central location.

There are no magical beasts on the outskirts of the Chengbei Forest to the north of the town. There are only ferocious beasts. Although there are magical beasts in the center of the northern forest, they are only the lowest-level ones. Even if you are a bronze-level adventurer like yourself, you can't win and run away. The roads are still okay, so to everyone, the situation is actually not that bad.

However, soon, when a pair of big bright eyes appeared in the darkness ahead! Bessie felt that everything might not be as simple as she thought!

Bessie and others subconsciously clenched their weapons, and even the timid Lilin quietly circulated the magic power in his body, planning to activate the "Holy Light Technique" at any time!

but! When that behemoth appeared in front of everyone, almost everyone except Fang Te had despair in their eyes! Because a fourth-level monster appeared in front of them—the cave python!

Warcraft are different from intelligent races. As far as Gu Fangte knows, there are 10 major types of intelligent races in this world. Among them are the gods who created all things but have no traces of them at present, followed by the fantasy species, angel species, and demons. There are three species: sea spirit species, forest elf species, mechanical species, giant species, orc species, and human species. Each race has no distinction between high and low. Among them, goblins are a type of orc species.

Although in terms of single combat, an ordinary human is not as good as an orc Goblin, and an ordinary Goblin of the Goblin tribe is not as good as a machine of the Mechanical type! Not to mention the dragons in fantasy species!

But! The archmage of the human species can fight a giant dragon alone, but if 300 werewolves of the orc species are collectively violent, an ordinary giant dragon can only accept its fate. Therefore, the overall strength of these intelligent species is no different, and together they can defeat each other. Checks and balances the world.

But Warcraft is different! Different from beasts and intelligent species, they are divided into 10 classes by intelligent races based on their strength! Although the tenth-level monsters have no intelligence, they can fight a giant dragon inextricably with their fighting instincts.

And the strength of this fourth-level monster, the Cave Python, is equivalent to that of a gold-level adventurer! It is estimated that only two of the gold-level adventurers in this border town can survive.

But why does this cave python appear in this place?

"Goda Xiaomo and I will hold on for a while! Miss Lilin and Miss Qiya, please leave as soon as possible!" Bessie held the staff tightly and looked at Lilin affectionately, "Miss Lilin! I like you!"

"Miss Qiya! I like you too!" Goda Ximo also turned around to confess his love for the last time in his life!

Then the two of them shouted loudly and rushed towards the cave python! The behavior was very tragic.

Although these two people were quite lustful and liked to show off in front of girls, the spirit of chivalry at critical moments moved Fangte and others very much.

However, this touching feeling did not last for a few seconds, and instead they were stunned.

Bessie and the two rushed towards the cave python without hesitation, but they saw the cave python open its bloody mouth, twist its body and pounce forward...

Then...then the two of them rushed directly into the cave python's mouth like fools...

The cave python raised its body slightly, as if it had swallowed its saliva. With a "gudong" sound, the two of them slipped into the cave python's belly.

The cave python spit out the snake letter happily, and then looked at Fangte and others...

"Miss Lilin! I will contain this beast. Please leave as soon as possible, Miss Lilin!"

I saw Qi Ya holding out her dagger and charging forward with her graceful body arched! The assassin's erratic steps passed down from his ancestors stepped on the cave python again and again, and the sharp dagger struck the cave python's head again and again, but it only drew faint blood marks.

"Damn it! This monster doesn't know how to add talent points to the snake skin! Why is it so hard?"

Fangte, who was eating melon on the side, watched with gusto! This is the first time he has seen the fight between humans and Warcraft. You must know that in the past, he controlled the game characters to fight against Warcraft. No matter how realistic the game was, it only stayed on the electronic screen. How could it be possible? Such a three-dimensional surround-like feeling is exciting.

The cave python seemed to be annoyed by Qiya's tireless and jumping attacks again and again. It opened its big mouth and tried to swallow a bottle of her into its belly, but it was defeated by her again and again. The coquettish movement was avoided.

Qiya jumped into the air again, and the cave python jumped into the air, revealing its snow-white snake belly.

"What a great opportunity!" Qiya was delighted!

"That's a trap!" Fang Te just wanted to remind loudly!

But it was too late. When Qi Ya cut into the belly of the cave python, the tail hidden in the darkness was exposed and he slapped Qi Ya against the stone wall. Qi Ya's body was embedded in the stone wall, as if it was a crotch. Can't take it off!

Then the cave python takes a bite!

There was a "gudong" sound... Qiya entered the snake's belly...

Although these monsters are not intelligent! But the natural fighting experience and instinct are still there! It was okay for the two people to rush into other people's stomachs before, but why didn't Qiya, a young girl who seemed so smart, know this?

Fang Te held his forehead for a while! Sure enough, you are still too young.

At this moment, the cave python turned around, looked at Fangte and Lilin as if they were looking at food, and gently spit out snake letters, as if his eyes were: Everyone here is a hot chick...

It stood there motionless, as if it hadn't had enough fun and wanted to see what the last remaining food could do.

However, what this cave python didn't expect was! The slime at the bottom of the food chain actually jumped into the girl's arms!

Put your hands on your hips and walk towards you in a swaggering manner!

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