Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 117 My husband

He sat there all day and all night, and Fangte didn't sleep all day and night because Fangte had never been so melancholy.

Originally, Fangte thought that it was not easy to travel back in time. He was also very happy to meet a fellow villager here, Fangte. Although this fellow countryman was always against him inexplicably, there was no "tears in his eyes." .

But! Now you suddenly tell yourself that this fellow countryman was once your daughter-in-law, and she has been entangled in love and hate for thousands of years!

This, my head hurts. It really hurts my head.

However, could she have made a mistake? After all, the famous emperors of several generations have always looked the same! How did she know that she was the one she was looking for?

Fang Te guessed that the reason why the empress asked him to come to this cave was to let him follow his true heart and resonate with "his previous life", so as to retrieve the memory of his previous life.

However, here comes the problem. Although I feel deeply, I only feel deeply. Apart from what I saw in the cave, I still can't think of anything else. This is strange.

And you have to know that the reincarnations of her previous partners were all emperors! And I am just a homebody! I just like to play various games at home and watch ****. No matter how I look at it, I don’t have that kind of natural bastard. Oh, I’m sorry, I have the air of a bastard!

Not to mention that he is now a slime! Could she really have made a mistake?

Fangte stood up and returned to his slime appearance. He felt that there must be some misunderstanding, and after all, in terms of personality and other aspects, how similar was he to those emperors of the past?

Fangte was thinking in this direction, and it seemed to make more sense the more he thought about it.

"Forget it! Let's go back first. There is always a misunderstanding about this matter! We still have to have a good talk with her. After all, thousands of years of resentment is really too scary."

Misunderstanding, definitely a misunderstanding! Fang Te thought so firmly that he moved towards the direction of Zhuju.

"You're back."

At the entrance of Zhuju, Fangte was still thinking about how to briefly explain his views to this ancestor who had lived for thousands of years and brought disaster to the country and the people, but unexpectedly, the Empress of Dongxia was waiting for him directly at the entrance of Zhuju!

"came back"

Fangte's tone was a little vague and he couldn't help but avoid her gaze, but Fangte soon reacted! Why are you avoiding her sight? I didn’t do anything shameful! It doesn’t matter whether he is reincarnated or not!

calm! Calm down! You need to first ask her why she thinks she is the reincarnation of her partner! Then explain it clearly! calm down

"Your Majesty, have you admitted your mistake?"

Fang Te looked directly into those beautiful eyes, trying his best to stay calm, as if just a smile could capture people's hearts and souls.

"Are you admitting your mistake? What did you see in the cave?" The empress smiled slightly and walked up to Fangte without moving more than three feet.

At this time, Fangte maintained the appearance of an adult human, half a head taller than the Empress. The Empress raised her head slightly and looked at Fangte carefully, so close that she could even smell her fragrance.

Fang Te took a few steps back. If someone else had seen him so close to the empress, he would have even taken a step back! I'm afraid that I will be pressed to the floor and rubbed by most of the male species in the world.

"Fang Te doesn't understand what His Majesty means." Fang Te said with his hands raised. He really didn't understand! Didn't she want herself to see those scenes? Didn't she just want to tell herself that she was Emperor Xin, King Zhou of Shang? Why are you still asking yourself what you saw?

"Do you know the name of that cave?" the empress said slowly, her voice as charming as a bone.

"Your Majesty, please explain in detail."

"The cave you have experienced in the past two days is called the 'Jingxin Cave'. It is a cave passed down from generation to generation by the Nine-Tailed Clan. It allows you to see the things you care about most in your heart! The people you can't let go the most! The most heartbreaking calamity!" Empress Looking directly into Fangte's eyes, "As long as you get stuck in it, you will lose yourself, be unable to extricate yourself, lose your heart and soul, and find it difficult to get out of the 'Jingxin Cave'. Even I almost got lost when I first entered this cave." Woolen cloth."

"Your Excellency actually walked out of the Jingxin Cave, which shows that your willpower is strong enough. Even the most important and painful things in your heart cannot stop you. So I am very curious about what you saw in the cave. Your Excellency just said that I admitted my mistake, what do you mean? Could it be related to me?"

Fang Te looked directly into her eyes, and Fang Te didn't see any hint of joking in her eyes! perhaps! Things are different from what I thought!

This empress probably didn't want to evoke the memory of her previous life and tell herself that she was the reincarnation of her partner! Rather, he simply wants to control himself through the Jingxin Cave!

As long as he loses his heart and soul in the Mirror Heart Cave, he will follow the methods of the nine-tailed fox clan who are best at manipulating people's hearts! It’s hard even if I don’t want to be in Dongxia!

That is to say! The empress probably had no idea what she saw in the cave! She even had no intention of letting herself go! She has always wanted to manipulate herself to work for her and help her become a new god!

But how to explain the engraving?

And what about those you saw? She said it was something hidden deep inside her heart! No way! Could he really be the reincarnation of the fallen emperors of various generations? Damn it! This is too much!

etc! The question now is not whether he is lucky or not, but how he is going to tell her. Should he tell her everything he saw in the cave?

Stop it! First of all, I am not sure whether I am the one for her, and even if I am sure, so what?

It is obvious that this empress is a typical "how deeply you love, how deeply you hate"! After Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, this empress became completely sick and spoiled. How many dynasties and countries did she bring down? What if I tell her everything now! Can you survive?

However, he walked out of that hole so arrogantly! Will she really let herself go?

In a few breaths, Fangte's head turned rapidly and he made various trade-offs.

"Fangte is the most opaque to His Majesty, so he saw Your Majesty in the cave. The reason why Fangte said 'You made a mistake' as soon as he saw His Majesty is that Fangte's consciousness is still a little unclear and he mistakenly mistook His Majesty Please forgive me if I treat you like someone else.”

Fang Te explained calmly, but actually he was panicking.

"That's what it looks like."

The empress laughed loudly, her graceful figure leaning back and forth with laughter, as if she was a girl who had been holding back a prank for a long time and finally couldn't help laughing.

"Di Xin, my husband, when did you become so good at lying to girls..."

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