Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 118 Why bother with persistence

Several snow-white foxes were scurrying back and forth among the bamboo forests. Although it was already the depth of winter, Eastern Summer was indeed green, especially in this boundless bamboo forest, where the morning dew slowly slid from the green bamboo leaves. down, dripping into the fragrant soil, slowly seeping into it.

In front of the Bamboo Residence, a graceful woman wearing a plain skirt smiled and swayed like a snow lotus.

But at this moment, Fangte felt like thousands of grass and mud horses galloping past in his heart. Only now did he understand! It turns out that what the empress just said to him was all a joke!

In fact, she had already decided that she was Di Xin. The words she just said and the expressions she performed were just to tease herself.

"Ms. sir, did you do well in your role as concubine?"

The woman gradually stopped laughing, and slowly wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with her delicate white hands. She blinked lightly, and the other party playfully spit out her little red tongue.

This little daughter's demeanor, which was completely opposite to her usual majesty, made Fang Te lose his mind and quickly looked away. If he looked at her again, he might really be charmed.

"Could it be that Your Majesty wanted me to see those scenes in the cave? But Your Majesty, why do you think I am the person in your heart?"

"No, actually I'm not sure you are Di Xin, that's why I asked you to go to Jingxin Cave. Those scenes were not arranged by me. As I said before, Jingxin Cave can reflect your most beautiful scenery. Of course, the things you care about are just slightly changed by me. The Jingxin Cave that I changed reflects not the things you care about in this life, but your past lives. How about I, I am not very powerful."

The empress looked at Fangte quietly, her eyes revealing a hint of her little daughter's naughtiness.

"When you entered the cave, I was very nervous. But I'm so lucky. I guessed it right. It's just that I didn't completely remind you of the events of my previous lives, so I'm still a little sad."

Fangte didn't know what to say for a moment. If it was true that what the most beautiful woman of thousands of years said was true, and the scenes in the cave reflected what he cared about most in his heart, then this would be the real deal. ah!

After all, this woman's figure appears in successive lives, and it can't be washed away no matter how hard it is washed!

I don’t know why, but I was originally the reincarnation of an emperor. Most people should be very happy to encounter this kind of thing. After all, I was an emperor in my previous life. Although I am an otaku loser now, at least my brother, I was romantic before!

But now, Fangte wants to die.

As mentioned before, this woman absolutely loved King Zhou of Shang at first, but gradually she fell in love and hated him! Thousands of years of love turned into thousands of years of hate! It's so scary! Who knows what this woman is thinking now, whether it is love or hate.

At least Fangte can't see through this beautiful woman who has lived for thousands of years at all. It's as if her heart has been covered with layers of gauze by time. Thousands of years have seemed to make her heart gradually become dusty. , everything is blurry.

"Hoo" Fangte exhaled heavily and said slowly, "Your Majesty, although I am not sure whether I am your sweetheart, but all the things in the past life should have been stopped in the past life. My name is Fangte now. Not King Zhou of Shang."

"This is indeed the truth, and I understand it too." The empress bowed to Fangte, her voice was charming, her lips and teeth were slightly parted, "But does your husband know that women are very unreasonable in some aspects?"

Unreasonable? What does she want to do! Don’t you want to force yourself to stay in Dongxia? Damn it! Thousands of years are enough time to make a woman yandere! This is really possible!

Fangte couldn't help but think of the news in his previous life where his girlfriend killed the cheating man and then slept with the body in her arms.

For a moment, Fangte felt his scalp numb...

"But I don't want to embarrass my husband. Since I promised my husband to let you leave, I will naturally not break my promise."

Just when Fang Te's heart was chilling, the Empress of Dongxia slowly spoke, but Fang Te's heart felt a little complicated after hearing this husband's voice. However, Fang Te didn't pay too much attention when he saw that things were turning around. These.

"Your Majesty is really willing to let me run away?" Fangte asked.

"Run away?" The empress was stunned for a moment, and then she quickly understood the meaning of this word.

"Well, I am willing to let your husband run away." The empress smiled, finding this word very interesting, "If your husband wants to leave now, you can leave now."

Don’t say it yet! When she said this, Fangte was really moved. Although he didn't know what the empress wanted to do, he still knew that she wouldn't hurt him, emmm, at least physically.

Just when Fang Te shamelessly wanted to say "we will never see you again" and turned to leave, the empress took out a letter from her sleeves, took Fang Te's hand with her slender hands, and put it in his hand tenderly, like a husband coming to the house. OK, my wife is reluctant to leave.

"My husband, this letter contains what I want to say to you, but I can't open it and read it until my husband leaves Dongxia and is about to return to Enia."

Holding the envelope in his hand, the envelope is in the style of an ancient traditional letter, with the words "Love my wife and my husband" written on the envelope.

Although Fangte didn't do anything, these five words made Fangte feel guilty. It was as if he had a virtuous and beautiful wife at home, but he was too busy and wanted to find love elsewhere.

"Your Majesty! Di Xin is Di Xin, Ji Gong Nie is Ji Gong Nie, Li Longji is Li Longji, and Fang Te is Fang Te. The former is gone. Looking forward is the most important thing, and there are still many in this world. There are many outstanding people, why must Your Majesty be obsessed with just one person?"

Fang Te took a few steps back, bowed and bowed.

Fangte didn't know why, and Fangte didn't know why he suddenly said such a thing. It was just that Fangte felt that he needed to say it, so he said it.

The distance between Fang Te's hands and the empress's breasts was only an inch. It seemed that if he leaned forward slightly, he could touch the softness that most men in the world dream of. However, Fang Te's distance was kept just right, and there was no point. Obscene thoughts.

The empress stood in front, and she couldn't help but be stunned. There was a trace of trance in her charming eyes, and she just looked at him quietly.

As if she didn't care at all that Fang Tezuo's stretched-out hand was about to touch her most important part, the woman moved lightly, wanting to step forward.

"Fantasy farewell!"

Before the empress could take a step forward, Fang Te retracted his hand and straightened up, turning into a slime and disappearing into the void under her gaze.

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