Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 13 The Old Man and the Slime

"Shadow on your kidneys! I am the same inside and out. What you see is my most handsome posture."

Fangte stood on the ground panting with his hand-held soil-breaking shovel, and he had to die. Fangte couldn't accept this soil-breaking shovel as a reward at first, but he didn't expect that this shovel was invulnerable to water and fire! Extremely hard! No matter what it is, you can dig it up! It can be said that "there is no wall that cannot be dug down except a shovel that cannot be wielded." This saying has been perfectly verified by this shovel!

"You are still pretending. If I hadn't been in the world for a long time when I was young, I would have been deceived by you. Come on! Let me fight for another three hundred rounds!"

After that, the white-bearded old man chanted a spell in his mouth. After a while, the surrounding grass grew wildly and tied him up towards Fangte. Fangte who was not paying attention was trapped into a rice dumpling. Not only that, several thunders came from the white-bearded man. The old man's penis overflowed and flew towards Fangte.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Fang Te quickly shrank his belly and escaped from the binding of the vines. Several thunderbolts struck the grass, making several small and medium-sized holes.

"You underestimate me too much." The old man with the white beard smiled sinisterly.

Fangte felt something bad. When he looked at the ground, he saw that a magic circle had been arranged at some point!

"Before you came here, I had already set up a magic circle here!" The white-bearded old man shouted, "Fire Dragon Breath Array (sixth level magic circle)!"

Fangte, who had not yet landed after jumping into the air, saw huge fire elements gathering towards the formation, and hundreds of obscure patterns exuded a magical luster!

At this time, Fangte realized that the opponent was actually a sixth-level mage!

Although the single combat effectiveness of the sixth-level mage is not as good as that of sixth-level monsters and the same-level paladins and other tough professions, their treatment in the human empire is much higher than that of other professions.

The reason for this is first of all because humans need talent to learn magic, and not everyone can learn it. This leads to the transcendent status of magicians, and secondly because of the magic circle of magicians!

How many enemies can a paladin kill in one hour on the battlefield? However, a high-level mage who has arranged a magic circle in advance can annihilate an army of a thousand people in an instant.

However, the arrangement of high-level magic arrays takes too long, and the old man does not have much time to perfect it. Therefore, this Fire Dragon Breath Array is level six. In fact, its power is only level four to level five, but this is enough, and the old man also has subordinates. He showed mercy because he wanted to keep him alive and take him back for interrogation.

A red fire dragon emerged from the magic circle! Then he rushed towards Fantawild at great speed. Even in the daytime, the fire lit up the entire forest!

"There is no other way! We can only give it a try!"

Fangte turned around in the air and faced the fire dragon.

The old man on the ground was a little touched when he saw Fangte bravely dying, and he felt a kind of heroic pity for this "shadow beast".

But the next second, the old man was confused! He lived for more than seventy years! This is the first time I’ve seen this happen!

Fang Te, who was in the air, expanded his body to a huge size, then opened his big mouth, and saw the fire dragon getting into Fang Te's mouth without hesitation!

Fangte fell to the ground with a "gudg" sound, like the sound of jelly falling from the sky to the ground.

The old man with a white beard saw Fang Te's pale body slowly turning from green to red, and even a few vapors rising up, as if it was ripe.

The old man watched this incredible scene for a long time, and then saw the water vapor on the giant slime slowly dissipating, gradually changing from red to green, and then...

Then Fangte felt that his stomach was bloated, and he had a strong desire to release it!

So Fangte turned around when the old man looked confused!


Fang Te farts loudly throughout the forest! A fire dragon was released as a fart by Fang Te!

The fire dragon condensed from the fire element may have never been so wronged in this life. The dragon roared into the sky and rushed towards the white-bearded old man with even greater momentum!

Before the old man could react, and without even releasing the most basic defensive magic, he was directly smeared in the face by the fire dragon that came out of Fangte's butt, and a large crater with a diameter of five meters exploded next to the old man!

"You! You! You!" The old man's white beard was burned off, his face was dark, and smoke would come out of his mouth every time he said "you". After saying the three words "you", the old man fainted on the spot.

Five minutes later, Lilin finally arrived and saw a scene that the old man never wanted to mention in his life.

The cute green slime squatted next to the old man, took off all the old man's clothes, and then collected his loot.

Seeing the familiar staff and the old man's body that was burned like black charcoal, Li Linliang tearfully picked up the earth-breaking shovel standing not far behind Fang Te.

Lilin looked at the big green jelly squatting next to the old man collecting the spoils, and then looked at the old man lying on the ground. As if he had made some decision, he walked step by step behind Fangte.

"Li Lin, you're here. This old man is quite strong. It's already a good ending to my novice village. Let's leave here after we send him down the mountain." Fangte didn't turn around, while groping Said while picking up the old man's clothes.


Before hearing Lilin's answer, Fangte turned around. It was better not to turn around. As soon as he turned around, he saw Lilin biting her red lips, closing her eyes tightly, raising the soil-breaking shovel high and swinging it down at him.

Before Fang Te could react, Fang Te felt his eyes go dark. At this moment, Fang Te realized the power of this artifact again!

"Princess, are you saying this is really a slime?!"

After listening to Li Lin tell everything about the journey, the old man was very surprised! He always thought that a hostile country sent a shadow demon to gain the princess's trust by transforming into a slime, but he never expected that this slime with extremely high combat power was actually a slime!

"Yes." Lilin sat on the chair with her legs together and nodded sadly, "Grandpa Vera, can Lilin Lilin not go back?"

"No, princess, you've been out long enough, it's time to go back, otherwise your father will really be worried and send troops out to find you."

Lilin lowered her head, put her small hands on her thighs, and poked each other with her index fingers. Suddenly, a bright light flashed in Lilin's eyes! Pointing at the unconscious Fangte, he said:

"Then I have to take this slime Lilin back! Otherwise Lilin won't go back!"

The old man looked at Fangte, who was still in a fainted state. The identity of this slime was unknown, and it had mutated to an incredible degree. Do they really want to bring him into the palace?

But after looking at his princess's stubborn eyes, the old man could only sigh and nodded.

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