Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 14 Kidnapping

"Congratulations on obtaining the achievement, 'Mid-level Mage Defeator', which rewards primary fire element resistance."

The carriage was stumbling, and the sound of the system in Fang Te's mind woke him up. Fang Te felt that his head hurt a little, but with something soft under his head, Fang Te still felt quite comfortable. Fang Te subconsciously The little tentacle touched it and heard a familiar voice shouting softly and shyly:

"Ah! Pervert!"

Then a girl picked up the earth-breaking shovel next to her and slapped Fang Te.

Before Fang Te could even open his eyes, he was knocked unconscious again by Li Lin holding a soil-breaking shovel in both hands. After that, there was no more.

"Princess, do you really don't need me to use a magic prison to imprison him?"

Master Vera looked at the slime lying on Lilin's white lap, and felt an inexplicable feeling of sympathy and envy. He was envious that this guy could rest his head on the princess' thigh. Of course, he also sympathized with him for who knows how many times. Got knocked unconscious.

"No need."

Lilin gently stroked the soft Fangte. For some reason, Lilin always felt that as long as Fangte was by her side, she wouldn't have to worry about anything, and she wouldn't feel bored, even if Fangte was "motion sick" now. "All the way, Lilin didn't say a word to herself, but Li Lin always felt very satisfied.

Unknowingly, Li Lin looked at Fang Te tenderly, with a slight smile on her lips.

Not long ago, in a border town, Lilin, Qiya and others met again. The three of them were very surprised to see that Lilin was not dead.

However, when everyone asked how Lilin escaped from the clutches of the monster, they felt a little embarrassed. After all, Lilin was really not good at lying. Fortunately, everyone "understood" it after Master Vera's serious nonsense. The "in and out" of things.

After that, Lilin and Vera took the fainted Fangte into the teleportation array and left the border town. After three days and three nights of traveling, they have now entered the Kingdom of Ori.

The human race among the human race has three major empires, among which are "Moxi Kingdom! Ella Kingdom! Odeia Kingdom!" And Ori Kingdom is not so much a kingdom, but more accurately a city-state, but Ori Kingdom has The three city-states are therefore called kingdoms. Although their national power is stronger than that of ordinary city-states, they are nothing compared to the behemoths of the three empires.

Rilin and Vera entered the capital of the Ori Kingdom, escorted by hundreds of paladins on both sides of the road. People in the Ori Kingdom's capital took to the streets one after another, wanting to see the princess's face, especially the male residents of the capital who couldn't take their eyes away. He looked at the carriage moving forward step by step, fearing that the princess would open the curtain at some point and he would not see it.

"Princess, we have entered the capital. Please stop hiding your appearance. I hope that the princess can respond to the love of the people with your true appearance, so that the people can truly feel relieved that you have returned safe and sound."

Lilin hesitated for a moment, but still nodded. She took out the nearest pendant she had been hiding close to her chest and held it in her hand. She softly chanted a spell in her mouth, and a ripple of magic spread out from the carriage.

After the ripples dissipated, the curtain of the carriage was gently opened, and a girl stood at the front of the carriage. She smiled tenderly at the people on both sides of the street, covered her chest lightly, and bowed slowly.

The moment you see the girl’s appearance! Countless flowers fell from the hands of men, and many vegetable baskets slipped from the hands of women. The children were so shocked that they could not speak. Even the proud girl who was proud of her beauty could not help but blurt out in shame:

"This is so beautiful."

In these three days, Fangte woke up three or four times, but was knocked unconscious all the time. But this time, Fangte finally learned to be smart. He stayed motionless at first, and then listened carefully to every move around him!

After confirming that there was really no movement around him, Fang Te quietly opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was the unfamiliar ceiling.

Fangte suddenly sat up (jelly rolled over) and looked at everything around him.

The curtains were blown slowly by the summer wind, and the golden sunlight slowly filtered into the window sill. The clean room of nearly more than two hundred square meters, simple yet luxurious furniture, and the soft yet inner body that I was lying on. Big bed included!

"Fuck! Where the hell is this?"

Fangte was a little confused. He only remembered that he was knocked unconscious by Lilin for no reason, and then he was knocked unconscious every time he was about to wake up. He had no idea about the current situation.

With a click, the door to the room opened, and two beast-eared girls in maid outfits walked in carrying food!

"Ah, great, little slime guest, you're awake." The Beast Ears maid put the food on the table, then walked quickly towards Fangte and held Fangte in her arms.

"Ah~~~ It's so soft, so soft, so cute." A maid with animal ears wearing a pink hairpin kept rubbing Fangte, like a cat lover sucking a cat like crazy.

"Yaya, give me a hug quickly, I want it too." Another animal-eared girl on the side couldn't wait to shake the cute tail of the maid, her eyes shining.

Is this paradise?

Fang Te was caressed by two beautiful girls with exquisite figures and animal ears in turn. He was so happy that he almost fainted again. However, fortunately, the remaining sanity did not let Fang Te completely fall.

"Wait a minute." Fangte jumped out of the soft embrace of the maid named Yaya with a look of reluctance, "Where are you? Who are you? Why do you call me a guest?"

When Fangte asked this question, the two maids noticed their gaffe just now, and quickly stood up and gathered their skirts to bow:

"Dear Mr. Sly Font, please forgive us for our rudeness just now. This is the capital of the Kingdom of Ori. Thank you very much for taking care of the princess."

"Princess?" Fangte's head hurt a little, but Fangte probably guessed something, "You mean Lilin is a princess?"

"Yes, Princess Lilin is the only princess of our Ori Kingdom."

"What about the old man with the sexy long white beard?"

"Long white beard?" The maid named Luoluo thought for a moment and said, "Master Vera is one of the four great mages in our country and is also the teacher of Princess Lilin."

At this moment, Fangte understood everything. No wonder Lilin refused to reveal her identity. No wonder Lilin was so well-informed. No wonder she refused to go back. It turned out that she wanted to play outside for a while. No wonder she didn't Be willing to sign a contract with yourself (the royal family does not allow members of the royal family to sign subsidiary contracts).

Finally, a summary! The feeling is that Lilin, a playful girl, secretly escaped from the kingdom, and then she was abducted by Lilin, an innocent girl, and brought to her house!

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