Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 182 Negotiation

"We didn't intend to delay anything, we just came to chat with you." Yaya said slowly, her tone was a little cold.

Nesario mobilized the magic power in his body to protect his body and mind. He did not dare to relax in any way towards the fantasy nine-tailed fox clan, especially his own consciousness.

"Giggle, giggle," Luo Luo covered his mouth and chuckled, his eyes moved, and he was charming, "My lord is really cautious, but don't worry, if we wanted to use charm on you, we would have used it long ago, but we can I don’t want to be touched by you.”

For ordinary people, the charm of the Nine-tailed Sky Fox Clan can fascinate him just by standing in front of him. For high-level and powerful people, I am afraid it will take a few words, but for high-level races and strength For extremely strong people (such as Anthony), physical contact may be necessary.

Luoluo and Yaya made it clear that they didn't want to be touched by him.

Nesario's brows twitched. He was very confident about his appearance, but neither of these two fantasy nine-tailed fox tribe wanted to touch him, which hurt his self-esteem a bit.

"I wonder what the nine-tailed fox clan of the Eastern Xia Kingdom has come here to learn from?" Nesario straightened up. The opponents were just two nine-tailed foxes, and behind him were two hundred thousand Twilight troops. He didn't need to be afraid of anything.

"Withdraw troops." Unlike Luo Luo, Yaya's eyes showed murderous intent, "Dongxia Kingdom and the Orc Tribe have reached an alliance. If you insist on attacking the Orc Tribe, you will be an enemy of Dongxia."

"Oh? Is the Dongxia tribe, which has always kept aloof from the world, finally stepping into this world?"

Nesario's tone was very playful. Although Dongxia Kingdom claimed to be neutral, many forces already coveted Dongxia Kingdom. Half of the reasons came from Dongxia Kingdom's superior geographical location and fertile land, and the other reason Half of the reason comes from the beauty of the empress of Dongxia Kingdom.

It can be said that there is no man in the world who does not covet the beauty of the Eastern Xia Kingdom's empress, but it's just obvious and not obvious.

If you can occupy Dongxia! Bring that legendary empress into your room! This achievement is probably only slightly lower than becoming the new king of the world. For those who are addicted to women, this achievement is even worse.

If Dong Xia forms an alliance with the Orc tribe, then Dong Xia's statement of neutrality will be a joke. Without the blessing of the neutral archway, and the Orc tribe has made many enemies, other forces will have a serious reputation of sending troops to Dong Xia, and I am afraid they will have to unite against them. Dong Xia took action.

"After the fall of the red comet, things happened one after another. Who can survive alone in this world? Even if Dongxia is stable now, in three or four years, it will be besieged on all sides." Luoluo gently stroked her snow-white long hair. The tail is touched with delicate hands.

Nessario couldn't help but swallowed his saliva after seeing it. If these hands served him, I'm afraid it would be a great pleasure.

"What's so good about the orc tribe? Even if Dongxia wants to form an alliance, why would he choose the orc tribe? The empress might as well consider forming an alliance with me, Twilight."

"Oh, forming an alliance with you? Just because you looked at us with dirty eyes, if Luoluo hadn't grabbed my tail, little Twilight Dragon, you might have died countless times."

Yaya looked at him with cold eyes. The look he looked at her was simply disgusting. But strangely enough, that slime was also very lustful and often wanted to peek under her skirt, but why didn't she feel it at all? Hate it?

"Sir, I'm really sorry. Yaya has a bad temper. Please forgive me. However, if you can give Dongxia some face, please withdraw your troops."

"Withdraw troops? After I return, the alliance between Dongxia and the orc tribe will soon be known to the world. I am afraid that Dongxia will not face only one or two forces. For the future of Dongxia, I would like to invite two more You are going to Twilight Continent for negotiation. I believe that after you two arrive in Eastern Xia, the empress will not stand idly by.

"I heard that the empress is not married yet, and my father has not renewed his relationship. Maybe she will fall in love with my father after she arrives in Dongxia. Of course, if the empress falls in love with me, I will also be with her. "Nesario waved his hands, and the camp was completely evacuated. Luoluo and Yaya also transformed back into orc girls at that moment.

Luoluo and Yaya frowned nicely. It seemed that this Twilight Dragon wanted to become an enemy of Dongxia, and also wanted to force the two of them back to the Twilight Continent.

"It seems that the two of them have sneaked into the orc tribe. Their identities have not been announced to the orc tribe yet." Nesario knew it when he saw Luoluo and Yaya transforming into orcs in an instant.

Luoluo and Yaya stood outside the city wall of Luoyang City. The guards on the city wall were shocked when they saw it, and immediately put a blue firework signal into the sky. This signal meant the highest level of security.

Everyone in the orc tribe who saw the signal tensed up. Even the women were almost in a state of semi-violence and wanted to fight to the death with the enemy.

A quarter of an hour later, all the troops in Luoyang City and nearby cities had been mobilized and ready to go, and Tan Xiao and others also came to the city wall.

Seeing their two teachers confronting the Twilight Dragon, they began to feel anxious, but they did not dare to act rashly. They just hated themselves for not being more determined to stop the two teachers from delaying this meaningless negotiation!

"I heard that the orc tribe hates deception and betrayal. It would be better if you two take the initiative to reveal your identity." Nessario said with a smile.

On the surface, the current situation is not good not only for the orc tribe, but also for Luoluo and Yaya.

Although Luoluo and Yaya are now beastmen, as long as he forces them, they will definitely show their strength and their identities will naturally be exposed.

And their identities were not revealed to the orc tribe at all.

Although Fangte did not reveal the news of Luoluo and Yaya's previous "betrayal", once the orc tribe knew that the people they had always respected and obeyed were not orcs, but fantasy species, this feeling of being "cheated and played with" would affect Everything they do in the orc tribe even affects Dongxia.

But Fangte and Emilia did not come back. The orc tribe needs the leadership of Luoluo and Yaya. When Luoluo and Yaya's identities are exposed, let alone leaders, they will probably be wary of the orc tribe!

Without the general coordination of Luoluo and Yaya, although Tan Xiao and others have prestige, it is only in the military field. The orc tribe is likely to fall into the most serious panic. When other forces take advantage of the situation, the situation will be very serious. It's dangerous.

"Would you two consider joining us?" In front of Luoyang City, Nesario gently squeezed the wine glass and said calmly.

"Join the Twilight Continent? Giggle..."

A laughter like a silver bell came slowly in the night sky, clear and sweet.

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