Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 183 And who are you?

A burst of light laughter spread slowly in the night sky, falling into everyone's heart, and even making people feel trance-like.

A girl wearing a plain white dress slowly stepped up from the air. The night wind gently caressed the hem of her skirt, and the soft green silk like a waterfall fell on the woman's delicate back, reaching to her waist.

One lotus step at a time, no more than three feet in each step, she slowly landed on the ground and stood in front of Luoluo and Yaya.

The moment everyone on the city wall saw the woman, their hearts were moved, and they were even shocked and speechless. They had never thought that there was such a beautiful woman in this world.



"See Your Majesty."

When Luoluo and Yaya curtsied to this beautiful woman, their trance gradually turned into astonishment.

His Majesty? What, Your Majesty?

Immediately afterwards, while Tan Xiao and others on the city wall were still thinking about the relationship between their teacher and this beautiful woman, a ripple of magic slowly spread away. The ripples dissipated, and two girls with snow-haired and snow-skirted girls stood beside the beautiful woman. Behind the woman who cannot be described as "beautiful".

Behind Luoluo and Yaya, nine long tails were swaying in the air, like lilies.

Nine-tailed fox clan! ?

When the orc tribe leaders on the city wall saw the two girls they respected swaying their snow-white long tails, they felt extremely complicated.

"Master, I'm sorry, Luoluo and Yaya messed up things." Luoluo's beautiful face showed real remorse.

She originally thought that pulling Dongxia Kingdom out would make this Twilight Dragon feel fearful.

In fact, when it comes to smart people, Luoluo's approach does not pose any problems.

Even if the Dongxia Kingdom abandons its reputation of neutrality after forming an alliance with the orc tribe, other forces will be eyeing the Dongxia Kingdom, but after all, Dongxia is not a small force. Even if someone forms an alliance and wants to move Dongxia, they have to wait for an opportunity. No one Will take the initiative to seek death. Most people will not mess with Dongxia without sufficient strength and preparation!

But this Nesario not only wanted to cause trouble for Dongxia, he also wanted to take Luoluo and Yaya away and threaten the empress!

It is recorded in books all over the world, and everyone knows how miserable the fate of those who threaten the empress will be! It can be said that "threat" is the bottom line that the empress cannot touch!

Leaving aside the orc tribe, Nesario took the initiative to touch the bottom line of Dongxia Kingdom!

In the words of that lustful slime: Who gave him the courage? Liang Jingru?

It can only be said that this twilight dragon's life may be too stable, and the life he lives under the protection of his father is too comfortable, and he doesn't know how "beautiful" the outside world is.

"I already know the matter. In fact, I can't blame you for this matter. I didn't expect Jon Cape's son to be so stupid."

The empress touched her crystal chin, and glanced at Nessario with her beautiful eyes, a look that felt sad for his IQ.

The Twilight Dragon's innate skill "Star Channel" can only be activated once every two months, and bringing Twilight's army across the void to the orc tribe is nothing more than dragging his army into the quagmire. Even if he can capture Luoyang So what?

Not to mention that the orc tribe is now full of stars, even in Ainya a few years ago, a foreign army came straight into Ainia and acted recklessly, how many bones can you get out? Do not make jokes.

If the orc tribe hadn't been worried about "loss", as long as they were ruthless, not to mention your 200,000 Twilight Army, even you, Nessario, wouldn't have a chance to escape into the void again.

"So, who gave him the courage? Is it the Liang Jingru that the husband mentioned?" the empress thought in her mind, looking a little silly in her thinking, "But who is Liang Jingru? Is it another woman who has something to do with her husband?"

Nesario's eyes were still on the Empress of Eastern Xia. Dragons were naturally licentious. They would lust after seeing a beautiful female. Even when they were hungry and thirsty, they would not even let go of monsters. The most beautiful woman in the world right now Standing in front of him stimulated all the hormones of this adolescent boy!

"Nesario is extremely honored to be able to meet the legendary empress." Nesario swallowed and looked at the empress greedily.

"Little Twilight Dragon? Did you know? Except for my husband, everyone who looks at me like this has gone to see Hades."

The empress said with a smile. It was clear that the way she smiled could make thousands of stars lose their color. I don’t know how many people were eager to witness the empress’ smile, but when Nessario looked directly into her eyes, what he saw was endless. The chill!

"Besides, I am also very angry with you, Twilight City!"

"I wonder what Twilight offended?" Nessario withdrew himself and looked at the empress' greedy home port, with cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

He is only seventy years old, and is at an extremely young stage among the fantasy dragon clan, and his abilities have only been partially developed! Now his overall strength may not even be able to defeat an eighth-level magical beast, the Sky Dragon Beast.

And this empress is one of the few legendary mage in the world! He even had the feat of fighting the first angel of the angel race for three days! Although the outcome is unknown, no one dares to say that the empress lost.

And now the empress is only ten meters away from me! As long as she wants! It's easy to destroy yourself!

"Of course there is something to offend. If it weren't for you, my husband wouldn't be trapped in the Kingdom of Gears because of that little female dragon." The empress lowered her head, with a little loss in her eyes, and murmured softly, "Obviously It’s enough to have Li’er, why bother caring about other women!”

Nessario didn't hear the empress's murmur, but thought that the look of her lowered eyebrows in despair was extremely beautiful!

"If there is any offense, Twilight Continent is here to apologize. Since the Empress is here, for the sake of the Empress, I will spare the life of that despicable slime. It is also for the Empress that I treat her as a little Apology gift.”

Nessario specifically mentioned the Twilight Continent, obviously warning the empress: Even if you want to do anything against me! Then I have to weigh the strength of Twilight Continent behind me!

"Twilight Continent? You really want to see it? But what you just said made me very angry."

Before Neltharion could come to his senses, the empress took out her little feet and moved lightly. Everyone saw a figure flashing to Netharion's side. She raised her sleeves and stretched out her snow-like arms. The white forearm gently put and lifted Nessario's chin.

Like picking a pineapple, Nessario's head was separated from his body, blood spattered away, his eyes were still open, and his body fell forward with a "pop".

"Inferior? A mean life?"

The empress slowly slipped the head from her palm and threw it down without even looking at the head, but there was real anger in her beautiful eyes.

"Although Li'er often scolds her husband for being a philanderer in her heart, only Li'er can scold her.

And you

What is it? "

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