Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 220 What you said

"Please come inside, my lord."

Early the next morning, Fante arrived at Henry Bote's home alone. Under the guidance of the concierge, Fante came to the backyard of Earl Bote's Mansion.

"Earl Bruce"

"Count Bert."

"It's all your fault this time."

"It's a small matter, but...are you going out?" Seeing Henry Bolt's surprised look, Fangte asked curiously.

"Yes, I also hold an official position in the court. An emergency happened recently. Therefore, Lord Buster has something urgent to discuss with the ministers, so he has to go out."

"Hahaha, are you so confident in leaving that beautiful cat-human girl to me?" Fangte said jokingly.

"If Earl Bruce can tame her in this half day, what if Laura is given to you?" Henry Bote patted Fangte on the shoulder, "Earl Bruce is free in the mansion, don't be restrained."

If a normal human girl were to be alone with this handsome blues aristocratic young master, Henry Bott would definitely not be willing to do so. However, Henry Bott still did not believe in the cat-human girl in the backyard of his house. In this half day, he was able to green himself.

As for Fangte, his departure this morning was also part of his plan. After all, the Twilight Continent changed hands, the mechanical species entered the world, and the alliance between Ania and Dongxia was no small matter.

"Hahaha, I would like to send you my best regards, Lord Earl. Bruce will definitely help you formulate a perfect strategy. However, Bruce's little favor will be overdue."

"It's easy to talk about."

After that, Henry Bot, accompanied by the butler, got into the carriage and rushed to the castle in the center of Ella.

Under the guidance of his attendants, Fang Te walked toward the backyard.

When he walked to the backyard, Fangte happened to see a maid about to walk in with an exquisite breakfast.

"Let me do it, you can go down." Fangte said softly, took the meal from the maid's hand and walked into the backyard.

Fang Te, who turned into a human species, looks very handsome, and he is the gentle and elegant type. Especially because he is dressed luxuriously, he is completely a rich and handsome man. The maid who delivers the food is treated with gentleness by Fang Te, a "rich and handsome man". He was immediately fascinated by his tone. He stood outside and watched him enter the backyard, his face flushed.

"I heard that Master Bruce is here to help me conquer Miss Laura." said the attendant beside the maid.

"Miss Laura will not be captured!"

"Shh! Don't talk nonsense! I know you care about Miss Laura! But this is not what you should say! I'm fine! Never say it to others in the future! You will die! Let's leave quickly!"

The layout of the backyard of Bot's mansion is extremely elegant. I heard that in order to provide better living conditions for this cat-human girl, he even renovated it specially!

In the backyard is a large flower garden, in which there are colorful and precious flowers. A gravel path winds through the flower garden. There is also a small rockery on the left side of the backyard. This rockery is carved from warm and cold stone. In front of the only house in the backyard, there is a small pond.

The water in the pond was crystal clear and connected to an underground river outside the house. It was not stagnant water. Dozens of koi carp swayed away in the pond, feeling very happy.

On the edge of the pond, a girl in red sat on the edge of the smooth pool.

The long hair is draped over the shoulders, hanging down to the ground and slightly curled.

The girl put her white and small feet into the pool water, and the microwave rippled. Soon, more than a dozen koi fish swam to the girl's feet and kept kissing the girl's feet. If this scene was seen by the foot control, it would definitely A satisfying book!

However, Fangte only controls the legs, not the feet.

And this scene should have been accompanied by the girl's pleasant laughter when she was kissed by the koi fish. Instead, the girl just lowered her head and looked at the fish in the pond. Her joy and happiness could not be seen. of sadness.

Feeling someone approaching, the girl raised her head warily, her beautiful eyes locking with Fangte's.

"Who are you? Why are you here to deliver food?"

The girl looked at Fangte's valuable clothes and frowned slightly, doubting his identity.

"I'm here to deliver food anyway, does it matter who delivers it?"

Fantawild approached her with a smile.

"do not come!"

The girl shouted softly.

But regardless of her rejection, Fangte continued to approach with a smile.

"I said! Don't come here!" The girl wanted to get up, but she found that she couldn't move her whole body. The next moment she wanted to shout loudly, but she also found that her throat seemed to be blocked by something, and she couldn't shout anything. .

There was a hint of panic in the girl's eyes, and she bit her red lips tightly. If this man wanted to molest her, the girl would just bite the pills on her back teeth and commit suicide!

Finally, he walked on the surface of the pool, walked to the girl's side as if walking on flat ground, and extended his broad palm to the girl.

The girl closed her eyes tightly, and just when she was about to bite the pill on her back teeth, the broad palm gently covered the girl's head.

"Laura, I've been lucky to you during this time. You've done a good job." Fang Te gently stroked the girl's head and said softly, which was also mixed with guilt for her, after all, she was allowed to go deep alone. Conducting missions in the enemy camp is self-imposed.

The familiar voice made the girl look stunned. Thousands of emotions poured into the girl's heart. The restraints on the girl had been lifted. However, the girl still sat by the pool, clutching the wet rocks protruding from the pool wall with her delicate hands, and couldn't help but shed tears. The girl's eyes were wet.

Quietly, the girl's shoulders rose and fell slightly, tears fell down, and the drops wetted the girl's skirt.

More than seven months of being on tenterhooks, more than seven months of nervous tension, with no one to talk to and no one to listen to, it would probably be unbearable even for me, let alone her.

Fang Te comforted her silently until she stopped crying.

"Sir, I'm sorry, Laura lost her temper."

Laura took the hand towel from Fangte and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

Fang Te took a spoonful of the porridge in his hand and asked jokingly: "Do you want me to feed you?"


I thought Laura would refuse, but I didn't expect that Laura directly pulled the hair around her ears, opened her small mouth and took the spoon in Fangte's hand.

Cat people are naturally charming. When she put her hair behind her ears and held the spoon in her mouth, her charming posture made Fangte blush.

"Your Excellency said to feed me." Laura also found that the action was a bit intimate, and lowered her head shyly.

"Uh, I was joking just now." Fangte scratched his head.

Laura turned her head and whispered softly:

"No matter what you said."

Thanks to "Fat SAMA" for the reward of 100 starting coins~~~

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