Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 221 Invitation

In the backyard of Bot City Lord's Mansion, a handsome middle-aged man and a girl wearing a light pink gauze skirt were sitting on the edge of the pond. The man fed the woman spoonfuls of white jade porridge in the bowl, and the woman every time Holding the spoon in his mouth revealed incomparable joy.

A quarter of an hour later, the porridge in the bowl was finally finished. At her request, Fangte wiped the sticky white porridge from the corners of his mouth.

"Why do you think you haven't eaten for several days?" Looking at the cleanly eaten jade bowl, he looked starving.

"Lola has no appetite and eats less." Laura lowered her head, a blush flashing across her face, "But now that your Excellency is here, Laura has an appetite."

"Sigh... I've really been having a hard time on you these days. You must be very lonely when performing tasks alone. I'm really sorry." Fangte naturally thought that it was because Laura was highly nervous when performing tasks alone that she had a loss of appetite. Okay, "Don't worry, your mission will be over soon, and now that we are here, you don't have to put anything on your shoulders."

Fangte comforted him, not understanding Laura's thoughts at all. Although Laura was a little angry, she thought that Mr. Fangte was so slow in the first place, so she was no longer as knowledgeable as him.

Laura took Fangte into her room and took out a package from a hidden compartment on the floor, which contained stacks of information.

This information is some information about the top nobles in Ella City that Laura has collected over the past six months!

After all, Laura is so beautiful. For a man, having an extremely beautiful woman by his side is a very important thing, so Laura is often taken to various banquets by Henry Bott to learn about various nobles. Not only that , because Henry Potter dotes on Laura very much and allows him to go anywhere in the house, so Henry Potter's study has also been visited by Laura.

"Sir, are the plans going to the next stage?"

Fang Te told Laura without reservation about his plan.

"Well!" He put the information into his empty pocket, "I'm afraid I have to offend you to show off to Henry a little bit. As for how to control the distance, I actually don't know much about it. Of course, if you don't think it's good, If so, I have another countermeasure, this time I brought a lot of red-sleeved girls here, they should be very good at this kind of thing!"

"No, don't worry, Your Excellency, Laura can do it well. After all, Laura is a cat-human. Laura has lived here for more than seven months. She is familiar with the environment and the nobles. If the girl from Hong Xiuzhao is allowed to do it, If so, Laura wouldn’t be at ease either.”

Indeed, as Laura said, Laura plays a key role in Fangte's plan. If someone else is replaced midway, something might happen, but Fangte doesn't want to force her. If she doesn't want to, then Fangte will. Te will never force it.

"But Your Excellency, when this whole thing is over, Laura wants to make you agree to something." Laura blushed and said shyly, "Is that okay?"

"That's no problem. As long as it's within my ability, I will definitely promise you."

"Don't worry, you will definitely be able to do it."

Laura said happily.

In the following time, Fangte went over the details of Fangte's plan and possible situations with Laura to prevent accidents from happening.

At noon, Henry Potter returned to the residence. He seemed to be in a bad mood. However, when he heard that Fangte had a way to defeat Laura, he put aside the bad mood at the meeting and happily Discuss with Fangte.

"Earl Bot, things like picking up girls have to be done step by step and there is no need to rush." ​​In the living room of the mansion, Fangte took a sip of tea and said lightly.

"Pick up girls?" He didn't understand this modern term.

"It's about winning women's peace of mind."

"Oh, that's it. Please give me some advice from Earl Bruce."

"First of all, the beast-eared girl in your house is indeed the best. Her beauty is top-notch even among the cat people, and her indifferent expression and eyes are even more addictive. If she can conquer it! Let’s go to the banquet in the evening! It will definitely attract countless eyeballs! It’s simply a status symbol!”

Fante praised him emphatically, and Count Bot nodded his head after hearing it. He was very pleased with it. Originally, he wanted to feel proud after Fante finished his compliments, but he thought of the beast-eared girls in his residence and that one. Nine-tailed fox! I immediately gave up the idea.

Thinking of that nine-tailed sky fox! Now the Earl of Bot has not taken back his heart! Last night, I went to Yanju to vent my anger, but after I finished, I felt even more empty, and I missed her even more!

"If only that nine-tailed sky fox could fight with me." Henry Bert thought to himself.

"I'm afraid I still need a little more effort to defeat Miss Laura, but I already have a rough plan, and I've written it down. You can take a look at it, sir, but be careful, don't be impatient, otherwise you will regret it if all your efforts are wasted. "

After that, Fangte handed him the "How to Attack Lola" that he had written seriously.

"My Lord Earl?"

Fangte shouted. Seeing Henry Bote's lewd eyes, Fangte knew that he was thinking about something abnormal.

"Oh, thank you Lord Bruce for your help. By the way, at the end of today's meeting, it was said that Princess Daphne would hold a banquet in the palace. Regarding the current royal family affairs, it has been spread throughout Ella, and I will not hide it. Emperor Ella may die at any time, and even if Princess Daphne no longer wants to get married, she can no longer delay the marriage, and the future consort will definitely be selected at this banquet."

"What do you mean, Lord Bot?"

"At the end of the meeting, I specifically mentioned you to Prime Minister Buster and Princess Buster. The palace invitation should be sent to your house tonight. You must seize the opportunity. However, Quanzi will not lose. It’s for adults.”

"Thank you for your recommendation, sir, but don't make fun of Bruce. Forget about the princess's favor. After all, Bruce only has a little money, which is not as good as yourselves." Fangte said politely, "I heard that Master Bert The literary talent and appearance are top-notch, so Bruce would like to congratulate you first."

"No, that kid is just a useless little guy."

When Bert said this, his heart was already blossoming.

"By the way, if you don't mind it, I would like to invite you and your lady to my house for a banquet in a few days, and get to know Quanzi by the way. What do you think?"

"It's an honor for me and Li'er, sir."

Fangte bowed politely, having already seen through his thoughts.

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