Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 240 They must die

Ella Empire.

The wind blew through Tianmen, and there was a strong smell of blood in the air. In the canyon called "Tianmen", which was not too big or too small, countless corpses were lying on the ground, including human corpses, horse corpses, and... There was a half-man, half-horse corpse of a beastman.

After a half-day battle, from afternoon to evening, until the night fell quietly into the mountain sky, the three-party coalition forces gave up the attack because they were afraid of the eyesight of the other people and horses at night.

Outside the valley formed by the cliffs on both sides that seemed to be as high as the sky, the three-party coalition forces were stationed in place, and the patrols changed every hour (two hours). In fact, it was completely unnecessary for the three-party coalition forces to do this. After all, Ella and the orc army To reach the camp of the tripartite coalition, one must pass through Tianmen. All they need to do is garrison the only road leading to their side.

However, the general of the tripartite coalition was extremely cautious, and patrolled sentries around the camp constantly.

"General, after counting, we have 180,000 cavalry left, of which 30,000 are seriously injured. The opponent's troops were originally smaller than ours, and the current combat strength of Ella's side should be around 120,000."

An attendant delivered the "counting documents" to the military tent. The leader in the military tent was a handsome middle-aged soldier, and the rest were his lieutenants. They were gathered around a long table, on which were placed There is a map of Tianmen with a radius of thousands of miles.

After taking the document and the leading general waving his hand, the attendant withdrew.

"What do you think?" the leading general said slowly.

His name is Rakshasamon, and he was born into a famous general noble in the Ella Empire. He could have inherited the title and fiefdom from generation to generation by relying on the military achievements of his ancestors. However, he joined the army at a young age and relied on a spear-like cavalry to advance forward and backward. A total of seven countries, large and small, were conquered, and Nubiadi also sealed all these seven countries under the Rakshasa Gate with a wave of his hand!

In the eyes of everyone, they thought that Rakshasamen was the one who would be the least rebellious. Some people even feared that the Rakshasamen’s cavalry would be a stumbling block on their way to devour Ella. Not only did they send out assassins to assassinate him, but All failed, and what was unexpected in the end was that he was the first noble to rebel against Ella.

"Master, this Basa clan is indeed not simple. The impact capabilities of those grassland barbarians and soldiers of the Centaur tribe are not inferior to our army. If we insist on fighting, I am afraid that even if we win, our military strength will be very small. ”

The lieutenants of the Rakshasa Sect are all his retainers. As the commander-in-chief, Lin Wen is also very relieved to completely hand over the "Tianmen" line to him and guarantee him! After conquering Tianmen! All the Ella territory he had usurped! It all belongs to the Rakshasa Sect!

"I have tried to forcefully create countless vacancies in the battle situation, but I didn't expect that this guy named Basamen would block it in time every time. The most rare thing is that the troops he assigned to this guy are exactly the same! This kind of observation ability !It’s really rare! If you can use it for me! Ten years later! I want the entire Ella to belong to my Rakshasa Sect.”

"General, what do you mean?" a deputy general guessed.

"Go and send him a letter." Luo Shamen waved his hand.


On the upper level of the forest canopy of the Sage, a girl wearing a light green dress stood in the living room of the pavilion. Her neat bangs hung in front of her eyes, and her long, unprocessed light green hair fell unruly behind her.

She looked anxiously and shook her head unintentionally, revealing a pair of clear and mysterious dark purple eyes, a faint coldness and thin lips, a delicate oval face, and long thick eyelashes like mimosa leaves. Slightly curled.

Finally, a man in a black tuxedo came out of the room and walked down the stairs while wearing white gloves.

"Ma'am, especially your master, has to wait for so long. The druid attendant is really graceful." The girl mocked. The elves have very high requirements for etiquette.

"I'm sorry, I have to spend some time preparing." Fangte, who went by the pseudonym Druid, put his right hand behind his back, bent down at a 45-degree angle and stretched out his left hand with a white glove, "I Dear Miss Nice."

Regarding Fang Te's standard etiquette, Nice Weier was also slightly stunned, but she reacted after 0.5 seconds and put her soft and delicate hands on his palm.

In the early morning, the forest of sages still smelled of fresh dew, soil, and flowers. At the door of the Nice family's residence, a man held a beautiful girl's hand with impeccable etiquette and sat on a magically driven car. Floating vine carriage.

"Let's go."

The girl said softly, and the psychic unicorn let out a nice short groan, pulling the vine carriage that was supported by long vines and drove forward.

"There are a total of twelve nobles attending the banquet this time. Five of them are nobles among the members. Only three of them can survive. You should also know the names of those two people."

In the carriage, Nice Weier said calmly, looking straight ahead, not minding at all that the two of them were sitting next to each other in the carriage.

"The relationship between us is just a transaction. I am not qualified to say anything about your revenge. However, Miss Nice, there is one thing I still want to ask. Of course, if Miss Nice is not willing, there is no need to answer. .”

"Say." A simple word.

"I'm very sorry for what happened to your mother and father. However, even if that happened to your mother, your father still hopes to change the elves and is dedicated to the future of the elves. So, I want to confirm one last time, do you really want to do that? After all, it is your father’s only wish to change and lead the Sage Forest!”

Fangte looked directly into the beautiful eyes of the girl who was right next to him because of the small space. The carriage was flying rapidly in the air, and the girl was also silent.

For a long time, the girl did not answer Fangte's question, and Fangte withdrew his gaze from the girl and said nothing more.

The carriage gradually slowed down, and finally stopped smoothly at the door of the noble residence where the banquet was held.

According to etiquette, when Fangte got up to get out of the car first, and then pulled the girl out of the car, a clear and pleasant but cold voice came from behind Fangte:

"The moment mother and father left, the Forest of Sages died in my heart, so I will tell you the question you asked."

Fangte turned his head and looked at the girl's beautiful but cold appearance.

"Forest of Sages, to me, it doesn't matter what happens, but they! They must die too!"

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