Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 241 First Member

There is a residence in the center of the upper canopy of the Sage's Forest. Different from the regulations of other House of Lords residences, this residence is simply like a palace! This is the home of the First Member of the House of Lords.

However, today, the first congressman is a little depressed...

Starting from three days ago, every time a noble member of the Elven House of Lords or House of Representatives held a banquet, a noble would die! So far, two members of the House of Lords and five members of the House of Commons have died.

The death of a councilor at a banquet is not unheard of in the long history of the elf species. After all, various noble families are as chaotic as the backyard of the emperor's palace. Many children want to sit on the only councilor occupied by their family. position, so it is quite common for brothers to fight each other, or even for father and son to be separated.

but! This is the first time that such frequent and consecutive deaths of members of parliament and nobles have occurred! Moreover, these dead nobles died in various ways. Some died of poisoning, some had their internal organs shattered by magic, and some were stabbed into the chest with a knife. It was obviously the method used by the murderer to get away from being traced. No need to think about it, so The consecutive deaths must have been caused by one person.

But the elves are good at magic, especially assassination magic! Members of the House of Lords and House of Commons are even protected by guards! If the assassination was carried out for power within the family, it would be possible!

After all, "it's hard to guard against house thieves" is no joke. But it’s definitely not that easy for outsiders to assassinate! Unless the master of assassination masters, the Empress of Dongxia, comes, it is hard to imagine anyone who has this ability.

However, the empress has no enmity with the forest elves. Now that Dongxia Kingdom has broken away from neutrality, the situation is not optimistic. What reason does she have to enmity with the Forest of Sages again?

First Councilor Alexander Caesar sat in his room, looking at a series of reports on the table! His eyes flickered back and forth over the names of the dead nobles.

"Master." A beautiful-looking maid from the Flower Spirit Tribe walked into his room.

"Did you find anything?" Alexander Caesar rubbed the corners of his eyes.

"Master, we suspect that the Nice family did it!"

"The Ness family?"

Since the previous head of the Nice family left, Nice Weier, the only daughter, has been struggling to support the family.

"Yes." The maid nodded, "Does the master still remember that incident?"

After being reminded by the maid, Alexander frowned slightly and looked at those names again! Everything seems to be clear!

"Hehehe, it's been so long that I forgot about it."

Alexander thought of the most beautiful girl among the elf species hundreds of years ago. Although she was a mother at that time, she tasted even more delicious than those girls! It's a pity that she is too stubborn and she only tasted it once!

"Your daughter looks like she's not simple." Alexander Caesar licked his lips, his lustful eyes not concealing anything, "Now that your daughter has grown up, she should taste good too!"

Nice residence.

A young elf man was lying on the bed and took off all the bandages on his body. The deep and bone-shattering wounds spurted blood the moment the bandages were taken off. This frightened the elf man and immediately changed his mind. Slime look.

The powerful recovery ability after turning into a slime constantly repaired the injuries in Fangte's body. It felt like soaking in a hot spring. The spring-filled slime lay on the bed and let out a comfortable moan.

According to Fang Te's expectations, he had been trained in some assassination skills by the empress, and he had reached the level of a ninth-level mage. He had even stepped into the threshold of an archmage with one foot, and his physical defense was even more incomprehensible. After the system rewards, the magic defense is also surprisingly high, not to mention that I have various major skills at my side! So it's very simple to just assassinate some congressmen.

But I didn’t expect those congressmen to be so afraid of death! Even if he has guards around him, there are so many guards secretly, and they are so dedicated that they follow them to the toilet. In addition, those elf councilors are keen in nature and are good at magic themselves, so even if the assassination is successful, Fang Te will still be subject to A lot of injuries.

"It seems that the profession of assassin is not that easy. When I go back, I will increase the salaries of Dark Cat Pavilion, Hong Xiuzhao and Meizu!"

Lying on the bed, Fangte recalled all the details of his assassination, summed up the lessons and made corrections. Fangte couldn't help but worry about Ella's situation.

Although he is not in charge of Ella to deploy the army, the arrival of the "Spring, Summer, Autumn, Autumn and Winter" of Dongxia Kingdom can definitely take his place. In addition, there is also Li'er who founded Dongxia, so I believe there will be no problem! I will definitely be able to hold on until I go back.

But having said that, Fangte was still very worried. If the forest elf had not done this, he would not have left.

There was a "click" sound.

Just when Fangte was still thinking about Ella's hand in the battle, the door to the room opened, making Fangte sit up from the bed with a "clunk" sound.

"Wow, sister, aren't you elves the most particular about etiquette? Shouldn't you knock on the door first when entering someone else's room?" Fangte was relieved after seeing that it was Nice Weir.

"According to the etiquette of our forest elves, the master has the right to enter the servant's room at any time, and there is no need to knock on the door."

Nice Weier said calmly, closed the door, walked to Fangte's bed, and placed a few bottles of potion on his bedside table, which seemed to be for healing.

"The usage and dosage are written on the paper. You can use it yourself." After saying that, Nice Weier placed a piece of paper next to the potion bottle.

Without saying a word of condolence to Fante, Nice Weier turned around and walked out the door.

Fang Te had long been accustomed to her cold attitude, so he had nothing to say. He politely thanked her and lay back on the bed.

"As you expected, Alexander just sent someone an invitation, inviting me to have dinner at his house the night after tomorrow." Nice Weier said as she touched the door handle with her delicate hand.

"I guess he invited you more than once over the years."

"No, a separate invitation, this is indeed the first time."

"Then I'm a little surprised. As far as I know, he's quite lecherous, and you're so beautiful. How could he endure it for so many years without attacking you?"

"I don't know the facts, but I heard that he is not interested in girls who are not fully grown."

"Well, it seems that he is quite particular. Now that you have grown up, and he also knows that you killed those nobles, he will not let go of such a good opportunity to threaten you."

"Then I agree."

"Why don't you agree?"

"Your injuries?"

"My injuries are fine, but what about the things I asked you to do?"

"It's no problem. Using the method you taught me, the confidentiality is very high."

The two stopped talking and fell into a brief silence. After a slight pause, Nice Weier opened the door and walked out.

Thanks to "Uncle God" for the reward of 1,400 starting coins~ヾ(^▽^*)))

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