Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 242 Do you have someone you like?

Ella Palace.

Since the night of the "bloodbath of the nobles", all attendants and maids in the palace have been prohibited from entering or exiting the palace.

Instead, the girls from the Dark Cat Pavilion from Enia came and went in the royal study and the palace, maintaining the basic operation of the palace.

In the imperial study room, five beautiful girls were processing pieces of information sent from the front line to the Ella Palace through the teleportation array in front of the desk. There was also a girl who knew nothing about military affairs, so she did not participate in the decision-making on the front line. However, She also tried her best to start with.

Compared with the six busy girls, what seemed a little out of place was a very beautiful woman who was eating cakes in the royal study, very comfortable.

"The battle report from Keya City has been sent."

A girl from the cat tribe sent the information and explained the source before retreating.

After Luoluo Yaya and others heard the information, they immediately looked at Dongxue. After all, the person guarding Keya City was none other than Chen Wenqin.

Dongxue took the battle report from Keya City with an expressionless face. Although her face was calm, her hands were shaking uncontrollably when she opened it. After reading it, Dongxue looked a little pale.

"Dongxue, Luoluo, you go and take a rest. I will handle the rest. I have rested long enough." The empress said with a smile.

"Master, it's okay, Dongxue can still continue."

"I told you to take a rest."

Biting her lips, Dongxue hesitated for a moment, but she still did not disobey her master's order. She stood up, curtsied to the empress, and then walked out of the imperial study room with Luo Luo.

"What a silly girl." Looking at Dongxue's slender figure who was a little disappointed when she walked out of the royal study, the empress couldn't help but shook her head, "But...who am I qualified to criticize Dongxue on this matter?"

Turning her head and looking at Princess Daphne who was still helping Yaya and the others, the empress said with a chuckle: "Your Highness, please go and take a rest."

"Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty. Daphne is fine."

After that, Daphne continued to organize various documents. Although she looked tired, she was still so stubborn.

"Dongxue, don't worry, nothing will happen to that boy Chen Wenqin." Luoluo comforted him outside the imperial study room.

Just before leaving the imperial study, Luoluo quickly read the document from Keya City. In fact, there were not many words on the document. It briefly explained that he introduced the Bot family's army into the city and annihilated most of it. At the same time, They also captured most of them.

This should have been good news, but after the three-party coalition learned that the Bot family who attacked Keya City had been wiped out, they immediately dispatched 50,000 giants and 150,000 Mossi Empire platinum-level warriors to attack the city!

This is no longer just a trivial issue! But the morale of the tripartite coalition forces! Under such a mighty attack, if even the small city of Keya cannot be captured! I really don't know what to say.

Dongxue walked quietly in the palace, holding her sleeves tightly with her delicate hands, not listening to Luoluo's comfort at all.

Fifty thousand giant species! One hundred and fifty thousand platinum warriors of the Moxi Empire! And how many soldiers are there guarding Keya City? After that ambush! There are only 120,000 left! How to fight this?

"Luo Luo, why is he so stubborn? I don't care at all whether he can be famous throughout the ages! I don't care whether outsiders think he is worthy of being the master's personal maid! All I want is to have him by my side. But! Why is he so stubborn?" Dongxue stopped and turned around to ask Luoluo. Unknowingly, Dongxue's eyes were covered with a layer of blurry mist.

"Yeah, why is this? Maybe, men are all so stupid." Luoluo gently held Dongxue into her arms, "Hey, Dongxue, what does it feel like to like someone? ?”

"Dongxue. I don't know, but after he left, Dongxue was prone to making mistakes in everything she did. And even if Dongxue came to Ella and was in the same country as him, Dongxue's heart would never be at peace again."

"Hehehe, it turns out that the master is right. The nine-tailed celestial fox is worth a lot of money, and the nine-tailed celestial fox can charm an entire city with its smile. We are nothing more than little fools."

The two girls hugged each other tightly, their snow-white tails swaying gently in the air, and a few small balls of "cotton" floated down from the air, landing on the girl's shoulders and her long snow-like hair, gradually melt.

On this day, the first snow of the year fell throughout Ella, and this snowfall came earlier than others.

In the main palace of Keya City, an elegant man wearing a cotton-padded jacket sat on the stove and read a book. This book was brought by the man from the Ainiya Luoyang Library. It tells the basic knowledge of war (system reward Written by Fantawild and revised according to local conditions).

Although the man has memorized this book by heart, his heart always calms down every time he reads it.

"Cough cough cough cough."

The man looked pale. Just two days ago, he had a fever that made him bedridden.

"General, let me add some fire to you." The cat-human girl who was kneeling next to the man stood up hurriedly.

"Wei, no need." He took the girl's little hand, "You can save the briquettes in the city (made by orcs and transported from Ainya), they will still grow in winter."

The three-party coalition has cut off the supply line of Keya City. Now Keya City can be said to be an isolated city.

The cat-human girl named "Wei" was held by her little hand. Her face turned slightly red, but she did not shrink back. On the contrary, she felt the coldness of the man's hand.

"General, what will happen to Keya City if you fall? Please take care of your body." Wei said worriedly.

The man shook his head with a pale face, but did not let go of the girl's hand. He had no choice but to sit next to him. Then he slowly let go of his hand and wrapped the quilt tighter around him.

Under the firelight, the man was reading a book. The girl named "Wei" was close to him. He also knew that the girl was kind-hearted to keep him warm. She just smiled and did not refuse.

The firelight illuminated the room, and the girl secretly glanced at the man. I don't know if it was because of the firelight or something else, but the girl's face turned even redder.

"General, do you have someone you like?" Wei Wei asked in a strange way as if he was lost in thought. When he realized what he had said, his face turned as red as a strawberry and he quickly turned his head away.

"Yes." The man replied weakly.

Hearing the man's answer, the girl felt sour, as if she had eaten a prune. For some reason, the girl felt empty in her heart, very lost, and wanted to cry.

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