Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 244 People you trust

It feels soft and silky, and it feels like jelly when you kiss it carefully!

Alexander opened his eyes suddenly! The severe pain in his chest made him retreat quickly. The blood slowly dripped down and slowly penetrated into the carpet made of fire feathers!

With a gentle tug, the tentacle transformed into green fluorescence was completely torn off by Fangte. A spring-filled slime took out a piece of cloth from nowhere and wiped his face frantically. After all, he had just been kissed by a big man. It's been so long, it's almost disgusting.

"Slime! Font!"

Alexander held his pierced chest, and green fluorescence emerged from his wound, constantly treating him.

"What did you get in here?"

Alexander's face turned pale. He never expected Fangte to suddenly appear in front of him!

After all, no matter who it is, everyone who wants to enter his house must undergo a comprehensive inspection of legendary magic items! Even the transformation of the Archmage can be detected! Therefore, "Nice Weir" and "Druid" have been tested without any exception!

But during the exploration of magic props and inspection arrays! Nice Vale is Nice Vale, and a druid is a druid! Whether it's in terms of physical structure or magical properties, they are who they are!

But now! "Nice Weir" turned into a slime?

"First meeting, First Councilman Alexander, hello." After wiping his face, Fangte saluted with a smile, but he felt that he had to go back and wash himself, "Thank you for your explanation just now."

Fangte took out a recording crystal from somewhere and tapped it a few times. The recording crystal emitted fluorescence and was projected into the room. The crystal recorded the scene from the time the two started eating to the time before Fangte's true form was revealed.

"You! What do you want to do!" Alexander gritted his teeth and stared at the magic crystal.

"Actually, I'm very curious. Of course, what I'm curious about is not why you would taint Miss Nice's mother. After all, I can still guess that being beautiful can lead to evil intentions. What I'm curious about is why Miss Nice's father insists on reforms. After all, the existence of the Elf system is necessary for him. If the current hereditary house system is still applicable, then he will never risk his life to carry out reforms!"

"Later, after various investigations, I found out that among the elves, many nobles even said that except for the fifty-two nobles in the House of Representatives, the conflicts between all the nobles and the House of Representatives were very fierce! After all, they also wanted to be Congressman, but this almost hereditary system leaves them with no choice!”

"Look, even the declining Ness family can still occupy seats in the House of Lords. How can those nobles be willing to do so? Since hundreds of years ago, the conflicts between the elves have continued! Even every time The House of Representatives can suppress them, but the power of the nobles outside the House of Representatives is getting stronger and stronger. Although they can be suppressed now, what will happen in another thousand years? I am afraid that the thing that provokes the forest elves will be civil war."

"So, Miss Nice's father insists on reform for the sake of justice and the elves! Among them, he has the support of all the nobles outside the House of Representatives! Almost all the nobles outside the House of Representatives are on good terms with Miss Nice's father, because they are in He saw hope in him.”

"It's a pity that Miss Nice's father 'died unexpectedly'. All fools know that there is something fishy about the death of Miss Nice's father. Those nobles also sent people to investigate, but unfortunately, they didn't find any evidence!"

"The Elves are a race that pays attention to etiquette. Even if they want to rebel, there is no sufficient reason to support their rebellion. So what now? First Councilor Alexander, what do you think if I hand over this scene to Those nobles, do you think their rebellion is justified enough?"

"The first member defiled the wife of a member! The House is indifferent! A member assassinates a member, and the House is indifferent! Such a House, I think, even the common people! It is intolerable among the forest elves who pay attention to elegance and etiquette!"

"You! Want to destroy the elf species!"

Alexander said weakly. Although he continued to heal himself, the wounds worsened and the magic points in his body were gradually destroyed.

"So what? You're almost dead."

"Hahaha, Fante, do you think you can kill me like this? You can't leave this palace today!" Alexander gasped for air.

The next moment, the large door of the restaurant opened with a bang, and nearly a hundred forest elf mages and warriors guarding the residence poured in. Fang Te was surrounded by everyone.

"Master! Are you okay?" The elf who looked like a butler helped Alexander, his face worried and eager.

"Get ready for water and dew, I'm seriously injured! Kill him for me!"

"Yes, sir!"


Alexander's figure suddenly stopped, lowered his head, a dagger pierced his chest, and the tip of the sword came out!

Immediately, the elf warriors in the restaurant drew their swords one after another and inserted them into Alexander's body. In an instant, Alexander was transformed into a hedgehog.

Alexander looked at his trusted butler in disbelief! All he saw on the butler's face was indifference. Looking at the warriors and mages, he realized that he didn't even know any of these people! Looking at the slime, he was slowly walking towards me.

"Sir, Congressman, do you know? No matter how lustful a person is, no matter how unable to control his lower body! You must remember this! You must not play with the women around you! What's more, you have defiled your housekeeper's daughter."

Fangte put his little tentacle on his head, patted him gently, turned around, and slowly moved out of the restaurant without anyone stopping him.

Why do assassinations of members of the same family happen from time to time among the nobles of the House of Representatives, while it is extremely difficult for other families to assassinate other nobles?

It's simple, because only your own family members will understand your own family members. You never know when the person you trust the most will stab you in the back.

"Thank you, Your Excellency, for allowing me to have a blood feud in my lifetime."

Just as Fangte was about to walk out of the restaurant, inside the restaurant, the butler knelt on his knees and behaved with the greatest etiquette among forest elves.

Fang Te did not look back, just waved his hand and left slowly. At the same time, the Druid who was taken into another room sat in front of the suspended projection and watched what happened. After smiling slightly, he disappeared from the room. , integrated with Fantawild.

That night, everything that happened in the world when a beautiful woman was riding a vine cart on her way home will bring about earth-shaking changes to the forest elves tomorrow.

Thanks to "Book Friends 201801233121019" for the reward of 500 starting coins~~~(=^▽^=)

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