Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 245 Sister forgot

Sunlight shines through the half-used window sill and falls gently on the floor of the room.

The layout of the room is very simple, with a medium-sized single bed, a half-old but dust-free table, a chair, and a mirror. On the mirror stand are makeup products mixed with the strange flowers and plants of the Sage's Forest. supplies.

The sunshine climbed onto the girl's pretty little face, her beautiful long eyelashes blinked, and she slowly opened her eyes. Her light green eyes were so clean and pure.

"You finally woke up!"

A male voice reached the girl's ears. The girl hurriedly sat up, subconsciously pulled up the quilt to cover her chest, and stared at the elf man who was sitting on the chair and reading a book.

"Well, don't worry, I'm innocent. If you don't believe me, you can see for yourself later." Fangte closed the book and pointed to the recording crystal next to him.

"Didn't I go to the banquet? Why are I in my room?" Nice Weier nodded her forehead, trying to recall the previous memories, but she only remembered that she was on the way to the banquet without realizing it. I fell asleep, and then nothing happened.

"Oh, I thought you were in the way, so I went to deal with that Alexander myself."

"Solved?" Niceweil looked at Fang Te in disbelief.

"Yeah, it's solved."

Fangte waved his hand, and then spent half an hour telling her about the situation that night, and told her all the actions he had done in the name of the Nice family during the three days when she fell asleep:

That night, after Fante left the Alexandria residence with the recording crystal, he first returned to the Nice residence and sent her back to her room while she was still on the vine cart. Then Fante immediately went out and copied thousands of copies of the recording crystal, almost to the All the nobles, big and small, outside the House of Representatives contributed a share.

Soon, just two days later, almost everyone, no matter the aristocracy or the common people, knew about the tragedy of the Nice family. If Fangte hadn't made the decision without permission in the past few days and thanked guests behind closed doors, all the nobles would have been The condolences broke the floor.

After the nobles and common people expressed their indignation, the voices of criticism against the House of Representatives became louder and louder! Now it can be said that the situation is getting worse, and most of the nobles have seized this opportunity! Want parliament to reform! Of course, the nobles in the House of Representatives will not give up their position as hereditary members. Fangte believes that soon, within half a month at most, the first civil war among the elves will break out!

However, even if the civil war breaks out, the situation of the Nice family is still very optimistic. After all, the "Reformation Party" used the Nice family incident as an excuse to start the revolution. They need to support the Nice family no matter what, and they cannot destroy their own reputation. The nobles in the House of Representatives do not dare to do anything to the Nice family. After all, both nobles and commoners are now defending the Nice family. If something happens to the Nice family now! It's even harder in the House.

Therefore, after the civil strife is over, no matter which party wins, in order to protect the Nice family and the House of Representatives to appease the Nice family, there will definitely be a member of the seat left for Nice Weir. Fante is very familiar with this kind of thing. Yes.

For both the Reform Party and the nobles in the House of Representatives, Niceweil certainly hopes that the Reform Party can win. After all, in Niceweier's view, those members of the parliament should all deserve to die, while in Fonte's view, whoever loses is It doesn't matter if he wins. Anyway, now that the Elf are civil war, it is no longer possible to participate in the Ella Empire to get a share of the pie. Moreover, after the civil war, the Elf's vitality has been severely damaged, and it will be much easier for Fangte to regain the Elf.

"Now that you're awake, I'll probably leave now." Fangte put down his book and stood up, "Well, Miss Nice, we'll see you later."

"Wait!" Just when Fangte turned to leave, she stopped him, "I promised you something! I haven't fulfilled my promise yet!"

"Don't worry, even if Miss Nice doesn't remember it, I will still remember it. But, now is not the time to talk about that matter. I will naturally tell Miss Nice in the future." Fangte turned around, "Of course, Miss Nice will also Don't put too much pressure on me, I'm not lewd or greedy for money, and I'm so kind, so I won't ask you to do anything unacceptable."

Fangte turned around and was about to leave, but was stopped by Nice Weier again.

"Is there anything else, Miss Nice? If not, I'm really leaving! In fact, I'm really busy!"

"Although it is a transaction between us, after all, you helped Wei'er get revenge, and Wei'er has nothing to repay you, so we have to..."

"Is Miss Nice going to give her life to you?" Fangte's eyes lit up and he licked his lips deliberately, "In that case, it's hard for me to push him away."

Before she could say the word "decline", Nice Weier picked up the pillow behind her and threw it towards Fangte. It hit Fangte on the face with a "pop" sound.

After smelling it, don't tell me, the pillow is really fragrant.

"It's just a joke, don't take it seriously, don't take it seriously." Fangte said with a smile while hugging the pillow.

"It's noon. Let's have a meal before leaving. Just think of it as Weier's way of expressing gratitude and showing her loyalty to the co-owners of Aniya and the Twilight Continent."

Nisweir put her feet on the ground, put on her shoes, and left the room without waiting for Fangte to refuse.

At noon, Fang Te thought the meal was cooked by the maid, but what he didn’t expect was that Niceweil cooked it herself! Although her cooking skills are not as good as those of a dedicated chef in the house, the taste is not bad, and everyone's cooking has a unique taste. The food she cooks tastes fresh, like mint. Same.

wrong! She really puts mint in every dish!

There were only three people at the dinner table, Nisweir, her brother and Fangte. Fangte liked Nisweir's brother very much. He was cute and well-behaved, with a handsome face. He would definitely be as handsome as himself when he grows up.

After finishing the meal, Fang Te sincerely praised her cooking skills, drank a cup of tea and was about to leave. Nisweir took her brother's hand and sent him outside the house.

"Your etiquette is very bad. I hope it will be better next time. Of course, Ella's chances of winning this time are extremely low. It would be better if you died. This way I don't have to think about what I promised you."

"Don't worry, I won't die that easily. Besides, I don't think you can blame me for the etiquette. It's because you elves have too many etiquettes. There are nearly ten types of farewells."

The two had their final conversation outside the house. Although their conversation seemed like a quarrel, Weier's brother always felt that his sister had a good relationship with the brother in front of him.

In the end, Fangte declined the cane cart, turned around and left, looking at his back. The girl put her left foot in front, bent her knees and held her head, her left hand was half-clenched at her waist, and her right hand raised her sleeve to draw a beautiful arc in the air. Finally, Putting it on her waist, the girl slowly stood up until the man's back completely disappeared.

"Sister, didn't you do this etiquette when your mother sent your father out?"

"Really?" Niceweil picked up her brother with a smile and scratched the tip of his nose, "Sister forgot."

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