Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 248 Tianmen is broken

"Your Excellency Master, General Chen will be here soon, please wait a moment."

In the lobby of the main palace of Keya City, an Ella Empire soldier in charge of the reception said.

The girl is wearing a plain white gauze skirt. Her snow-white hair on her fair neck is gently pulled up and coiled behind her head by a deer-god-style hairpin. She blinks under her long eyelashes and has a pair of pink and phoenix eyes. Walking around in the side hall, the small face the size of a palm is extremely delicate. The lips and teeth are not completely closed, and the whiteness between the lips is slightly exposed, which is commensurate with the red lips.

Standing straight, the girl walked in the side hall with small steps, looking at the place with traces of his life. The soldier from the Ella Empire who was responsible for the reception looked at this extremely beautiful girl from time to time. In my heart, perhaps there is no one more beautiful than the white-haired girl in front of me.

"Your Majesty the Master, the general has arrived." A servant guarding the door of the side hall of the city lord's palace reported. Then, although the soldier from the Ella Empire was a little reluctant to leave, he still followed the other soldier back.

A moment later, the sound of neither light nor heavy, neither urgent nor slow footsteps came, and the girl's heart, which she thought was calm, began to beat faster.

Her heart was beating fast, her delicate hands were pressed on her chest, and her face was slightly red. She wanted to turn around and see him, but this girl who founded the Dongxia Empire with the empress lost her courage.

"Since Wenqin hasn't received Ella's documents yet, I don't know about the arrival of the Master. Please forgive me. If it's convenient, please show me the military token." Chen Wenqin bowed his hands and looked at the girl with her back to him. The familiar figure The figure gave him a vague feeling, and his heart couldn't help but beat faster!

The girl took a deep breath, turned around, and looked directly into Chen Wenqin's eyes.

At this moment, he was stunned.

I don't know why, but he has never seen the woman in front of him before, and the name of the woman is obviously different from her appearance, but when looking at this woman, Chen Wenqin always thinks of her from Dongxia Kingdom.

At this moment, he was crazy.

"General. General"

Wei, who was behind Chen Wenqin, shouted softly, tugging at the corner of his clothes a little angrily.

"Oh" he came back to his senses and bowed his hands, "I saw that your Excellency happened to think of an important person, I'm sorry."

"It's okay." The girl took out a document from her sleeve and handed it to Chen Wenqin, "This is the letter from Ella explaining my intention. It contains a token. Please read it."

After receiving the letter, Chen Wenqin opened it and read it on the spot.

The letter talked about sending an eighth-level mage to help Chen Wenqin and rescue him when Keya City was destroyed.

After reading it, there were no problems with the handwriting, wording, or magic imprinting, and the tiger talisman token I brought was consistent with my own.

After confirming, Chen Wenqin exchanged a few words with her and then asked the original maid in the Keya City Lord's Mansion to take her to her room. However, he did not expect that she would choose to live next door to Chen Wenqin. Chen Wenqin himself didn't mind. But Yui seems to be a little unhappy.

Early the next morning, the three-party coalition attacked the city every day, and this time the attack was much more violent than before.

Since two-thirds of the mages of the three-party alliance have concentrated on the Dragon Path, especially the high-level mages, three-quarters of the high-level mages of the seventh level and above have gone to the Dragon Path, plus the attack on the south, west, and east of the Ella Empire The battle situation in the three realms is too huge. There are dozens of major battlefields alone, not to mention hundreds of subdivided battlefields, so mages simply cannot achieve even distribution!

Moreover, sending so many giants to coordinate the army to attack this useless city is enough to give Chen Wenqin face, so there are not many mages responsible for attacking Keya City! Some of them are only a few hundred low-level mages of the third and fourth levels. They only play a supporting role in the siege and have little effect.

Over time, Chen Wenqin naturally had a slight contempt for the mage, and naturally believed that the arrival of an eighth-level mage was of no use at all. However, it was on this day that Chen Wenqin truly understood the horror of a high-level mage.

In the middle of the siege on the second day, the weather suddenly became even colder, and heavy snow fell like goose feathers in the sky! Immediately, the 100-meter-high city wall of Keya began to be covered with a thick layer of frost! The entire city wall is crystal clear, like an ice city!

The vertical ladder could not play any role on the ice wall. The huge stone of the catapult was like a spring encountered in the sky above Keya City. It was compressed to the extreme and then rebounded suddenly, hitting the three-party coalition attacking the city!

Not only that, several giant frost dragons condensed with water elements roared into the sky and rushed outside the city. Their frosty claws pierced the hearts of one giant after another! Chen Wenqin took the initiative to open the door to meet the enemy while the three coalition forces were confused and had no time to react!

With the anger that finally broke out after being trapped for more than half a month! With high morale, the defenders of Keya City (humans and orcs) killed them all.

Lin Wei was suspicious of the courage of Keya City's soldiers to go out to fight, and because the high-level spells erupted one after another from Keya City made him mistakenly believe that Keya City was hiding dozens or even dozens of high-level people. Level mage! Lin Wei didn't dare to challenge! The first army retreated three thousand miles away! Until Keya City gave up the pursuit!

Within four days, Lin Wei stood still in the Rock River section outside Keya City.

That day, after the Tianmen and the Basamen in the southern border of Ela rejected the Rakshasamen's solicitation, the two sides experienced the third cavalry confrontation!

Perhaps because the reply from the Bassamen was too "provocative" (no man can bear to say that he "loves your wife and daughter"), so the cavalry led by the Rakshasamen himself attacked! Since that little mole human race doesn’t know how to praise! Then use him to sacrifice the flag first!

The battle at Tianmen lasted for two days and two nights!

Within two days and two nights! The sound of fighting spread throughout Tianmen! The black rock on the cliff was soaked in blood again and again, and the rock gradually turned dark red.

As an ordinary orc, Basamen didn't rest for two days and two nights. He rode a horse and stood at the back end of the battlefield, accurately blocking the gaps created by the Rakshasa Gate again and again!

"Tin Xiao, I really don't know how you fought in that battle!" Basamen muttered to himself in a hoarse voice and spat, the saliva mixed with blood.

On the third day, the corpses of humans and centaurs were mixed together, almost covering the entire Tianmen Road!

In the end, too many corpses were not conducive to the galloping of the horses, and the cavalry battle was changed to dismounting and fighting with swords! However, the centaurs and horses cannot transform into human form, and the Parsana clan is increasingly at a disadvantage in the fight.

The night of the third day!

The gate of heaven was broken.

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