Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 249 Don’t worry

In the Ella Palace, the already tense atmosphere seemed to be even more solemn now, especially in the Royal Study Room.

After receiving the final battle report from Tianmen, Luoluo and others fell into silence. Except for the empress and the slime who was held in her arms, almost everyone frowned.

Slime, who was in the Empress's arms, was calmly processing the files that the Empress handed him one after another that needed to be processed on the front line.

"No! We need to defend the southern border of Ella! Otherwise, use the southern border as a gap! This war will be lost!" There was silence in the imperial study room for a long time, and Su Qin spoke first.

"What does Miss Su Qin mean by sending the troops that have not yet been deployed to the southern grasslands?" Fang Te said with a smile.

This time, except for the orcs who were sent to stay behind, Ania basically dispatched all the other troops. A total of 500,000 troops were dispatched. Dongxia also dispatched 500,000, churches that supported the royal family, and some die-hard loyalists. In addition to the nobles and the royal troops, there are also 300,000, so the total is 1.3 million!

But Fangte did not dispatch all of them. Even if the troops were at a disadvantage in some places, Fangte always insisted on leaving a total of 200,000 troops in Ella City and the surrounding towns!

"We still have 200,000! This 200,000 will definitely be enough."

"Xiao Qin, that's not right." The empress interrupted Su Qin, "We have our own uses for these two hundred thousand, and you also know that if we have to send out the remaining two hundred thousand because the southern border of Posammen is lost, then This solidified battle situation can no longer be disturbed. Besides, how many of these 200,000 are cavalry? The grassland is the natural advantage of the cavalry, and the Rakshasamen cavalry is famous for their bravery and good fighting skills. Does Xiaoqin think that Can these 120,000 people stop them in the vast grassland?"

"But..." Su Qin straightened up anxiously. In Fang Te's impression, this was the first time Su Qin had opposed the empress.

"Miss Su Qin, don't worry. I understand your worries, but in my opinion, there is no need for us to mobilize a single soldier to go to the south!"

Fangte shrank his stomach and escaped from the empress's gentle embrace, jumped onto the table, and looked into the distance with a smile.

"That guy! He's from the Basa Gate!"

Aniya, one of the orc army responsible for guarding the home, a lion-human general who complained because he did not go to fight Ella, just finished a bottle of wine out of boredom: "Huh? Xiaodi, Xiaodi, the wine is gone, Xiaodi ah"

"Stop shouting, have you forgotten? All the Mole Tribes in the army have gone to fight against Ella, and naturally Xiaodi has gone too." Another Lion Tribe general walked into the room after hearing the sound.

"Oh, yes, that boy from the Basamen took away all the mole humans."

In Mbappe City, a man from the werewolf tribe received information from the city lord's palace.

"General, I received the latest news that Tianmen has been lost."

"Well, I understand."

The attendant was speechless for a moment. Even an ordinary soldier like him knew the strategic significance of Tianmen, but why was his general so calm?

"First of all, Tianmen's affairs are Tianmen's business and we have nothing to do with it." As if he could see his thoughts, the man from the werewolf clan explained, "Secondly, is the guy from the Posana Clan dead?"

"Life or death is unknown."

"That's fine." The werewolf man named Qin Xiao waved his hand with a smile.

The highest peak of Dragon Road.

"Little stupid pig, the Tianmen of Ela's southern border has been breached! Aren't you worried? The Posamen is our classmate!"

"Worried? What are you worried about? It's not too late for us to worry again after the news comes that the guy is dead." Feilun chewed grass roots (a habit developed with Fangte), "That's not right, why aren't you worried? What about me? I’m dying now!”

"I haven't had a fight for more than half a month. Why am I worried about you?"

After that, the girl made a face and left the top. Feitun, who was a little hurt in his heart, shook his head and looked under the dragon road again! Different from when the girl was talking, his eyes were full of murderous intent at this moment.

Over time, except for the isolated city like Keya City, most major battlefields received news of the fall of Tianmen. Some people were nervous and some were uneasy, but all the orc generals guarding In this place, the news is like "your mother calls you home for dinner", and it's over with an "oh".

It seems that for those orc generals who are familiar with the Basamen, as long as the guy is not dead, nothing is a problem.

And on the second day after the southern Tianmen fell, a slime twisted its butt, stretched, stepped into the void, and left the palace again.

On the same day, Finger Qier launched his first attack on Mbappe City! He would like to see it! How much does this "Werewolf Soldier Saint" who was famous in the last "Man-Animal War" weigh!

Just an hour after Finger Qier led the troops to attack the city, Tansant finally launched the most violent attack on Ryan after two tests!

As Yuelu's lieutenant, Ryan's reputation and military exploits are directly or indirectly added to Yuelu's body, so even the orcs are not so confident in Ryan, let alone those who are already confident about orcs. Sergeant Ella was dissatisfied with herself, if it weren't for the strict military orders of Her Royal Highness the Princess! Luohe's military morale may have been unstable for a long time.

However, even with Princess Daphne's military order, because Ryan's response to Tansant's first two attempts was not outstanding, it could only be said to be quite satisfactory, and he even took the initiative to give up some opportunities to pursue the victory. This made Those generals Ella who were unwilling to become Ryan's deputy general were very annoyed. Their suppressed dissatisfaction with this general was getting deeper and deeper, and was about to burst out!

"General! Tansant has sent troops! I'm afraid the humans in the Ella Empire are extremely dissatisfied with you, and I'm worried."

"Yeah, I know."

Ryan adjusted his armor, pulled out his sword and looked at it. The cold light was still sharp.

"The teacher once said that before a war, you must give a morale-boosting speech. Regarding this, the teacher also gave us an assignment to give a speech on the military oath we wrote during class. But for this, I really If I’m not good at it, my final score will be at the bottom of the class.”

Ryan put away his sword and smiled at the man from the Dark Cat Pavilion Snake Tribe who was guarding him (Dark Cat Pavilion has both men and women, and there are various races, but the Cat Tribe and women make up the majority).

"But, I have the best score in our group."

After saying that, Ryan patted him on the shoulder:

"Let's go and listen to the military oath I just wrote yesterday."

Ryan walked straight out of the room. Seeing the burly and confident back of the lion-human boy walking into the room, the snake-human man was stunned. For some reason, he believed that this boy, who was nearly ten years younger than himself, would lead the Luohe Guard. Army to victory!

In fact, the snake man didn't know that that year, the names of each member of the group that Ryan mentioned had already resounded throughout the world.

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