Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 271 Baby Crying

In the eighth century of the world, when everything in the world stabilized, in that peaceful era without war, no matter which race you were, you would always travel several times a year, and in the original Odea Empire Within the territory, one of the most famous attractions is the grove that was the original capital of the Odea Empire.

Back in the seventh century, in the woods, a green slime was sitting in front of a hut with eaves that had already been covered with snow. In front of him was a flowerbed, but it was also covered with snow. , and beside him, two bodies away from Fang Te, a woman held her slender legs together and looked at the heavy snow falling in the sky.

"I'm sorry." Slime exhaled a breath of hot breath and said slowly to the woman next to him.

"I don't blame you." The woman shook her head, "Wen Qin's choice to leave Dongxia and join the orc tribe was his own decision. Dong Xue respected everything about Wen Qin, but why did you choose to bring Dong Xue here? "

"No reason, just because I feel guilty for you, so I want to make some amends for you."

"Made up?" Dongxue looked at the slime beside her.

Nodding (moving), Fang Te continued:

"Wait a minute, there's still one person who hasn't come yet."

Looking at the only path leading to the cabin, the two stopped talking. Half an hour later, the heavy snow on the path became a little thicker. Fangte exhaled hot breath and slowly dispersed in the air.

Finally, the soft sound of steady footsteps on the snow came, and a man wearing a black and gold winter robe walked slowly over. Fang Te stood up, transformed into a human and walked forward. Dong Xue touched his hand with his hands. He followed behind Fang Te.

The man and Fangte walked opposite each other and stopped at the same time on the path of the flower garden.

"Your Excellency Fangte." Since Ainiya does not have its own official etiquette, but Ainiya has a deep relationship with the Dongxia Kingdom, Ladd bowed with the Dongxia Kingdom's etiquette.

"Your Majesty." Fante also saluted with the Odean etiquette.

The two looked at each other, and then walked side by side to the eaves of the cabin to hide from the snow, but did not enter the cabin.

"In the name of Brother Tao, Ladd, thank you very much for your help to my useless brother in the country of gears." Ladd saluted again.

"It's not really a help. If anything, that guy Cike and I just used each other, and ended up becoming enemies." Fangte said with a smile.

Fangte couldn't help but feel a fondness for this emperor, who was known as Odeya's wisest disciple, and Ladd also felt very comfortable with Fangte's straightforwardness.

"Your Majesty, next, I will talk to you as a member of the World Alliance. First, I would like to ask you a few questions,"

"Please, as the Odea Emperor! I also need to know your thoughts!"

"Although the World Alliance has sent troops to cleanse the Endless Land and even attack other continents, I still have some idle soldiers in my hands. The first question: Your Majesty, can you stop the invasion of 300,000 orc tribes and 500,000 mechanical species? !”

"A total of 1.2 million Odea generals, priests, mages, paladins, etc.! There are also many generals and talents! They can block it!"

"Then ask your Majesty! Within seven days, the Moxi Empire and the Giant Race will be destroyed! Within one month, with the exception of the Moxi Empire, the Endless Land will be completely cleaned up! With the exception of Odea, the Endless Land will be included in the world Alliance! Can Your Majesty be able to block the pressure from the entire Endless Land?"

"Odeya is at his peak! Even if the Endless Land has been baptized, he is already exhausted, even though the price is heavy! Odeya will fight to the end! So! Can stop it!"

Fang Te smiled slightly and continued to ask:

"Why does Your Majesty want to block it?"

"For O'Dea."

"What for Odeya? Nobles? Ministers? Thousands of years of royal family foundation? For the people?"


A question that is easy to answer, no matter what it is for, it is just a reason. As long as there is one reason, it is for one's own position as emperor! Ladd can tell that the whole of Odeya will fight to the end!

However, now Ladd is completely unable to answer.

Yes, what is it for him?

For the nobility? Why? Those nobles put their family's interests first all day long! I have long been unhappy with them, those ministers? Ha, that's ridiculous. What's the need for a minister who plays with the pitiful power at hand all day long and keeps climbing up? Is that the royal family’s legacy for thousands of years? But, do you care about yourself? For the people? War brings destruction to life! The World Alliance is not the executioner. As long as we surrender to the World Alliance, the people will live a better life.

Then what is it for? What do you care about?

After looking at the sky, Fang Te stood up:

"It's getting late. Your Majesty doesn't need to answer this question immediately. If possible, could your Majesty accompany me to a place?"

Rad nodded. Regarding this slime that turned into a human form, Rad didn't think it would harm him.

Instead, Dongxue stood aside and said nothing. For some reason, she felt a little nervous in her heart.

He raised his head and looked at Fangte, only to find that he had been looking at him with a smile.

Nodding, Dongxue followed Fangte and left the cabin through the woods, crossing several streams that were not yet frozen.

After half a day, the three of them arrived at the foot of a hill surrounded by woods. At the foot of this hill was a small village.

The three of them stepped into the village. Although Fangte was wearing very simple clothes, Ladd's black gold robe and Dongxue's elegant snow skirt were too eye-catching, and the villagers cast their eyes on them one after another... and These "noble lords" kept a certain distance.

In order to cause unnecessary trouble, Fang Te mobilized his magic power to disguise the two of them as ordinary people.

"Grandma, please tell me how to get to the Xiao family..."

Fangte smiled slightly and said in Odeya. His harmless appearance and handsome and clean appearance made the old man feel good about him.

"Xiao family? Young man, are you looking for the Xiao family who moved from the Eastern Xia Kingdom?"

"That's right, we are their friends and we came here specially to congratulate them."

"That's it..." the old man looked at Fangte and the others and said with a smile, "Go to this fork in the road and turn left, you will find the Xiao family."

Perhaps because of the simple folk customs, or perhaps because he saw Fang Te and others being kind, the old man told them the address.

Under the guidance of the old man, Fangte came to a simple cabin in the village...

As soon as I arrived at the door of the cabin, the faint sound of a child crying could be heard...

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