Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 272 Finally, I found you...

The cry of a child could be heard faintly from the room. Fangte walked to the door of the cabin and gently opened the door. Ladd didn't know what he was going to do. He just watched quietly, but Dongxue's delicate hands Clutching it in front of his chest, his heart beat faster and faster.

The sound of footsteps slowly came out, the wooden door was opened, and an ordinary woman who looked like she was in her thirties walked away. When she saw Fangte and the extraordinary-looking Dongxue and Emperor Odeya behind him, A little nervous.

The woman asked: "Who are the three?"

"Oh, Mrs. Xiao, we are from the Eastern Xia Kingdom. Because the Endless Land has not been peaceful recently, wars are raging everywhere. The empress did not want her people to be disturbed by the war, so she sent many people, saying that even the common people must be They will take Dongxia back." Fang Te said nonsense seriously. After all, although there are not too many people of Dongxia Kingdom scattered around the world, there are definitely a lot of them. How could anyone go and take them back.

However, the image of the empress to the people of Eastern Xia is that she is strong and gentle, and is very kind to the people. However, Mrs. Xiao is not well educated and doesn't think much, so even if Fang Te says this, she will mostly believe it.

However, Dongxue and Ladd couldn't help but frowned behind them.

War breaks out? Don’t you know who started it?

"Thank you Empress for your kindness, but I have been living here for nearly ten years since I left Dongxia. Although my husband is dead, I can still make ends meet, and my child was just born recently. I really don't want to move anymore. ." The woman declined politely. As soon as she finished speaking, the cry of the baby in the house could be heard again.

The woman looked back and then at Fangte. She wanted to take care of the baby, but Fangte was still there, which made her a little embarrassed.

"If Madam doesn't mind, can we go in and have a look?" Fang Te said naturally.

The woman hesitated for a moment and finally nodded.

Following the woman into the wooden house, on a small bed, a baby tightly wrapped in a small quilt was kicking the quilt with its little hands and feet.

The woman hurriedly walked over to comfort her child, but no matter how she comforted her, it was of no use. The baby was still crying, and the crying sound was louder, but Fangte and Ladd didn't notice that it was the two of them at all. It was caused by the murderous aura that he couldn't help but exude.

Seeing the baby, Dongxue couldn't help but feel tense, and an inexplicable feeling of familiarity spread to her heart.

"Ma'am, can I see the child?"

Dongxue walked over, her eyes slightly red.

"Well, it's just that this kid has some..."

Before the woman could say the word "fear of life", Dongxue squatted next to the crib, and the baby's crying slowly stopped.

Turning his little head to the side, his big round eyes looked at the beautiful young lady squatting next to him.

The little hand stretched out awkwardly from the small quilt, stretched out the small arm to grasp Dongxue.

In a daze, Dongxue stretched out her slender little finger and placed it in his palm. The baby held the woman's finger, opened its mouth slightly, and could see its pink little tongue, smiling happily.

"It seems that Lin'er likes you very much."

The woman saw her child being so kind to a stranger for the first time, and she felt a gentle sense of comfort as a mother.

"Madam, his name?"

"Oh, the name is Xiao Lin. He was born four months ago and is now four months old."

"Four months old"

Dongxue looked at Xiao Lin, who was holding her finger and smiling happily, and couldn't help but be lost in thought. She couldn't help but think of that evening when the sunset dyed the horizon red.

"Dongxue, do you blame me?"

"Well, blame you, blame you for leaving me! Blame you for not being by my side, blame you for disturbing my heart!"

"Then Dongxue must hate me very much."

"Yeah, I hate you getting entangled with a girl when I'm not around!"

"Hehehe, are you jealous?"

"Yeah, I'm jealous."

"But Wei and I are innocent."

"I do not care!"

"That being the case"

"Girl? Girl?"

Hearing the shouts, the woman came back to her senses, and the warmth on her cheeks made her realize that she had lost her composure.

"I'm sorry, madam, Dongxue lost her temper." Dongxue took the handkerchief handed over by the woman and gently wiped away her tears.

Xiao Lin looked at the crying Dong Xue and couldn't help but frown slightly, as if he wanted to cry.

"It's okay, Dongxue is okay." Approaching Xiao Lin, Dongxue held one of Xiao Lin's little hands in her palm. Xiao Lin stretched out her hand with all her strength and gently wiped away the tears on Dong Xue's lips. of wiping.

"In that case."

That evening, the man's words still echoed softly in the girl's ears.

"Dongxue, you, forget me."

"How could I forget that?"

Seeing the cute, strange yet familiar look of little Xiao Lin, Dongxue couldn't help but shed tears again. The tears flowed across her cheeks and flowed into her smiling lips.


Got you"

People have a thousand lives, and trees have a thousand twists. Since ancient times, foxes have been a symbol of evil. Vixens are a curse on beautiful women, representing unruly women and wanton sentimentality. However, how many people in the world know the so-called coquettishness and dissoluteness of vixens? Always only for one person.

After saying goodbye and walking out of the cabin, Fang Te and others walked back. The three of them were silent. Although Emperor Odeya didn't know the details, he vaguely guessed something. After all, one of the generals who died in the battle four months ago was named Chen Wenqin. , and it is rumored that this person is the sweetheart of one of the maids of the Eastern Xia Empress.

"Dongxue, thank you, Your Excellency." On the forest path, after calming down, Dongxue curtsied.

"No need to thank me, this is what I should do, and this is what I owe Brother Chen."

Looking back, Fangte looked at the faintly visible small village, bowed and bowed deeply.

Back at the cabin, because Fangte wanted to discuss the most important matter with Ladd, Dongxue used detection magic to guard outside to prevent others from approaching.

"Dongxue should visit that small village often, so please be a little accommodating then."

In the cabin, Fangte and the Emperor of Odea sat opposite each other. Ordinary people approaching the capital of Odea needed to undergo strict interrogation, let alone the nine-tailed sky fox.

"Don't worry, sir, Miss Dongxue can come anytime she wants." Lade Chengruo said.

"Then Fangte would like to thank Your Majesty for Dongxue."

After nodding, Ladd looked outside the wooden house through the window, and Fangte also followed his gaze. Neither of them spoke, but there was no embarrassment in the atmosphere.

Snow was flying all over the sky, and it was getting late. It wasn't until the red clouds stained the white snow between the sky and the earth, and the rays of sunlight shone into the cabin, that the cabin was empty and the door was slowly closed.

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