In April of the seventh century of the world year, the first general of the Dongxia Kingdom of the World Alliance was responsible for conquering the western edge of the Endless Land, which was actually equivalent to a novice village. When this general went on an expedition, Fang Te once asked this The general should pay more attention to the slimes on the western edge, because there is a forest in the place he wants to conquer, which is Fangte's birth point!

When he first came to this world, Fangte's biological mother and sister had to jump into the river to escape the fire because of a fight between two dragon beasts. Fangte wanted to find them, but at that time he was really It is too weak and moves extremely slowly. Moreover, the river has hundreds of branches and the world is too big. Fangte cannot find it by himself.

Later, when we arrived in Enia, we were delayed again due to the establishment of the orc tribe and the war. Although after the orc tribe stabilized, Fangte also sent people to search for it, but nothing was found. Although many pink animals were recovered. Slime, but they are not his mother and sister.

On the mission to Ella, there are more and more battles between humans and beasts, and there are more and more things going to Dongxia. Fangte can't get away from it. Moreover, the orcs are always under surveillance by other forces. If a large number of orcs are sent to search, they will definitely be killed. It aroused the suspicion of other forces, so Fangte has been reluctant to find his family.

However, after the establishment of the World Alliance, the "cleaning up" of various forces in the Endless Land was extremely smooth, and Fangte's birth point happened to be on the route of conquest in the west of the Endless Land, so Fangte asked the Dongxia generals to help him during the conquest. Pay more attention to yourself.

In fact, Fangte didn't have high hopes, but he didn't expect that on the seventh day of conquering the border town, that is, at the end of April, the general responsible for conquering the small and medium-sized countries in the western border of the Endless Land actually looked at the small and medium-sized countries along the way. All the pink slimes that arrived were captured, and then a special team was sent to transport them to the World Alliance's base camp - Ainiya Luoyang.

All of a sudden! In Ania's Luoyang, hundreds of pink slimes enter the city every day. What surprised Fangte even more was that later the Eastern Xia general discovered a slime habitat! He directly captured all the pink slimes and sent them back!

When this batch of slimes was shipped to Luoyang, girls on the streets of Luoyang could be seen holding a pink slime in their arms. These slimes were all adopted under Fangte's instructions.

After all, cute creatures like slime can be said to be loved by girls of all races, especially Aniya. Perhaps because Fante changed the entire orc race, Aniya's love for slimes has deepened. In addition, slimes are very easy to take care of. You just need to pay attention to keeping them hydrated and they won't poop. So when Fantawild opened slimes for adoption, the adoption department was overwhelmed within half a day.

Even some of the ferocious orc men secretly sampled a few cute animals. Regarding their girlish hearts, Fangte felt that there was a certain contrast between cuteness and cuteness.

Luoyang City became the city with the most slimes in the world within a month, but Fangte was a little sad. After all, so many pink slimes did not have their own families, and even Fangte doubted whether his family would What's going to happen?

Finally, when the last batch of slimes is shipped to Luoyang! Fang Te transformed into a slime as usual and went to recognize his relatives first.

You know, although most slimes look similar, Fante, who is of the same race, can still recognize them!

Finally, Fangte, who returned to his original form and was crowded around by thousands of pink slimes in the slime pile, felt a familiar scent!

Fangte was shocked! Hope was rekindled in my heart, and I was about to identify it carefully again! Two pink slimes crowded in front of this spring slime!


The larger pink slime said.


The other smaller slime said.


The green slime was moved to tears and said.

"Mmmmm," the three slimes said together, moving their small bodies and hugging each other.

This should have been a very touching recognition scene, but when the Empress, Su Mei and Daphne watched this scene, they felt that the scene was not only not tearful, but also a little cute.

After settling down his parents, Fangte finally solved one of the things that had been weighing on him.

In the courtyard, Fante transformed into a slime and stayed with his family. Two pink slimes leaned against Fante and fell asleep slowly. Fante looked at the Ainian sky.

The reason why Lilin didn't worry too much when he arrived on the floating mainland was because Lilin had signed a real "contract of mutual trust" with him. As long as Lilin's life was in danger or he was injured in some way, Fangte would Special will be able to detect it immediately.

Before, Lilin's condition was fine and there was no danger, so Fangte was dealing with the affairs of the Endless Land. But not long ago, Fangte felt the fluctuation of Lilin's physical condition! She used a lot of magic in a short period of time! Obviously there are traces of battle!

Fangte wanted to rush to the floating land immediately, but was stopped by the empress. After all, everything in the Endless Land was at a critical period at that time, if Fangte hadn't made great arrangements and took charge! If something happens, the World Alliance will really be in vain! All the blood will be in vain, so Fangte must stay.

And now, it is already May, the World Alliance has passed the most critical period, and the overall situation has been decided! It’s time for me to go up too!

Fangte carried his family to the room to rest, then walked out of the room and stood under the eaves of the courtyard, quietly in a daze.

"Are you leaving?" Daphne walked to Fangte's side.

Since the Ella Empire joined the World Alliance, Daphne from the World Alliance followed Fante to Ainia. Domestic matters were left to Buster, and Daphne followed Fante to Ainia for the purpose of It is also very simple, that is to avenge his father and brother.

Fangte did not tell Daphne that her brother died at the hands of Nisweir, who was ordered by the empress, but he continued to take the blame. He also did not let the empress tell Daphne the truth. After all, it was better to take revenge on him than to take revenge on him. He has some thoughts about seeking revenge against the empress, and now, there cannot be any rift between Ella and Dong Xia.

However, in the past few days, Daphne has assassinated Fangte once, but failed.

"Well, it's time"

Before Fang Te finished speaking, a dagger appeared from Daphne's waist and stabbed Fang Te unexpectedly.

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