Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 276 Seeing a toy

Changes in the world continue to occur, the most important of which are the souls of all races in the world except the human race.

Except for the human species and the mechanical species, the imprints in the souls of all races awakened in one night, and that wonderful and indescribable feeling told all the races in the world except the human species and the mechanical species!

Their creator! Their master! Now back!

All the residents of Ania, the Forest of Sages, the Twilight Continent, and the sea-dwelling species opened their eyes this night. The feeling of the call of the bloodline told everything.

The senior orcs who were still in Ainya stepped into the courtyard one after another and visited Fangte. Their emotions were extremely complicated.

They respected and surrendered to Fantawild. This admiration was not because they just swore in the name of the gods, but truly came from their hearts.

But they don't know what kind of changes their creators' appearance six centuries apart will bring to the world. Now the world is in the midst of a unified change! Only the sea-dwelling species and the angel species are left.

What if their gods want to go against Mr. Fangte, and as orcs, how should they make a choice?

In the courtyard, they expressed their worries and worries without any concealment. Fangte did not put any pressure on them. He just told them not to think about anything and just do their own thing. And when that day really came, Fangte Te said he would respect their choice.

After the senior leaders of the Ainian beast race left, Fangte asked his attendants to call some people.

Now, in the Ania courtyard, Daphne and the two pink slimes were put to sleep by Fante and they would not wake up for a short time. In the courtyard, several women were sitting around. The slime sitting at the edge of the stone table with the woman sitting in the center only felt pain in its head.

"Little sister Emilia is really beautiful. No wonder your husband likes you so much." The empress sitting next to the silver-haired girl held her hand and said with a smile. She was holding a cup of tea and sipping it. Slime was shocked.

He wanted to say something, but he couldn't

"No, Your Majesty is much more beautiful than Emilia." Emilia's face was slightly red. Looking at the empress's world-famous appearance, Emilia felt a little unconfident.

In fact, Emilia and the Empress have two completely different styles. Emilia looks pure, like an untainted snow lotus on the mountains of the far north ice field, while Li'er is extremely charming, and " The status of "Empress" gives her a sense of superiority that countless people want! However, when facing Fangte, this majesty was completely gone. On the contrary, she had the air of a little daughter.

Luoluo and Yaya looked at Emilia and their master with interest, and then at the green slime on the table. Even women felt a little envious of this slime.

Emilia and her master are both stunningly beautiful, as well as Li Lin in the Sky City, and although the Empress Ella wants to kill Fang Te, everyone can see her thoughts about Fang Te.

Really, if people in the world knew that this slime was so lucky, he would probably be envied and jealous by all the men in the world.

"Your Majesty, how did you fall in love with your husband?"

When Emilia said the word "husband", a blush flashed across her small face, and she tilted her head slightly, her shy look extremely cute.

"So cute." The empress held Emilia in her arms, "How I fell in love with her, I don't know. I just fell in love with her that much, didn't she?"

Being hugged by the empress, Emilia glanced at Fangte with a blushing face and nodded slightly.

"Also, don't call me Your Majesty. It's very unpleasant. Just call me Li'er."

"Then Lia calls you Sister Li'er," Emilia said shyly in the empress's gentle embrace, her tone was ticking and very cute.

"Yeah, yeah, let's call her Li'er. Can Leah sleep with her sister tonight? Ignore this flirty slime for now."

Afterwards, the painting style of the entire courtyard began to shift.

In fact, the moment they entered the courtyard, the painting style changed.

The vision of the world lasted for a total of five hours and did not end until three o'clock in the night.

When the vision of the world gradually subsided, Fangte felt that the void passage around him was opened. When Emilia stepped through the void and appeared next to Fangte, Fangte was very happy, but when Emily When Ya brought the news of the resurrection of the spirit species, Fangte knew that things would be very complicated, so Fangte called Li'er and the others, who were members of the fantasy species Nine-tailed Sky Fox Clan, to come to a meeting.

But what they were talking about was not a serious issue like the gods. Instead, they were chatting like they were having a tea party. Later, the conversation gradually turned to Fang Te. Fang Te tried to change the subject several times, but failed. , and was finally silenced by Emilia and the Empress at the same time.

Finally, with Fang Te's continuous efforts, the gag spell was eradicated by Fang Te.

"Wait! Let's talk about the divine seeds first. Leah, you said that Iros returned to the floating land with a bunch of divine seeds. Isn't Lilin in danger?" Fang Te broke away from the silence spell and said.

"Don't worry, husband. Lilin will not be in danger. The gods are not a vicious race." The empress said with a smile.

"Well, after Emilia knew that Lilin was on the floating continent, sister Ajia had promised Lia to ensure Lilin's safety."

"Aegiya, Iros" Fangte rubbed his belly and thought, "God, what do you want to do?"

The race of gods disappeared after the first century, leaving only the race they created in this world. But why they disappeared and why they reappeared now, Fangte really didn't know.

"The gods are just a boring race." The empress said with a smile. She has always had a contemptuous attitude towards the gods.

"Leah, you said that the gods have been watching this world, and they have also been watching me. So, did the gods ask you to say anything to me?" Fang Te said.

Emilia shook her head and said softly and worriedly:

"Sister Aijia reshaped her body and then let me leave. Those gods were also very kind to me and let me leave without embarrassment. They didn't say anything to me, but"


"Well, it's just that they are very happy about the current world, as if they are as happy as a child seeing a new toy."

Thanks to "Uncle God" for the reward of 200 starting coins~~~(ˊωˋ*)

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