Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 278 Inside the wooden house

In the Bamboo House, Emilia sat with the Empress, Luoluoya and the others. Lilin came back as soon as she left the floating land.

Originally, Lilin wanted to go to pay homage to Archmage Anthony first, but after hearing the news about the collapse of the World Alliance and even the Orc tribe, Lilin was so entangled and worried about Fangte that she decided to go see Fangte first.

Finally, after returning to Dongxia with Fangte, Fangte said that she had nothing to do and asked her to go see Master Anthony and her father, and then Lilin left Dongxia.

"My husband, will he be okay?" Emilia looked outside the bamboo residence with a very worried expression.

Thinking about it, how could he not be worried? Originally, the unification of the world was right in front of him, and his wish could come true, but now the sudden appearance of the God Seed disrupted everything, and the World Alliance collapsed. After so many years of hard work, so many people died, but Everything has turned into nothingness, how can this not make people feel despair.

"Don't worry, your husband is not that fragile." The empress followed Emilia's gaze. Although she said that, she couldn't help but bite her lips.

"Your Excellency Fangte."

In a small forest on the outskirts of the central area of ​​Dongxia Kingdom, Fangte unknowingly walked in front of a small wooden house. At this time, Fangte looked like a human being.

"Miss Dongxue." Fang Te bowed.

Outside the cabin, Fangte bumped into Dongxue who was coming out of the cabin.

"Do you have something to do with Dongxue?" Dongxue was wearing an apron, with her sleeves rolled up, revealing her white arms. Her skirt was tied up, and a strand of black hair crossed her cheek, and she was sweating slightly. It looks like it's just after hard work.

At this time, Fang Te remembered that since Chen Wenqin left Dongxia, Dongxue would come to clean this small wooden house every once in a while. Even if the people who had gone never come back, Dongxue would still be the same as before.

Fangte shook his head and expressed denial: "Can I... go inside and have a look?"

Dong Xue was slightly startled, but still nodded and turned sideways to signal Fang Te to come in.

After nodding in salute, Fang Te slowly walked into the cabin.

In the small wooden house, the furniture was as simple as ever, just like an ordinary farmhouse, without the elegance imagined by the first scholar of Xia Kingdom in the Middle East.

However, in the middle hall of the cabin, there is one more thing - a spiritual tablet.

"Chen Wenqin, the Husband of Winter Snow"

Next to the simple spiritual tablet was a jar, and Fangte knew that it contained Chen Wenqin's ashes.

Bowing down and handing over his hands, Fangte prayed three times in total as Dong Xia worshiped his friends.

He straightened up and looked at his friend's memorial tablet. He remembered meeting him in the Lantern Garden, watching beautiful women dancing and talking about their ideals together in Yanju, and later abducting him to go to the orc tribe to talk about the beauty of future peace, and Chen Wenqin. After drinking, he shouted loudly: "After becoming famous, I must let the whole world know that 'Chen Wenqin married Miss Dongxue'."

Finally, go to Chen Wenqin to guard Keya City!

Even now, Fangte could imagine this elegant man commanding with a pale sick face in front of thousands of troops, and this elegant man with no strength in his hands picking up weapons when the city was broken. The heroic appearance when killing an enemy for the first time.

However, when he left the world, he was not by his side

Dongxue looked at Fangte from behind and said nothing. This was the first time Dongxue saw Fangte like this.

"Dongxue, let's go down first. You can just help yourself." After saying that, Dongxue bowed, retreated and closed the wooden door.

The warm sunset in the early summer evening shone into the cabin, and everything and people in the cabin were rimmed with light gold. The man looked at the spirit tablet facing him, as if his friend was standing in front of him.

"Brother Chen, it's true that it's really difficult to realize our ideal." The man sighed and sat down on the chair, "You shouldn't mind if I sit."

"Really, I didn't expect that the Divine Seed that had disappeared for so many years would suddenly appear and intervene like this. What exactly does the Divine Seed want to do? Ajiya has already told me. To be honest, I am now I don’t have much confidence either.”

The man continued talking as if chatting with a friend.

"Actually, sometimes I wonder, if I hadn't dragged you to the orc tribe at that time, you would have stayed with Miss Dongxue long ago. If I hadn't agreed to let you guard Keya City. , are you still alive and well now?"

"Actually, I don't really want to unify the world. To be honest, unifying the world is just for myself, because there is a system in my body. This cheating system gave me a task. If I don't unify the world, then I will It was over, so I had no choice at that time."

"But in this process, people I am familiar with left this world one after another. Ryan's father died during the war between humans and beasts. Now you are dead, that guy Anthony is also dead, and Archmage Vega has also left. Yes, the leader of the Kobolds is dead. Tansiant was a good guy, but unfortunately he is also dead, and Ryan also broke an arm."

Fang Te counted the people who passed away one by one, and as he talked, among them were generals he was familiar with, including the young girls from Dark Cat Pavilion, generals from the demonic species in Twilight Continent, and many others with He was his ideal human warrior, but they all left.

As he spoke, Fangte's eyes were red, tears fell silently, and his tone was choked.

"Hey Chen Wenqin, tell me, because I want to unify the whole world and because I want to live, how many people have died! Is it the chaos caused by the red comet or the chaos caused by me?"

In the wooden house, the man's eyes were red. Although he was just a slime, he had experienced too much. In front of the empress, Emilia and Li Lin, he did not show any low expression, because he I don’t dare and I can’t.

Fangte knew that he was their only trust and reliance. If he was at a loss at this time, it would only upset their hearts, and they would be a thousand times sadder because of him.

I don’t know how long it took, but in the distant horizon, the setting sun had already set over the mountains, only dyeing the entire sky red.

He slowly stood up in the wooden house, and when he was about to leave, a piece of paper was gently pressed on the table by the teacup. It was obviously left by Dongxue before he left.

Opening the note, Fang Te's eyes couldn't help but tremble.

"Brother Fang! Let Wen Qin go see the most beautiful world you said."

After putting away the note, Fangte's eyes trembled.

Turning around, he bowed to the memorial tablet again, stepped forward, and walked out of the wooden house resolutely.

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