Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 279 Traveling around

The night crept up into the sky quietly. In the Yan residence, Emilia and the empress were in the same room. They had just finished bathing together, and the empress was combing Emilia's silver-white hair.

"Lia, do you know what kind of existence a mage is?" The empress gently stroked Emilia's long hair with her slender hands, and the glazed comb gently passed through her hair without any obstruction.

"What does Sister Li'er mean?" Emilia was a little confused about this sudden question.

"It's okay, I just want to ask Leah, do you think it's easy to become a mage?"

"Let's talk about it by race. There are a lot of human mages, but it's mainly because of the large population base of the human species, especially the middle and high-level mages. There are very few of them in the human species. I heard my father say that this The main reason is that the human race does not have strong sensitivity to magic elements, unlike other races created by the gods, which have a natural affinity for magic elements."

"It's true. The higher the level of the race, the stronger the affinity for magic. Among them, the darling of the world can improve his magic practice just by breathing and drinking water."

"Is it like Sister Li'er?" Emilia said with a smile.

Ever since she and Fang Te officially got married in Twilight Continent, Emilia would laugh and even joke sometimes.

However, Emilia was indeed not just joking just now. Even if the fantasy species grows normally, it is almost only an eighth-level mage when it is fully grown. Even if it is extremely talented, it is only a ninth-level mage. It is not possible to become an archmage. There are even fewer people!

This is true for the second-ranked fantasy species, not to mention other races.

But this empress of the Eastern Xia Kingdom seemed to be cheating her way up the ranks. She entered the ranks of the Archmage as soon as she came of age, and she entered the ranks of the Legendary Mage not many years after she reached adulthood!

How many legendary mages are there in this world? Even Lucifer, the first angel of the angel race who has lived from the first century to the present, is only of this level.

"Lia can joke too." As she said that, the empress quietly put her slender hands on Emilia's armpits and squeezed the softness in those two places.

"Ah" Emilia exclaimed softly and said resentfully with a blushing face, "Sister Li'er."

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore." The Empress gently hugged Emilia from behind and said slowly, "Lea, do you know? In fact, the affinity for magic elements does not determine a mage. The determining factor of high and low.”

"Isn't it? But if 'magical element affinity' isn't something, then what is?"

Emilia asked doubtfully. The views put forward by the empress were different from what Emilia had known since she was a child. If other people said such things, Emilia would never take it to heart, but the other party was the legendary archmage. , in terms of magical attainments, except for the gods, no one has more authority than her words.

"What is it?" the empress said with a sweet smile, looking through the window to the outside of the bamboo forest, "It's the heart."

In the sky of Dongxia Kingdom, a slime transformed into a humanoid walked step by step. Maybe even he didn't notice that every step he took was a distance of thousands of meters, and although his steps were getting faster and faster. Slow, the steps are not big, but the distance covered by one step is indeed getting farther and farther.

Unknowingly, he walked out of Dongxia and came to Ainia, the northern border of Ainia. City after city was built according to his plan. Because it was just the first night, the lights in the city were brightly lit, and the city's ordinary The residents went about their daily routine as usual.

Arriving in Luoyang, although the orc system was still going on as Fangte had established before, the atmosphere in the city was a little depressing.

Looking down, Fangte saw Tan Xiao who was frowning and saying nothing in the room, Ryan who was lying on the bed with a broken arm and couldn't sleep, and saw the whirling door, talking with Qin'er. Feitun, after experiencing the Dragon City War, Feitun and Qin'er's relationship quickly heated up. If I remember correctly, their wedding will be held next month.

Involuntarily, Fangte saw Yuelu in a daze in the courtyard. She was lying on the table, brows furrowed, holding flowers in her hands, and pulled them out one by one, leaving only the stems.

Seeing her troubled look, Fangte couldn't help but smile and raised his hand, a breeze blew by, carrying the coolness of the summer night and the fragrance of early summer flowers, gently brushing the girl's hair.


As a beastman shaman, Yuelu seemed to feel something. He raised his head and looked, but saw nothing.

Stepping through the orc tribe, Fangte walked step by step to the Ella Empire. When he arrived at the Ella Empire, it was already eleven or twelve o'clock at night, but Daphne had not rested yet. In the royal study, one of the empress's personal maids, Su Qin is teaching Daphne how to handle government affairs.

"Sister Su Qin, I always feel like someone is watching us." Daphne said sensitively.

"There is no one there. His Majesty is probably too tired. Let's just come here tonight. Let's continue tomorrow."

With that said, Su Qin helped Daphne organize the documents on the table, said goodbye and left the royal study.

Outside the room, Su Qin curtsied to the starry sky.

Fang Te in the sky nodded and was about to leave Ella City, but inadvertently, General Longka, who was lying on the bed and had been unconscious until now, attracted Fang Te's attention.

Just relying on his feeling, Fangte waved towards Longka's room, and with his hands behind his back, Fangte left Ella.

In the room, a maid who was about to change Longka's clothes came in. When she wiped Longka's palms, his fingers trembled slightly.

The border between Ella and Moxi, thousands of miles away from a small city-state affiliated with the Moxi Empire, was originally a wilderness, but now it is a peach forest that has just grown.

In the peach forest, there are two tombstones next to each other. On the tombstones are the names of two old people who are proud of all mankind. In front of the old man's tombstone, there is a pot of wine and freshly picked flowers. .

A beautiful woman with a sad face, wearing a plain white mage robe, worshiping with red eyes.

The moment when he walked slowly down and stepped into the peach forest! The magic element suddenly stopped. A couple who had just reunited were about to deliver food to their daughter. After feeling something strange in the peach forest, the young and beautiful lady said something to the man, spread her wings, and quickly went to Rush in the direction of my daughter.

However, before this beautiful woman arrived, he had already walked to the monument and bowed deeply.

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