Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 280 A Peach Forest

In front of the monument of Anthony and Archmage Vega, a beautiful girl noticed the strangeness of the magic element and a familiar feeling and turned her head. A man walked over and stood beside her.

"Fang Te. Why are you here?" Seeing Fang Te in human form, Li Lin quickly turned her head and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

Fangte was already upset enough now, and she didn't want him to worry about her sadness anymore.

"The world is really going into chaos. I'm here to pick you up. I'm also here to see Anthony and Archmage Vega."

Fangte said softly, looking at the two tombstones, bending down and saluting again and again.

"Fangte meets with the two great mages"

He straightened up and looked at the two tombstones in front of him. Fang Te said calmly. His voice was not loud, but it was heard throughout the peach forest. The angel-bred woman who was rushing towards her was also slightly stunned and landed. The pace slowed down slightly, and after learning the identity of the other party, the tension disappeared.

"I'm sorry, Lilin, I indirectly killed Archmage Anthony."

Li Lin shook her head, stretched out her slender hand, and gently touched the tombstone in front of her: "No, it's not Xiao Fangte's fault. Although I didn't see Grandpa Master for the last time, I can feel that Grandpa Anthony is gone." It's very peaceful, there is no regret at all, and I don't blame you at all."

Fangte didn't speak, just looked at the tombstone in front of him. Involuntarily, he thought of the few but profound memories he had with Archmage Anthony, and the conversation he had with Lin Wen in Dragon City.

Although neither of the two archmages Fangte can be considered very familiar with, Fangte knows that the two archmages have been fighting each other for a lifetime. No matter what aspect, they are always comparing themselves with each other, and some of them lose and some win. .

They were not citizens of the empire of Ella and Moxi, but they joined Moxi and Ella respectively in order to compete with each other. However, despite this, the friendship between the two old men was deeper than any other friends. In the end, they They left this world close together.

"Lilin, do you blame me? Archmage Anthony not only stopped Archmage Vega for Ella, but also for the illusory 'beautiful country' I mentioned to him. The old man believed that I could save Ella and could Create the most different world in seven centuries, but in the end it ended up like this."

Lilin gently inserted the flowers brought by Fangte into the small flower bed in front of the tombstone:

"Master Master believes that you can do it, and Lilin also believes that you can do it, little Fangte. Although some accidents have happened now, Lilin believes that little Fangte will be able to handle it."

Lowering her eyebrows slightly, Lilin stood up slowly, looked at the tombstone tenderly, and said in a gentle tone: "Lilin feels that Master Master has been looking at you, Fang Te."

The evening wind blew through the small peach grove that had just grown. Perhaps because it was the resting place of the two great mages, this peach grove grew much faster.

Accompanied by Lilin, Fangte leaned down and lit a stick of incense for the old man.

At this moment, the scenes that happened when Fante came to the world floated through Fante's mind like a revolving lantern. The first encounter with Li Lin, entering the Kingdom of Ori, confronting Sweet, meeting Ai Milia, met Li'er.

One thing after another, one person at a time, and one life after another, they penetrated into Fangte's heart like characters one by one.

"Swish, swish, swish"

Suddenly, the rich magical elements in the peach forest were beating happily, like a child seeing candy, and they were constantly flowing towards the two tombstones.

Fangte closed his eyes and quietly felt everything around him. At the next moment, all the magical elements poured into Fangte's body like a tide. Fangte's body exuded red, white, Magic fluorescence of different elements such as blue.

Lilin didn't know what was going on with Fangte, but it was just that Fangte's body was constantly absorbing the surrounding magic elements like a bottomless pit, which made her very worried. She hesitated whether to wake Fangte up or not!

Just when Lilin was worried about calling him, the sound of trampling leaves slowly came out, and a white palm held Lilin's little hand just as she was about to touch Fangte.


Lilin looked at her mother in surprise.

The angelic woman shook her head and said no.

"But little Fangte." Lilin looked at Fangte worriedly.

"It's okay. As a wife, you have to trust him." The woman said gently in a mother's tone, letting go of Li Lin's hand.

After some hesitation, Lilin bit her lip and looked at Fangte quietly. As a mother, she also looked at her son-in-law.

Although she persuaded her daughter in a relaxed tone, subconsciously, the fists in her sleeves clenched

As a superior angel, Darlene has served the seraphim Lucifer for four centuries! Darlene once saw with her own eyes how Lucifer exceeded his own limits!

That was in the fourth century! Lucifer, who was already an archmage at the time, suddenly wanted to break through his limits one day! That day, the elements of the entire floating land were pouring into her body crazily, and the floating land was shaking! Most of the world's oceans have tidal surges! Volcanoes on land are also erupting constantly! Thousands of stars in the Twilight Continent are twinkling!

Although these visions are not as good as the revival of the divine species some time ago! But it also shocked the whole world!

But why is Fantawild different? Darlene clearly felt that her son-in-law was indeed breaking through the boundaries of the Archmage! But only the magical elements of a peach forest poured into his body! Not only that! The vision that happened at that time did not happen at all!

Even this peach forest is extremely quiet, falling into the same silence as the night

Fangte's eyes were closed for half an hour. During this period, Buster also rushed to the monument out of breath.

Another half hour passed, and Darlene told her family her suspicion that Fangte was breaking through his limits, and also revealed the abnormality of Fangte's boundary-breaking.

However, they did not dare to disturb Fang Te. This moment was too important.

It was late at night, and Darlene asked Lilin to rest first, saying that she would take care of Fangte, but Lilin shook her head gently and refused.

"Mom and dad should go back to the cabin first. Lilin needs to stay with him."

Darlene wanted to persuade her daughter, but Bast grabbed her shoulders and shook her head.

Time flies. He stood motionless in front of the tombstone for three days and three nights, and the girl also stayed by his side for three days and three nights until the fourth night.

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