Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 281 In Nothingness

The bright red moonlight cast a faint radiance, and a beautiful girl leaned in front of her teacher's tombstone and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice. Beside the woman, a human-looking man had been standing like this for three days. It’s been three days and three nights.

In the past three days, the magical elements in the peach forest were continuously injected into his body. His body was like a bottomless pit, and the escaped magical elements seemed to be inexhaustible.

"Boom" sound.

The girl's hand that was resting on the tombstone suddenly loosened, and her forehead hit the hard stone.

"Ouch" sound.

The girl woke up from the pain, pouted her mouth dissatisfied, and looked at him, but he was still standing like that.

She took out a clean towel from her arms and wet it with the water element from the peach forest. The girl stood on tiptoes, stretched out her arms, and wiped his face as usual.

Just when the girl was about to put away the towel after wiping her hands, something strange suddenly happened next to the man!

All the magical elements began to be released crazily from his body! These magical elements seemed to be repelled by him, and they were discharged much faster than when he inhaled them!

Less than ten minutes! In the past three days, more than half of the magic elements absorbed by the man have been released!

Seeing his strange behavior, the girl looked nervous and very worried! But he didn't dare to leave, so he quickly sent a message to his mother.

Half an hour later, when the girl's mother came to the man's side, all the magic elements that had been absorbed in the man's body for three days were released! But! This is not the end! He began to release the magic power in his body!

"Mom! What happened to little Fangte! Will he be okay?" Li Lin cried and pulled her mother. She wanted to wake up Fangte, but she didn't dare!

"Lilin, calm down, it's okay, it's okay." Darlene held her daughter's hand tightly and looked at her son-in-law.

Even Darlene, who had lived for four centuries, had no idea about her son-in-law's condition. However, as an angel, she had a unique feeling for magical elements. She knew that she could only rely on Fangte to get through it at this time.

Hugging Lilin tightly, Lilin watched the magic power in Fangte's body flowing crazily in her mother's arms, but she was powerless! And when Buster came running out of breath! More than half of the magic power in Fangte's body has been lost! There are faint symptoms of bottoming out!

Not only that! It’s not just the magic power that flows through Fangte’s body! There is also the realm of Fangte! Lilin and Darlene could clearly detect that Fang Te had fallen from the original level of a first-level mage to a ninth-level mage, and then to an eighth-level mage! And it doesn’t stop! Until now! Fangte is just a fourth-level mage.

Fangte's body exudes a faint radiance! And it’s becoming more and more transparent! It seems as if it will disappear from this world if it is blown by the wind!

"Xiao Fangte's magic power can't continue to flow like this!" Lilin broke out of her mother's arms.

It doesn't matter if the magic power disappears, nor does it matter if the mage class falls! But Fangte's body is just a slime! And he is still in the most vulnerable position of the human species! In the situation where the magic power is flowing crazily and the realm is falling! It will bring an unbearable burden to his body! The transparency of Fangte's body being almost dead is the best evidence!


Before Darlene could dissuade her, Lilin desperately injected her own magic power into Fangte's body.

But just after Lilin's magic power was injected into Fangte's body, it was expelled by Fangte! This is like using a cup to fill a bucket with a broken bottom. It won't help at all!

Mobilizing her magic power, Darlene immediately sealed the magic points in Lilin's body! Let her stop doing stupid things! Then she tried to use the same method to seal the magic points in Fangte's body to prevent the loss of his magic, but failed.

"Xiao Fangte! Wake up! Wake up! Lilin doesn't want you to leave!"

Lilin rushed over and hugged Fangte tightly, crying loudly, tears pouring down like rain, wetting his back and sending warmth from his buttocks.

"Do you regret it?"

In the void space, a green slime kept floating in the void with its eyes closed, and a voice from nowhere reached the slime's "ears".

He slowly opened his eyes and looked at the void. There was nothing in it except himself.

"Now, do you regret it?" the voice came out again.

As soon as he finished speaking, the void changed, and Fangte landed on the battlefield of the Ori Kingdom.

Like a passer-by, Fang Te watched everything happening on the battlefield!

In this war, a total of more than 80,000 people died in the Ori Kingdom and the affiliated city-states of the Ella Empire.

"Now, are you sorry?"

Change the scene again! This time, the Ella Empire joined forces with the Moxi Empire to attack the orc tribe. Fangte saw Ryan's father in Shinuo City leading the orc warriors to death in battle! I saw the clever way that the Basamen retreated from the enemy, and I saw the last-ditch battle between Yuelu and Ryan after they abandoned the city! I also saw Qin Xiao commanding with ease in the decisive battle in Winter City!

"Hey, are you heartbroken?"

In the Kingdom of Gears, Fangte attacks the central tower alone. In the Twilight Continent, Fangte leads the rebel coalition in a bloody battle in the Black City!

Battle of Ella! An elegant man from Dongxia Kingdom guarded Keya City alone with a sick face. Even when he finally left the world, he did not blame Fangte at all. In the letter left to Fangte, he firmly believed that he could succeed. ! Can create the most beautiful world!

"Now, are you desperate?"

Fangte stepped into the chaos. In the chaos, a silver-haired woman waved her hand, and a dozen pairs of eyes slowly opened! At that moment, the world moved! The world is full of strange phenomena! All races in the world (including the human race that believed in Pusius) followed the god in their hearts, and the World Alliance collapsed overnight.

"Now, tell me, what are you doing for this? You tried your best! You narrowly escaped death on the battlefield, and you survived more than ninety years in the gear industry! You did everything you could to bring the best to this world. Change! But what about now? Have you done it? Everything you worked so hard to build was reduced to ashes overnight. Your friends were crippled and dead. The blood of those soldiers involved in the war was still in vain in the end. The passage of time, now, tell me, what are you doing this for?"

Listening quietly to the sound floating in the void, the green slime said nothing, and the sound dissipated, and the void fell into silence again, as if, in the void, it was waiting for this world The answer to the strangest slime in seven centuries

"Yeah. For what?"

Finally, Slime spoke.

He raised his head and took a closer look. The corners of his mouth seemed to be rising slightly.

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