Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 284 Blossoms and Fruits

"System reward. Slime Font. Qualification of the divine species."

A cold voice like that of the mechanical species before the revolution spread to every corner of the world, whether it was emperors, nobles, or civilians, whether it was the human species in the Endless Land, the orcs in Ainia, or the people in the Forest of Sages. Forest elves, whether they are sea-dwelling species on the bottom of the sea or angel species in the sky. At this moment, everyone! They all heard the same sound!

For people in the world, they don’t know what the so-called “system reward” means, nor what the so-called “god qualifications” refer to. However, when they hear the words “Slime Font” five When the words were spoken, whether they were those who had followed Fang Te or those who had been enemies of Fang Te, their hearts trembled one after another, although the emotions in their hearts were different.

"Teacher" Tan Xiao, who was getting drunk late at night in a Luoyang City pub, put down the wine glass in his hand.

"Teacher, is that you?"

Ever since Cross took over the orcs, Yuelu, who had been tossing and turning in the room and unable to sleep, opened her red eyes.

"Your Excellency Fangte."

In the Twilight Continent, the haggard leader of the Succubus tribe raised his head and clenched the pen in his hand.

"Sure enough, even if the gods appeared, you didn't give up." In the Forest of Sages, a beautiful girl sat up from her room, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, "It really looks like your character. "

In Dongxia Kingdom, the two most beautiful women walking out of the Bamboo House looked at each other, smiled, curtsied to the invisible sky, and said sweetly:

"Li'er (Shirley), congratulations to your husband for becoming a god."

The sweet voice came from the Eastern Xia Bamboo Forest, just like the Empress announced the passing of Archmage Anthony at that time. With the help of Emilia, it quickly spread throughout the world, but even so, the Empress's and Emilia's in the next moment His face was still pale and his magic power was almost exhausted.

The next moment, like the speed of light, the sound was conveyed to every corner of the world with the blessing of magic. Everyone who heard the news was shocked. They doubted their ears. However, tonight various signs told such a story. fact.

"Lilin, congratulations to your husband."

Although Lilin is now a ninth-level mage, he has used all his magic power to spread his voice further.

"Lin Wen, I have met the new gods."

After the tide receded, the fishing village was rebuilt. Even late at night, the sound of wood banging could still be heard in the village. Lin Wen put down the wooden hammer in his hand and spoke slowly.

"Uncle Lin Wen, what is the new god?" A little girl who had been awakened by the moonlight tugged at the corner of Lin Wen's clothes.

"The new god, the new god is a slime."

Bending down, Lin Wen smiled and scratched the girl's nose.

"Qin Xiao congratulates the teacher."

"Yuelu congratulates the teacher."

"Su Mei, congratulations, Your Excellency."

"Weier, I have met the new god"

For a time, except for those who gritted their teeth after being violently conquered by Fangte, all those who had a hint of admiration for Fangte expressed their congratulations to the new god with their own etiquette.

After becoming a new god, Fangte's perception of the world seems to have reached its extreme. Although it cannot be said that it is all, the blessings of the people he cares about are all received in his ears.

Fang Te nodded lightly and bowed with the etiquette of Dongxia Kingdom to express his gratitude.

This is a very strange feeling. Although everyone did not see Fang Te's salute, they all knew that Fang Te saluted them at the same time.

He withdrew his gaze and straightened up. The cold wind from high above touched the hem of his clothes. Fangte realized that the "system" in his body had disappeared. He raised his head and looked at the unreachable night sky. He took the next step. This step reached directly to the sky. Ten thousand meters, I don’t know where I’m going.

In the unknown depth of tens of thousands of meters in the sky, Fangte stepped into the realm of the divine species.

In this realm, there is no sun, but it is extremely bright. There is no end of the water source that cannot be seen, but the clear stream flows slowly among the clouds. Countless mountains are surrounded by misty clouds, connected by rainbows as bridges. Every mountain, here! It seems like another world! A world that only the superior can reach!

"I didn't expect that the world would choose a new god in this century, and it was a slime."

Above the bright and misty clouds, there were more than a dozen divine thrones, each with a god sitting on the throne. Iros held his crystal chin and looked at him with interest.

"Isn't this great? Slime, it's so cute." A cute little loli knelt on the throne, her eyes shining, "Hey, you can look like a slime. ?"

"Oh, don't make trouble, this is our new member." The most beautiful Ajiya said with a smile, her long silver hair draped down her shoulders, her beautiful face revealed incomparable innocence, but her pair of light silver-white Her eyes revealed incomparable charm and amorous feelings.

This is the first time that Fang Te has seen the true face of Ajiya. When he sees her, the first thing that Fang Te thinks of is the Empress and Emilia. No wonder this kind of woman combines innocence and charm so perfectly. It can be called "the most beautiful"!

"I said! Newcomer, this little girl Ajia has already told you what we are going to do. How about it? What is your choice? Now that you are a god, if you want to refuse, we will also I can’t force you, but I don’t know what the world will become.”

A burly man left the throne. Judging from the man's animal-like appearance, Fangte guessed his identity.

And indeed, as he said, Ajiya told Fang Te why the divine species had disappeared for six centuries, why the divine species appeared again at this time, and what exactly the divine species was going to do.

Just as the empress said, everything is just boring. Being the highest god species is boring!

At the beginning of the century, the will of the world created a species of gods! However, as the highest ones, they were too boring, so in the first century! Akiya first created the Phantasma species on a whim.

The other gods found it interesting after seeing it, and each created their own race according to their own interests!

At this time, the world finally became more and more lively. However, when the creation of all races was completed and the human species evolved from primates to the human species, as the supreme beings, they had nothing to do. .boring again.

So, one day, I don’t know who made a suggestion. As soon as this suggestion was made, it was adopted by all the gods! They did something "interesting (crazy)", and it finally came to fruition in the seventh century.

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