Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 285 Too boring

"Everyone, what do you think of my proposal? Isn't it interesting?"

In the God's Domain, a little lolita named Pusius who brought fire and hope to the human race said with a smile, stepping on the white clouds with her bare feet and spinning around a few times happily.

"Psius, who said you would pool our divine power to awaken the world and choose a new god?"

Ajiya knocked on her slender legs, with small bells hanging on her crystal-white ankles.

"Yes, Sister Aijia, look, now that we are here, all races are obeying our orders. How boring this is. But, if we tell the races of the world, as long as someone unifies the world, Then he can become the new god of the world, wouldn’t this world be interesting?”

"It is indeed very interesting." Poseidon, the creator of the sea-dwelling species, scratched his chin, "But waking up the world will consume most of our divine power, and it will take a long, long time."

"Actually, I think this is better. During the period when we disappeared, the races in the world changed from generation to generation, and other races had less and less impressions of us, so our influence on them became smaller and smaller. They Wouldn't it be more interesting to be able to do it by one's own will?" Arthas, the creator of the demon species, said, and Hades also nodded.

"Yes, yes, wait until we wake up the world, and then let the world choose a lucky person, and then let this lucky person conquer the world. If the lucky person dies accidentally, then he will die. The world can Find the next one, the last one...the last one."

Pusius's eyes shone, and he was very excited about his idea.

"Finally, until this lucky guy is about to succeed! Let's 'swipe' him again! Isn't this interesting?"

"No, no, it's not interesting enough." The spirit race, whose whole body was on fire, said with a smile, "It would be too boring if it was just like this. I think, when we revive again, we will lead our respective races to fight against each other, of course. , Pusius, the lucky guy you mentioned will also participate! Wouldn’t it be more interesting?”

"Hey, yes, yes, this seems more interesting. Will one of us win, or will the lucky one who becomes the new god win? This is really exciting." Creation of the Forest Elf Zhejiela said with a smile.

"Huh? But Hades and I haven't created a race yet. How are we going to play?" Vulcan looked troubled.

"Oh, what's the point? Why don't you just create it now? But what do you like?"

"Yes, God of Hell, what do you like?"

"Haha, I think it's troublesome to deal with intelligent races. Just create a few undead."

"Well, me too, I'm too tired of creating intelligent races, so I might as well create some Warcraft."

"Huh? Warcraft? It's quite interesting. Count me in."

"Hahaha! If that's the case! Let's do it early! I can't wait to see who the lucky guy is!"

The beginning of the century! Because of Pusius's small suggestion, all the gods disappeared overnight. Before disappearing, a canyon was filled with undead overnight, and this canyon was called the Canyon of the Dead by later generations!

In addition, many unintelligent creatures have appeared in places with abundant magic power all over the world. They are powerful but have no intelligence. People call these creatures Warcraft!

After this night, except for the unintelligent monsters and the undead in the Canyon of the Dead, all intelligent races, including the human race that believes in Pusius, received the revelation:

When the red comet arrives! The selection of the new world god begins! At the same time, it is also the beginning of chaos!

In the second century when the divine species disappeared, the will of the world awakened. Under the common influence of the divine species, the will of the world began to reside in the bodies of new wisdom species one after another. However, these new wisdom species all failed.

These losers will be destroyed in spirit and form, and all traces of their existence and the world will be erased from the world! But! Except one! That is the mechanical species!

The Mechanical Species was created by a host from the first few generations of the world. In order to conquer the world, he created the Mechanical Species. However, it failed in the end. The world also wanted to remove his traces, but the Mechanical Species held too many races. The species has become part of the world! Cannot be erased!

In the end, in order to make corrections, the world modified the data of the mechanical species. Their impression of their masters completely disappeared, and they began to isolate themselves. This was the country within the turbulent network - the country of gears.

In order to ensure that she could truly wake up in the seventh century, Ajia planted her own God's Favorite and left a small part of her power in the world.

There is not just one favored one by God, there is another one! And this person is the legendary empress in the world!

"Originally, I wanted to place my trust in Li'er, but who knew that Li'er grew up too fast, was too stubborn, and most importantly, too dedicated to you, and ultimately refused to help me."

On the throne, Ajiya said to Fangte with a smile.

"And even if that little girl didn't help me, she actually sealed me in the Twilight Continent when I was extremely weak at the time. I was really angry at that time."

"But luckily you met Leah and finally got her help." Fangte said calmly. Even if he knew everything, he was not too surprised. After all, as a god, he has a special understanding of the world. Detection, for many things, he felt that he could know 40 to 50%, but he could not completely detect it.

"Well, yes, yes, Leah is still cute, not like that stingy fox!" Ajiya pouted, looking a little resentful.

"Then God of Hades must like Miss Agia, otherwise how could Emilia have the ability to command the undead."

"Hahaha, boy, you are right. I do like Ajiya, so when I created the undead, I asked Ajiya to create it together on a whim, and also gave the undead a little recognition of her. Naturally, as a favored one by the gods, That little girl can also be recognized by the undead."

Pluto said without any secret that he liked Ajia. Fangte didn't know what kind of love it was. It didn't look like the kind of love between a man and a woman, but it was none of Fangte's business.

"How about it? My lovely Slime God, do you want to play this game we have been preparing for centuries? It's very interesting." Iros said with a smile.

"Of course we have to play this war game, but if we just play it like this, it would be too boring, wouldn't it?"

Glancing at the throne, Fangte tilted his head and smiled.

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