Tens of thousands of meters above the world, there is a floating land. On this continent that is not inferior to the Endless Land, a slime steps through the void and directly steps outside the capital of the floating land!

At this time, Fangte no longer maintained his human form, but his original posture.

"It's time to come."

The magic released by Fang Te rippled throughout the capital. A moment later, under the leadership of a six-winged black angel, a total of more than 3,000 angel species arrived outside the capital, waving their wings and appearing in a condescending manner. In front of Fangte.

"Slime? Are you?!"

Lucifer stared at Fangte. In his opinion, Fangte had not appeared for such a long time, so he must have died! But now, he actually appeared in front of him.

"I don't like talking with my head raised, because it's really tiring." After saying that, Fangte yawned, turned into a kilometer-long small tentacle, and waved at the more than 3,000 angel species in the air. .

In an instant, the three thousand angels in the sky felt a huge pressure. Their wings were extremely heavy, and all the magic on the wings flowed extremely unsmoothly. Even the Seraphim Lucifer found it difficult to keep flying. !

"Come down."

Fang Te waved his small tentacle again, and a stream of power from the superior poured down like an invisible sea of ​​clouds.

"Dong dong dong dong!"

Three thousand angels were pressed to the ground one after another by the pressure, creating huge pits one after another outside the city! Half of the floating continent was shaking.

"You are very strong, even stronger than the master!"

Fangte relieved the pressure, and the three thousand angels slowly stood up.

"I'm very happy to be praised by the first angel." Fangte looked at the cold woman with a smile.

Like Li'er, as a seraph she is also a legendary archmage.

"Your Excellency has not shown up for many months. When you show up, are you going to fight to the death with the angels?" Lucifer stared at Fangte with his dark eyes.

"What Miss Lucifer said is good, but it is not accurate. First of all, I did come to cause trouble for the angels. However, I did not come to fight to the death. After all, with you and these three thousand angels, this There shouldn’t be much suspense in this battle.”

Lucifer bit his lip lightly and looked at Fang Te. Although he was very reluctant, what he said was right.

Twelve superior angels! Eight fallen angels! Two thousand four-winged angels, and the rest total 30,000 angels! But! After several months of chaos in the world, how many living angels are left? In addition, how many angels are left in the floating continent, plus the angels who are fighting outside under the orders of Iros?

Now, three thousand angels are already the maximum strength of the floating continent.

The other party is the highest god in the world, and his divine power is extremely abundant. Compared with Iros who was at his peak at the beginning of the century, he is probably even better than Iros! He is the only upper angel, relying on his own strength! The end has indeed been decided.

"Your Excellency! What do you want?" Lucifer said calmly. In her opinion, since the other party has not made a move yet, there is still room for negotiation! If it doesn't work, let's fight to the death.

"It's simple. I need you to fall asleep with two thousand angels."

"Your Excellency is too much"

Before Lucifer finished speaking, he felt a huge pressure spreading around this slime!

Although Lucifer frantically mobilized the magic in his body to break through the restraint, it was to no avail.

Fang Te slowly walked towards himself who couldn't move. At this moment, Lucifer truly realized it! The strength of this new god not only exceeds that of his master at his peak, but also reaches a far higher level!

Lucifer looked into his eyes, as if! What she saw was a world!

In front of Lucifer, Fangte took out the angel seed flag.

Looking at the angel seed carved on the flag, Lucifer's eyes were stunned for a moment, and then! This chess piece exuded a dazzling light, and Lucifer also felt an inexplicable familiarity!


After saying that, Fangte's tentacles turned into Lucifer's chest and pierced her heart!

The tentacle penetrated from Lucifer's back, and then penetrated the chest of a four-winged angel behind her.

Like a string of music, Fangte's tentacles continued to extend and twist, passing through the chests of every angel. It was not until the chest of the 2,000th angel was pierced that Fangte withdrew his tentacles.

The angel of death immediately fell. Under the tug of the angelic chess pieces, two thousand angels, including Lucifer, turned into thousands of light spots and were sucked into the chess pieces!

"Thanks for the help."

Like a demon, Fangte saluted the thousand "surviving" angels to express his gratitude.

Fangte had already unlocked their immobilizing magic, but the "surviving" angels were all shocked after seeing the scene just now, and the slime in front of them actually expressed their gratitude without changing their expression.

Turning around, no angel dared to stop Fang Te. Just like that, as light as when he came, he went as light as he left. Fang Te seemed to just wander around the floating land and then left.

"Hurry and report to my lord!"

An angel came back to his senses in fear and shock and said loudly.

Fangte once again took out ten chess pieces in the void. Now, the angel seed chess pieces were full. Except for the last god seed chess piece, Fang Te had made all the preparations.

"Looks like there's still some spare time."

Closing his eyes and looking at his own situation, Fang Te said to himself.

Looking at the direction from outside the void, Fangte saw the continent with only dusk and night from the endless void.

"Go there and have a look."

Thinking of a girl who was obviously a succubus, but was so innocent, Fangte couldn't help but smile and strode towards the Twilight Continent.

Meanwhile, the Ella Empire.

After the battle of Longka, the defense line of the Ella Empire shrank again and again, and several battles were fought back and forth with the forest elves. However, after the news of the demise of the Dongxia Empire came, the morale of the Ella Empire was once very low. low! Almost on the verge of collapse.

Until now, the Ella Empire has only the last line of defense left - Ella City!

There is a defensive formation that has been continuously repaired since the founding of Ella City. Ella City has blocked the attacks of the forest elves again and again. However, this is not a long-term solution. One day, the defensive formation will not be able to hold on. And this day will not last long.

In the palace of Ella City, a woman wearing a crown sat in the courtyard, quietly looking at the bottomless sky. In front of the girl, there was a handful of magic weapons engraved on her body. Black dagger.

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