The Twilight Continent is not large in area, but when the world is at war, the intensity of the battlefield is definitely not inferior to other places in the world.

As the creator of the demon race, Arthas, like other gods, is just a boss. Except for occasionally going to the battlefield to compete with other gods who also occasionally go to the battlefield, he basically has no time in the Twilight Continent. Appeared.

Except for the specific strategic direction, which is determined by his whim, the rest of the things are taken care of by Su Mei, the leader of the Succubus Tribe!

But over the past few months, various major forces have continued to fight against the Twilight Continent, including attacks by fantasy species, and then a large-scale invasion by sea-dwelling species! Not only that, under Alsace's order, Hachi'er and the others also led troops to attack the country of gears.

In the end, in the various wars between attacking and being attacked, countless demon species closed their eyes forever, and the generals Su Mei was familiar with also fell one after another.

Every evening and night, there were only countless battle situations and death lists in front of her. Watching the generals die one by one, her heart gradually became numb, but even though she was numb, she was still exhausted.

"Ling'er, when will this war end?"

Putting down the pen in her hand and looking out the window, Su Mei's eyes showed fatigue that could not be concealed.

Involuntarily, she thought of the lecherous and perverse slime, and the blueprint of a beautiful world that the slime told her. Although at that time she thought he was just wishful thinking, but deep down in her heart, she But believed him.

But, where is he now?

Did he really perish?

While Mei Cheng was collecting information, Su Mei paid special attention to the information on Fang Te. However, when the Dongxia Kingdom was in danger, she thought he would turn the tide like he did in the Twilight Continent. But even in the end, he Didn't show up either.

"Could it be that the beautiful world you told me about can only exist in fantasy? Will this world always have constant killing? Will there never be peace?"

Su Mei looked out the window absently. The quill ink on the paper stained the paper, leaving a dark ink ball.

"Drink a glass of water, don't tire yourself out."

The teacup was handed over from the corner of the table. Su Mei subconsciously took the teacup and took a sip. Before putting down the teacup, Su Mei's hand holding the teacup was stuck to her lips.

That voice was so unfamiliar, yet so familiar.

Turning his head, the person standing next to him was not Ling'er, but a twenty cubic centimeter slime standing in the corner of the table.

Seeing this familiar green, the girl's eyes flashed involuntarily, and crystal tears rolled in the girl's purple eyes. The teacup slipped from the girl's fingertips and fell on the wooden table, with the remaining tea. After wetting the paper, the girl covered her mouth tightly with her delicate hands, trying not to cry.

"Hey, long time no see."

Fangte said with a smile, as if visiting a friend.

Seeing his smile, the tears in the corners of the girl's eyes finally fell uncontrollably.

"Hey, hey, hey! Why are you crying? I took advantage of my time to finally come and see you. I'm happy."

Before she could finish saying the words "Be happy", Su Mei hugged Fang Te tightly in her arms!

The girl hugged Fangte tightly, her pure face pressed against Fangte's soft body, tears dripped down from the girl's face and splashed on Fangte's body.

Fangte didn't say a word, just letting her tears wet his body.

After a long time, the tears gradually stopped, and the girl slowly released the slime in her arms.

"You must hate us very much." Su Mei put Fang Te on her lap and kept rubbing Fang Te's "armpits" with her delicate hands.

"Why do I hate you? You are created by Alsace and believe in him. Naturally, you need to obey his orders. You cannot refuse this."

Forming small tentacles, Fangte gently stroked her head.

"On the contrary, I am sorry for you. You must feel very painful. After all, you cannot refuse Alsace's order. However, you will not be able to do so in the future. This world war will soon be over."

Fangte's small tentacles collected water droplets and wiped the tears from the corners of the girl's eyes.

Looking at the slime sitting on her lap and treating her tenderly, the girl's heart moved, and she subconsciously lifted Fangte up gently. Before Fangte could react, the girl's soft lips seemed to be about to kiss him.

"Master. Master"

Ling'er gently pushed Su Mei, who was sleeping.

Opening her eyes drowsily, Su Mei looked around the room, but she didn't see the person she wanted to see, and there was a touch of sadness in her eyes.

It turned out to be just a dream.

After coming back to her senses, Su Mei remembered the dream she had just now and her actions in the dream, and a blush flashed across her cheeks.

"Master, I'm sorry. You were sleeping so soundly. Ling'er shouldn't have woken you up. It's just that, Master, some important battle reports have just been sent."

Ling'er looked very remorseful. Her master had worked hard in the past few months and had not had a good rest at all. Finally, his master slept so sweetly just now, with a smile on his lips. It looked like a good dream, but he Went to wake her up.

"It's okay, I've had enough rest." Su Mei smoothed out a strand of hair that was scattered on her face, and gave Ling'er a relieved smile, "Are there any important documents?"

"Well, it came from the Endless Land. Please take a look at it, Master." Ling'er quickly handed the document in her arms to Su Mei.

After taking the document, Su Mei quickly began to read it. Her expression changed from calm at first to shock, and then to the faint joy between her eyebrows.

"He's still alive"

The information in Su Mei's hand records Fangte's return to the world. According to the information from Charming City, he participated in the battle in the Canyon of the Dead, using the sky as the cover, the earth as the bottom, and the clouds as poles to trap three hundred and four-winged angels. , annihilated them with a raised hand, and personally stepped into the floating land. In one fell swoop, he penetrated Lucifer, the first angel including the Archmage, and directly killed two thousand angels!

"He's still alive"

Su Mei muttered to herself absentmindedly

"Master, why did your tea cup spilled? Ling'er can help you clean it."

Ling'er saw the dried tea stains on the table and wanted to wipe them away.

"Yes." Su Mei nodded and moved away, still digesting the information she had just received.

"Master, if you want to drink tea from now on, just let Ling'er come."

While wiping the table, Ling'er said that her master was already very tired, so she could just do this kind of thing by herself.

"Tea? Didn't you pour it, Ling'er?"


Looking at the tea cup, Su Mei's eyes swayed slightly. In the night, a figure walked farther and farther away.

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