Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 301 Outside the City

Outside Ella City, after continuous battles, the Ella Empire was retreating steadily. The forest elves had already arrived at the city and surrounded the city of Ella.

During this period of time, the forest elves continued to attack the city. Countless magic circles appeared around the city of Ella. The unique destructive spells in the magic circle were continuously released, bombarding the city-protecting magic circle from morning to night!

On the city wall, a woman was wearing a long purple dress, looking at the forest elves that were constantly attacking the city. Even if countless explosions and fighting sounds lingered in her ears, her expression was always so calm.

Outside the city of Ella, the same girl in a purple dress stood behind the siege army, looking directly at her on the city wall.

Three days ago, Daphne, the Emperor of Ella, had a meeting with the supreme commander of the elves, Nis Vaile.

In the meeting witnessed by both parties, Daphne and Nisweir walked into a tent under the city of Ella that had been isolated by high-level magic. There were only two of them in the tent, and no one knew they were there. What was talked about in it.

But when Daphne came out, she was holding a dagger tightly.

"I deceived you. I killed your two brothers and indirectly killed your father. Your Highness, you are still so calm. It seems you have really grown up."

Looking at her on the city wall, Nisweir said to herself, her expression was dull and she could not see any sadness or joy.

" turns's not you."

On the city wall, Daphne took out the black gold dagger from her sleeve, looked at the tassel mark engraved on the dagger, and remembered the agreement the slime made with her that night. At this moment, the girl understood everything. .

“Really a fool”

I don’t know who I’m scolding, but the corner of the girl’s mouth can’t help but raise.

"Your Majesty, the city defense mage estimates that the city defense formation can withstand it for at most one day. For the continuation of Ella! Please leave Ella City through the secret passage!"

A general came over and persuaded her that as long as Daphne was still alive, Ella would have a chance to be resurrected even if the city was destroyed.

"No need."

"His Majesty!"

"Old General." Daphne put the dagger into her sleeve and turned to look at him, "Now the world is in chaos. Even if I can escape from Ella City, where can I escape to?"

"Gear Country? Odeya? We haven't heard from the outside world for a long time. Who knows the current situation of Gear Country and Odeya?"

"But your Majesty!"

"Nothing is wrong!" Daphne said sternly. As an emperor, she had been trained by Su Qin and baptized by several months of war! In her body, the aura of overlord has already overflowed, "The emperors of Ella have never escaped on the battlefield! No matter before! Or now!"

"Your Majesty!"

The old general remained loyal to the royal family for three dynasties! He also watched Daphne and the two princes grow up. Now the only royal bloodline left is Daphne. He really doesn't want to see Ella's royal bloodline cut off like this!

Just when the old general tried to persuade him again and again, the city suddenly stopped attacking, and the elf mages in the sky outside the city also evacuated towards the city.

Daphne and the old general looked at everything happening outside the city at the same time, their eyes narrowed involuntarily, especially the old general, whose expression became more and more solemn!

"After all, I'm here anyway."

Nisweir shook her head and looked at the sky where the sun was obscured by floating clouds.

next moment! All the grass plants outside the city of Ella are like children who have not seen their mother for many years, shaking their bodies with joy! There is no wind, but the woods behind Nisweil are rustling, as if they are using their own unique dance to welcome the most important person in their hearts.

The green wooden elements kept gathering, joyful, and dancing. When everything became quiet, a woman appeared in the sky in the middle of the city outside Ella.

The woman was wearing a short green dress, without shoes, and a pair of white, slender legs and crystal feet were exposed. The breeze blew by, gently blowing the hem of the woman's skirt, and her waist-length green hair was dancing in the air. .

"Forest elf! See my lord!"

Led by Nisweir, all the elves knelt down on one knee to pay homage to the god who created them - Zyra.

Zyra, the spirit species, looked at the forest elves who died outside the city of Ella due to the siege, and then looked at Daphne on the city wall.

"It's so slow. Why hasn't the fight here been finished yet?"

Zyra's tone was a little lazy and casual, but this question made all the elves break out in cold sweat.

"My lord, the city protection barrier of the Ella Imperial Capital has a long history! It has also been perfected and improved by mages of all generations. Wei'er is incompetent, so please punish me, my lord!"

Nisweir said that even though she was facing the god who created the forest elves, she didn't have the slightest fear.

"Forget about the punishment. There are not many forest elves in the first place. If you can save one, just save one."

Zyra said with a smile, but her indifferent tone made others feel chilly.

Turning around to face Ella City, his green eyes flashed with elegant green fluorescence: "Yeah, yeah, not bad. The human species is really amazing. It is obviously evolved from apes, but it can master such advanced magic."

"Now that I'm here, I'll help you."

After saying that, under the gaze of everyone on both sides, Zyra landed on the ground and walked step by step towards the gate of Ella City.

"Stop her!"

The old general came to his senses first and gave the order!

All the mages on the city wall tried their best to release high-level spells, and the warriors used martial arts to continuously pull the bow strings! The spells and arrow feathers all flew towards the same target.

But whether it was the mage or the bowstring, they all turned into nothingness ten meters away from Zyra.

Under the city of Ella, Jie La stretched out her slender hands and gently touched the city-protecting formation, and an invisible force resisted her.

"Hmm, this magic circle is really good, but it's a pity."

Zierra raised her slender legs, straightened her ankles, and kicked her up.


"Your Majesty, be careful!"

A loud noise echoed around the city of Ella! The huge vibrations on the ground caused the city of Ella to shake and become silent. The protective formation of the imperial capital of Ella was under such a kick! Completely destroyed.

"Okay, we can attack today."

Turning around, Zyra tilted her head slightly, smiled at Nisweir in the distance and said

Biting her lip lightly, Nisweir clenched her fists and loosened her fists slightly. Finally, she could only give the order: "Elves! Capture Ella!"

"Pass my final order to all the soldiers of the Ella Empire! Destroy the forest elves!"

The old general raised his head, looked at Daphne's determined eyes, and finally gave up the persuasion:


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