Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 303 Confession

"There is no need to deal with the corpses outside Ella City. They will wake up soon."

In the courtyard of the Royal Palace of Ella, Fangte and Daphne were sitting in the pavilion, looking at the black gold dagger placed in front of her. Fangte's eyes were calm, and it was hard to tell what he was thinking. .

Fangte took out a bottle of bright red wine and a transparent glass goblet from his empty pocket.

"Try it, it's quite delicious." Fang Te filled the bottom of the glass with wine and gently placed it in front of Daphne.

Taking the glass, Daphne took a sip and said lightly:

"I know you won't kill innocent people at will."

"Are you innocent?" Fangte raised his head and couldn't help but smile. What could be seen in his eyes was an infinite mockery of the world, "Who in this world is truly innocent?"

With her head lowered, she did not continue Fang Te's topic: "You did not kill my brother, and my father did not die because of you."

Looking at Daphne, Fangte was a little surprised. He didn't expect that she would know the truth. It seemed that Niceweir had told her everything.

"It's true that I didn't kill your brother. However, your father could have lived a few more years, but the defeat in the human-animal war made him so angry that his deadline came a few years earlier. Therefore, your father can be regarded as my indirect Killed."

Biting her lips tightly, taking a deep breath, her teeth slowly loosened, leaving bite marks on her soft red lips: "Do you have to hold everything on yourself?"

"How could it be? If you take everything on yourself, wouldn't you be exhausted?" Fangte said with a relaxed smile. In fact, there was one sentence he didn't say, and that was:

"Everyone basically left, and he was the only one left. He had to carry it."

Regarding Fangte's pretense of being relaxed, as a woman, Daphne's sixth sense told him that there was something he hadn't told her, but she didn't ask.

"This war is coming to an end, and I have something to give you this time."

After saying that, Fangte stood up and with a wave of his hand, hundreds of books poured out from Fangte's empty pocket, almost filling half of the courtyard.

"These books are plans for all aspects of the future world, but they are only half. I left the other half in the library of Ainiya in Luoyang, plus the original books in the Ainiya library. After this war is over, , you can cooperate with Rad, the emperor of Odea, to publish and distribute it, emmm." Fangte thought for a moment, "If you have specific requirements, I have already written them in a book, and you can just do it according to the actual situation. ”

"What's this? Are you going to explain your funeral arrangements?" Looking at the books piled up in half of the courtyard, Daphne stood up and looked directly at Fangte with her purple eyes.

"So be it." Fangte didn't hide anything and continued to take out things from his empty pocket.

"This is a soil-breaking shovel. It's very strong and can ignore armor. I gave it to you. Then there are some things I collected from the treasure house of Twilight City. I'm giving them to you now."

"What on earth do you want to do?"

Fangte's series of actions in explaining the aftermath made Daphne extremely uneasy.

"Do you still remember what I told you about the future world?" Fangte said calmly.

"Remember!" Recalling that Fang Te had told her that she would create a world where all races in the world could live in harmony, Daphne calmed down a little, but remembering that too many people had died in this world war, Daphne Holding the hem of her skirt tightly, her expression looked lonely, "But, is such a world really possible?"

"Yeah, it will happen."

As if comforting a little girl, Fangte subconsciously touched the top of Daphne's head.

When Fang Te touched her head, Daphne, who was already an emperor, was startled and her face flushed with shame, but she did not refuse at all.

"However, it is a pity that there are no gods in that world."

"There is no divine species"

"Yes, there is no divine race. Although the divine race has created various races, the divine race is too powerful. It is so powerful that it stands on the same level as the will of the world! As long as the superior divine race does not disappear for one day, this It is impossible for the world to be truly free! This world will be subject to endless constraints, and it will be impossible for all races to live together happily! Therefore! In the future world, this unbalanced factor must disappear, and In the world to come, there will be no need for gods.”

"But the divine species are with the world, how could they disappear!" Daphne retorted. Suddenly, she thought of something, "Wait! Now you are also a divine species! Could it be that you"

Before she finished speaking, Daphne, who was standing in front of Fangte, was holding the table with her hands and supporting her head with her delicate hands. Her vision began to become blurry, and she even had a double image when she looked at Fangte.

"Wine this wine"

Looking at the wine on the goblet on the stone table, Daphne realized that Fang Te had just asked her to drink it, and he had not taken any sip.

"Have a good sleep. When you wake up, everything will be over."

Fang Te picked up Daphne who was about to fall to the ground. She fell into Fang Te's arms, her face was red and her eyes were blurred, especially when she weakly grabbed Fang Te's collar and the wine mixed with her. The scent of the fragrance was extremely lethal to men, but Fangte's heart was not shaken at all.

"You can't leave. You can't leave. I haven't killed you yet."

The girl held back her sleepiness, but that glass of wine brought out all the fatigue that the girl had suppressed for several months, and the sleepiness attacked her consciousness like a scourge.

"You're really stubborn. Now that you're like this, you still want to kill me."

Fangte smiled and tapped Daphne's forehead, and a golden light entered Daphne's mind. After a moment, Daphne's hand holding Fangte's collar completely dropped, and the steady breathing sound came from the girl. came out slowly from his nose.

Carrying the girl into the room, Fangte deleted his memory in the girl's mind and modified some unreasonable things. A quarter of an hour later, Fangte walked out of the room and asked the maid not to disturb Princess Daphne. rest.

A moment later, Fangte appeared at the residence of some old mage men in the palace with a bottle of wine. The residence of the cuckold mage and his friends was already empty, replaced by rows of spiritual tablets.

The word "Anthony" is written on the front of the spiritual tablet, and next to Master Anthony are the cuckolds.

After breaking the cork, Fang Te slowly fell to the ground and bowed deeply. He didn't get up for a long time.

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