Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 304 Undersea Palace

The Mibi Sea is the largest sea area in the world. Since the number of sea-dwelling species is extremely large, even more than human species, under the command of the god Poseidon, the sea-dwelling species continue to attack the land! However, due to the fierce resistance on land, and the fact that other races always join the battlefield midway and turn into chaotic battles, the sea-dwelling species' attack on land has little effect.

However, Poseidon never tired of it. It seemed that for Poseidon, he didn't really want to capture anything at all. He just felt it was fun to see the world in chaos.

"Hahaha, it's interesting. That simple-minded guy Cross was the first to be eliminated. I guessed it right, Pusius."

In an undersea palace deep in the dense sea, a little shota sat on the throne of the sea-dwelling species. Next to him was a little lolita who stole fire for the human species, named Pusius.

"What's the point? That guy Cross knows how to enjoy the war, so what if he loses? Anyway, even if the god species is 'dead', the divinity is still there, and he will live again after a few centuries, as long as he only needs He just has fun."

Pusius held up his chin and took a small sip of the most precious famous wine of Hai Qizhong, but he spit it out immediately, stretched out his little tongue and kept fanning the wind: "It tastes so bad, what do you think the world is?" The most expensive wine, how could anyone like to drink such a ghost thing?"

Poseidon raised his glass and took a sip, then smashed it into his mouth and said, "Does it taste bad? It tastes good."

Psius rolled his eyes at him, not wanting to discuss this issue with him, and continued: "Poseidon, don't you find it strange?"

"What's weird, is that a slime?"

"Yes, yes, you see, even though we proposed World War, wasn't that slime very interested? He even added a stake specifically, but you see, since the World War started, then The slime just disappeared. Although I have also detected it, he is considered a spiritual species after all. When he wants to hide, who can find him?"

Pusius stuck out his little tongue and ordered some red wine, which seemed to be a little bit delicious.

"And just some time ago, that slime suddenly appeared. I just know that he passed by many battlefields, but I don't know what he did." Pusius pouted and sat on a tall shell. , A pair of little feet are curled up.

"Why don't you know? Didn't he show up in the Canyon of the Dead and save the human species in Odea? He also went to the floating land to wipe out two thousand of the remaining angel species in Ilos. He also went there recently Ella, one drop of blood wiped out a total of 350,000 humans and elves, which is so domineering." Poseidon waved his hand indifferently, "Because of Fangte's destruction of the angel species, Elos is still in the God's Domain. She was furious, saying that that guy was looking down on her, and if he wanted to destroy her, he should just destroy her, and what did he mean by leaving her with a thousand dollars, and he wanted to settle the score with him."

"No, no, Poseidon, you big idiot! Are you stupid?"

Pusius jumped off the shell and walked to Pusius's side, stretched out his short hand and knocked Pusius on the head.

"I'm talking about the time that slime went to those battlefields before it appeared. And aren't you surprised? Why did he go to the floating land after rescuing the human race in Odea? What about the two thousand angels who were killed?"

"Just to make Elos angry."

"Ahhhh, you idiot." Psius wanted to hit Poseidon on the head, but he dodged it. "Do you think everyone is like you? And he clearly knows that in the Ella Empire You only need to destroy the forest elves, but you have wiped out the human species loyal to your Ella Empire. Do you really not feel anything?"

"Huh? It's true when you say that, and that guy Zyra returned to God's Realm with a happy face after being defeated, just like what humans call 'sickness'. I asked her what happened, and she Don’t tell me, tell me, it’s not really Sichun.”

"Sichun, you are a big-headed ghost."

Puseus raised his short white legs and kicked him up. Poseidon did not avoid the pain and jumped up while covering his knees.

Pusius put his legs together and stood in his position angrily: "That slime is balancing his strength. He doesn't want any of us to win, even! He doesn't want himself to win!"

"Then what's the benefit of doing this? How can a game be fun without winning or losing?" Poseidon sat on the ground and rubbed his knees.

"The protagonists of this game are originally the races of the world, and our help to those races is only a supporting role. Poseidon, you said, if no one wins this game, all races in the world will lose their fighting capacity. , can no longer fight, then, how to determine the winner of this game?"

"How to determine the outcome?" Poseidon thought for a while and said, "If all the races in the world lose their fighting capacity, the only way to determine the outcome is to fight among ourselves. Who will win? In the end, who will win? But if we fight each other, even though our strength is not half of what it was before, the world should be penetrated by us."

"Well, that's right. We gods will fight each other directly. Whoever wins will win. The collision of our divine powers will most likely penetrate the world! I think this is what he wants to do, but this is not what he wants. The ultimate goal." Pusius held his chin and muttered to himself in a daze, "Then what is his ultimate goal?"

"Okay, okay, don't think about that. Anyway, Iros and Ajia are all out now. Now only my sea-dwelling species and the human species who believe in you are left. Arthas's demon species are still there. There are some left, but I heard that the demon species are about to be wiped out by my sea-dwelling species, and so are the mechanical species. You see, my sea-dwelling species must be powerful."

"Tch, you just have more people."

"No, no, no, the human race has a saying that goes well. It's called 'Unity is strength.'" Pusius said proudly, "Whenever your human race will fight with me, you will definitely lose." That’s it.”

"Hmph!" With a slight snort, Pusius jumped off the throne, "I won't talk to you idiot anymore. I'll leave first. If you want to fight, go to Moxi to fight. I want to see the shrimp soldiers and crab generals under your hands. How awesome is it?”

After that, Pusius walked straight out of the palace and stepped into the void.

"Of course I'm great."

Poseidon stood up and looked outside the palace, thinking of everything the slime had done these days...

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