Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 306 Declaration of War

Above the Kingdom of Gears, no one knew what was happening in the sky. Even the paladins, priests and priests who believed in Pusius did not know that the species of gods they believed in had left this battlefield.

Transforming into a human form, Fangte descended from the sky and walked on the battlefield filled with the smell of blood and the sound of fighting.

"For my lord!"

A sea-dwelling species with fins on its elbows saw Fang Te and stabbed Fang Te with a trident.

The peak of the trident was about to penetrate Fang Te's head, but it stopped just an inch away from Fang Te's head. He could not move forward one step further. He felt something was wrong. He wanted to let go of the spear and escape, but But nothing can be done.

"There is a mage here!" Sea-dwelling species shouted. After hearing this, several other sea-dwelling species immediately pushed away the people they were fighting, and all raised their spears to stab Fangte. After all, the mage and priest were dealt with first on the battlefield. is accepted behavior.

However, the results of those sea-dwelling species that stabbed Fangte were the same as the first companion, unable to pierce or escape.

"For your master?"

Fangte glanced at the unable to move sea dweller beside him.

Seeing Fangte's eyes, it was just a slight glance, but they felt fear from their souls to their bodies. This kind of fear was something they had never felt before. It was not only the pressure of high-ranking people on low-ranking people, but also the pressure of high-ranking people on low-ranking people. A mind and will are like a world.

"My Lord Poseidon will definitely win the final victory." A sea-dwelling species swallowed his saliva and wanted to shout hysterically, but in fact he said it with a trembling voice.

"Victory?" Raising his head, Fangte looked at the bottomless sky and couldn't help but smile, "This victory will not belong to any species of gods!"

Having said that, the magical elements in the Kingdom of Gears, which are thousands of miles around, are quickly converging on Fangte as if they are being pulled by a black hole. The pressure on the surrounding elements is getting heavier and heavier. Except for Fangte, the movements of all intelligent species are getting heavier and heavier. The next moment, all the intelligent species felt an extremely powerful force field pressing on themselves.

No matter which race they were from, they all knelt down under this huge force field.

In the distance, Ci Ke, Hong Ji and Hong Queen were supporting each other and kneeling on the ground. The gears on their bodies began to jam, the data began to become disordered, and the magic engraved gears in their eyes shrank rapidly!

Zike raised his head with difficulty and looked at the unclear human species in the distance. For some reason, he felt familiar.

"Have a good sleep. After these few months, everyone is tired."

After saying that, Fangte put his hands in his trouser pockets, looked at where Cike and the others were, and walked forward step by step as if taking a walk after a meal.

With every step he takes, all the elements condensed around Fangte explode in part! This part of the element bloomed in a horizontal line in the shape of ripples. Every time it bloomed, the wisdom seeds affected by the ripples fell down one after another and stopped breathing without any pain.

One step, two steps, three steps, the ripples blooming every step became bigger and bigger, until Fangte walked in front of Cike, the ripples had spread to the entire battlefield.

The magic crystal in Zi Ke's body has been broken, and the blue liquid seeps out of the skin. His eyes have stopped running. All he can see is darkness. Hong Ji and Hong Queen beside him have already left and stopped. All signs of operation.

"Who are you?" Feeling him walking in front of her, Cike weakly raised his head and "looked" at him in front of him.

"Who else could it be? Just a slime." Looking at the dying Zike, Fangte said happily, as if the indiscriminate killing just now was not his fault.

"It turns out it's your boy." Hearing the familiar voice, Cike breathed a sigh of relief and lay on the ground with a smile on his face.

"Hey, hey, hey, you should at least scold me. After all, I attack indiscriminately. You will be killed by me." Looking at Cike's appearance, Fang Te smiled and scolded, touching his toes lightly. Holding Ci Ke's shoulder.

"Ahem, why are you scolding me? Although I don't know what you are going to do, but since it is what you want to do, there must be your reason." Cike took out a cigarette from his pocket and put it to his mouth. , the other hand should keep touching the lighter on himself.

Fangte leaned down, sat next to him, and gently lit a cigarette for him.

White smoke rings slowly floated out from Cike's mouth and gradually dispersed in the air.

"How is it? Have you found a way to realize the world you mentioned?"

Fang Te sat on the ground with his hands on the ground, looking sideways at his old friend: "Well, I found it."

"Really? It's great if you find it."

Zike's voice became weaker and weaker, and was mixed with the noise of electricity.

"The world in the future will be beautiful."

"Well, it will be beautiful."

"There will be no more wars in the future."

"Well, this is the last war in the world."

"Really? That would be great."

"Yeah, it's all over, great."

"Then I can rest."

The cigarette slowly slipped from Cike's mouth and landed on the blood-stained ground. The ash was scattered on his shoulders and the ground, floating in dots.


The cigarette burned with sparks, bit by bit, until it burned to the end and no one picked it up.

On the battlefield, a man sat silently on the ground, just raising his head and looking at the sky in the distance. No one spoke to him anymore until the cigarette flame was finally extinguished.

"Have a good sleep and leave it to me."

Standing up, Fang Te looked in one direction of Twilight Continent. After a long time, Fang Te withdrew his gaze, and the next moment, a silver-haired girl appeared next to Fang Te.

"Wow, they are all dead." The girl looked at the hundreds of thousands of corpses lying on the battlefield in surprise.

"Well, they're all dead, where are you?"

"Huh huh huh! I, Ajiya, am very reliable in doing things. After I got involved, both the sea-dwelling species and the demon species were also eliminated. So far, all the forces loyal to the divine species in the world have lost their fighting capacity. Oh." Ajiya looked at Fangte beside her, "Hey, what are you going to do next?"

"Don't you know what to do?"

Fang Te slowly stood up and patted the bloody soil on his body.

"No, it's always your own guess. No matter what, you have to get the answer right. I want you to say it yourself."

"Okay, I'll just say it again."

Looking up at the sky, Fangte scattered ten chess pieces into the sky at the same time. Ten chess pieces were gathered together, and a beam of light was released from the chess pieces! Through the sky! Above the endless sky, at the end of the light pillar, the divine realm appears.

"Slime Font! Declare war on all gods!"

Fangte's voice was not loud, but it scattered all the clouds in the world and spread to every corner of the world.

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